How Long Does it Take for a Chemical Engineer to Find a Job?

In summary, the speaker is a recent chemical engineering graduate from a university in Belgium. They have been struggling to find a job in the field, despite applying to various industries and going through multiple interviews. They are considering settling for an interim job in a factory, but are also seeking advice on how long it typically takes for a new engineer to find employment. The speaker is also concerned about being a young leader in a field where most workers are older. The advice given is to keep trying, utilize different job search methods, and continue developing skills. Settling for an interim job may be an option, but it could also hinder the job search process.
  • #1
So I just graduated as chemical engineer. I'm in Belgium, chinese, 65%, Leuven university in 5 years.

I'm thinking to go process engineering in a chemical plant, but have also tried to get into banks like Fortis, ING. I have tried pharmaceuticals, refinery, food industry. But I've been doing interviews for 4 months already and still can't get a contract. I always get to hear that they search people with more expertise and better communication skills.

Any coaching advice or little stories are very much appreciated. How long does it take for a normal starter engineer to get a job? Should I just settle with an interim job as worker in a factory? The problem here is that when you work, you can't do interviews...

PS: It's frightening that you have to become a leader of several operators in shift who are all older than yourself.
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  • #2
I can definitely relate to your situation and it sounds like it has been quite frustrating. It is certainly not unusual for it to take some time to find the right job, especially when you are relatively new to the field. My advice would be to not give up and to keep trying. Have you considered using other methods of job searching such as networking or attending career fairs? Also, don't forget to continue developing your skills and knowledge. You may want to consider taking courses or attending workshops related to your field in order to strengthen your qualifications. As for the communication skills, you might want to look into programs such as Toastmasters or practice interviewing with a friend or family member in order to improve your confidence.In terms of settling for an interim job, that is certainly an option if you need to start making money soon. However, it may be difficult to continue interviewing for jobs while you are working full-time. I would suggest looking into part-time jobs or consulting opportunities to help you stay afloat financially while still allowing you time to search for your dream job. Good luck!
  • #3

I understand the frustration and challenges that come with finding a job in a competitive field like chemical engineering. It can take some time to find the right fit, especially when you are just starting out.

First of all, congratulations on your graduation and your impressive academic background. This will definitely work in your favor in the job market. However, it is important to keep in mind that finding a job is not just about having a degree or technical expertise. Employers also look for soft skills like communication, leadership, and adaptability.

It seems like you have already explored various industries and companies in your job search, which is a good approach. However, it may also be helpful to network and reach out to professionals in your field for advice and potential job opportunities. Don't be afraid to ask for coaching or mentorship from experienced engineers who can offer valuable insights and guidance.

Regarding the time it takes for a normal starter engineer to get a job, it can vary depending on the job market and individual circumstances. Some may find a job right after graduation, while others may take a few months to secure a position. It is important to stay persistent and keep applying for jobs that align with your interests and skills.

In the meantime, if an interim job at a factory is available, it could provide some valuable experience and income while you continue your job search. Just make sure to communicate your availability for interviews to potential employers and try to schedule them outside of your work hours.

Lastly, it is understandable to feel intimidated by the prospect of leading older operators in a shift, but remember that your education and training have prepared you for this role. Don't be afraid to take on the challenge and showcase your skills and knowledge. With hard work and determination, you will be able to excel in your role and grow as a leader.

I wish you all the best in your job search and future career as a chemical engineer. Keep pushing forward and never give up on your goals.

Related to How Long Does it Take for a Chemical Engineer to Find a Job?

1. How do I find job opportunities as an engineer?

As an engineer, there are several ways to find job opportunities. You can start by networking with professionals in your field, attending career fairs, and utilizing online job search engines such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. It's also helpful to reach out to recruitment agencies and join professional organizations related to your field.

2. What skills are most in-demand for engineers?

The most in-demand skills for engineers vary depending on the specific field of engineering. However, some common skills that are highly sought after include problem-solving, critical thinking, project management, and technical expertise in relevant software and tools. Additionally, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability are also important for success in the engineering field.

3. How can I make my resume stand out as an engineer?

To make your resume stand out as an engineer, it's important to highlight your technical skills and experience in your field. Be sure to include any relevant projects, internships, or research experience that showcase your abilities. Additionally, consider obtaining certifications or attending workshops to enhance your skills and make your resume more competitive.

4. What can I expect during the engineering job interview process?

The engineering job interview process typically involves multiple rounds, starting with a phone or video interview, followed by an in-person or virtual interview with the hiring manager or a panel of interviewers. You may also be asked to complete technical assessments or provide examples of your previous work. It's important to prepare by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and showcasing your technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.

5. What are some additional tips for finding a job as an engineer?

In addition to utilizing traditional job search methods, it's important for engineers to stay updated on industry news and trends. Joining professional organizations, attending conferences, and participating in online forums can also help expand your network and provide valuable insights on job opportunities. It's also important to tailor your job search to your specific field of engineering and to be open to opportunities in different industries or locations.

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