How Long Does It Take for an Aluminum Plate to Reach Thermal Steady State?

In summary: To do this, you would use the 3D Fourier's equation and plug in the initial temperature and area of the plate. Then solve for the time.In summary, the plate will reach thermal equilibrium in around 10 minutes.
  • #1
Forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place.

I have a problem dealing with thermal conductivity.

I have an aluminum plate, approx. 12 in/ long, and 1.5 in. x 4 in on the end which is being applied with 200 W. What I'm interested in is how long it will take before the plate reaches a thermal steady state.

I've never done problems in thermodynamics before so I hope I'm using the right terms. I want to know the time it will take for the plate to reach its max temperature. How do I find this? I'm not sure what equations to use. I realize that environmental conditions factor in so it's a somewhat difficult problem but if anyone can lead me in the right direction I would appreciate the help very much.
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  • #2
How much mathematics have you done? Solutions to such a problem require some elementary knowledge of differential equations.
  • #3
Hootenanny said:
How much mathematics have you done? Solutions to such a problem require some elementary knowledge of differential equations.

I have done differential equations. If I knew the equations to use to solve this problem I can handle the math. I just can't find anywhere that tells which ones to use.
  • #4
thistle said:
I have done differential equations. If I knew the equations to use to solve this problem I can handle the math. I just can't find anywhere that tells which ones to use.
Okay, firstly we have Fourier's law which describes that heat flux ([itex]\vec{\phi}[/itex]) through a material of thermal conductivity ([itex]\kappa[/itex]);

[tex]\vec{\phi} = -\kappa\nabla T[/tex]

However, as I'm sure you know there will be some heat flux through the lateral surfaces of the plate. Although not entirely accurate, Newton's law of cooling is the only law I have met which describes that rate of cooling;

[tex]q^\prime = h\cdot A\left(T - T_s\right)[/tex]

Where h is the heat transfer coefficient, A is the area (which in your case will be a function of time while the plate is at a non-uniform temperature), T is the surface temperature and Ts is the ambient temperature.

Perhaps this problem would be better addressed by an Engineer, if one would like to chime in...
  • #5
It's not that simple. You have to say the fluid (air) flow conditions in the room. Moreover, the solution of Fourier's equation is not straightforward unless you have done fair bit of partial differential equations.
  • #6
thistle said:
Forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place.

I have a problem dealing with thermal conductivity.

I have an aluminum plate, approx. 12 in/ long, and 1.5 in. x 4 in on the end which is being applied with 200 W. What I'm interested in is how long it will take before the plate reaches a thermal steady state.

I've never done problems in thermodynamics before so I hope I'm using the right terms. I want to know the time it will take for the plate to reach its max temperature. How do I find this? I'm not sure what equations to use. I realize that environmental conditions factor in so it's a somewhat difficult problem but if anyone can lead me in the right direction I would appreciate the help very much.

Maybe the most easy way will be to run a test and measure the time it takes
to reach steady sate.
But if you wish to solve it, you can start with energy balance on the plate:
E(in) - E(out)=E(stored)
E(conduction) - E(Convection + Radiation)= E(stored)
For conduction use the 3D Fourier's law
For convection use Newton's law of need to estimate H according to your problem's conditions, if H is for natural convection, then it changes as the temperature of the plate changes so you might have solve the problem numerically anyway.
for radiation use the Stepan-Bolzmann law.
and E(stored )= (1/alpha)*d(T)/d(t).
and the solution will be T(X,Y,Z,t).
You can find those equations at any heat transfer book.
  • #7
Your bar has a total 6 sides. The top is receiving heat at a rate of 200 W. Steady state conditions will prevail when the remaining 5 sides are emitting a total of 200 W. In otherwords, the heat flowing in (200 W) equals the heat flowing out. A thermogradient will develop throughout the bar. This represents the basic physics of the problem (Heat Transfer and or Quantity of Heat). The sides exposed to the environment, ie air, will give off heat at the rate in which the air will receive the heat, which depends on the temperature of the surrounding air. The foregoing only addresses heat transfer, leaving radiation and the other heat transfer mechanism out of the problem. (Generally speaking, they are also dependent on the intial temperature or system state.)

Going up a notch mathematically, and using the heat equation, we need initial conditions for the problem to be mathmatically speaking, "well posed". The intital conditions are typically temperatures somewhere in the system.

FAQ: How Long Does It Take for an Aluminum Plate to Reach Thermal Steady State?

1. What is thermal conductivity and why is it important?

Thermal conductivity is the measure of a material's ability to conduct heat. It is important because it determines how quickly heat can be transferred through a material, which is crucial in many industrial and engineering applications.

2. How is thermal conductivity measured?

Thermal conductivity is typically measured using a device called a thermal conductivity meter, which measures the amount of heat flowing through a material over a given time period. The resulting value is then compared to known values of other materials to determine the thermal conductivity.

3. What factors affect thermal conductivity?

Thermal conductivity can be affected by various factors, including the type of material, its density, temperature, and moisture content. Generally, materials with higher densities and lower moisture content have higher thermal conductivity.

4. What is the difference between thermal conductivity and thermal resistance?

Thermal conductivity measures the ability of a material to transfer heat, while thermal resistance measures the material's resistance to heat flow. In other words, thermal conductivity is an intrinsic property of a material, while thermal resistance is a measurement of how a particular material behaves in a specific situation.

5. How does thermal conductivity impact energy efficiency?

The thermal conductivity of building materials can greatly impact the energy efficiency of a home or building. Materials with higher thermal conductivity allow heat to pass through more easily, resulting in higher heating and cooling costs. Choosing materials with lower thermal conductivity can help improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

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