How Long Does It Take for the Cart to Complete One Rotation?

In summary, the conversation discusses a father spinning his child and cart in a circle using a rope, and trying to calculate the time it takes for one rotation. The equations F=ma=m(w^2)r and F=mv^2/r are used, but there is confusion about dividing by r. It is eventually realized that the correct equation is F=mw^2r, which leads to the answer of 4.4 seconds for one rotation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An energetic father places his 20 kg child on a 5.0 kg cart to which a 2.0 m long rope is attached. He then holds the end of the rope and spins the cart and child around in a circle, keeping the rope parallel to the ground. If the tension in the rope is 100 N, how much time does it take for the cart to make one rotation?

Homework Equations

F=ma=m(w^2)r where w is omega then w^2= (2pi/T)^2)= 4 * pi^2/ T^2

since w for one rotation in the circle is equal to 2pi radians/T then F=m * ((2pi/T)^2) * r /r. The r's in the equation cancel and you are left with F= 25 * 4 * pi^2/T^2

So 100T^2=987 T=3.1 seconds but the answer is 4.4 seconds. what am I doing wrong?

The Attempt at a Solution

since w for one rotation in the circle is equal to 2pi radians/T then F=m * ((2pi/T)^2) * r /r. The r's in the equation cancel and you are left with F= 25 * 4 * pi^2/T^2

So 100T^2=987 T=3.1 seconds but the answer is 4.4 seconds. what am I doing wrong?

Thank you kindly for your help.
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  • #2
sona1177 said:
F=ma=m(w^2)r where w is omega then w^2= (2pi/T)^2)= 4 * pi^2/ T^2

since w for one rotation in the circle is equal to 2pi radians/T then F=m * ((2pi/T)^2) * r /r. The r's in the equation cancel ...
Why are you dividing this by r?
  • #3
dulrich said:
Why are you dividing this by r?

Because I was being careless and mixing F=mw^2r with F=mv^2/r and thinking the equation was F=mw^2r/r. Sorry that was an ignorant error on my part. Thanks for asking that question though, it helped me realize that I was mixing the two equations up!
  • #4
No apologies necessary. :smile: I'm glad the nudge worked for you to be able to answer your own question!
  • #5

Hello, it seems that you have correctly applied the equations for rotational motion to solve this problem. However, there may be a discrepancy between the given values and the calculated values, resulting in the incorrect answer. I would suggest double checking your calculations and ensuring that all units are consistent. It may also be helpful to draw a diagram to visualize the situation and make sure all variables are correctly labeled. Additionally, it is always a good idea to check your answer against the given values to make sure it makes sense physically. I hope this helps. Good luck with your homework!

FAQ: How Long Does It Take for the Cart to Complete One Rotation?

1. How do you measure the motion of a cart?

The motion of a cart can be measured by using a motion sensor or a stopwatch. The motion sensor collects data on the position, velocity, and acceleration of the cart, while the stopwatch measures the time it takes for the cart to move from one point to another.

2. What factors affect the motion of a cart?

The motion of a cart can be affected by various factors such as the force applied to it, the mass of the cart, and any external forces like friction or air resistance. The surface the cart is moving on can also impact its motion.

3. How do you calculate the speed of a cart?

The speed of a cart can be calculated by dividing the distance it has traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. This is known as the average speed. The formula for average speed is speed = distance/time.

4. What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed and velocity are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Speed is the rate at which an object is moving, while velocity is the rate at which an object is moving in a specific direction. Velocity takes into account both the speed and direction of motion.

5. How does the motion of a cart relate to Newton's laws of motion?

Newtons's laws of motion explain the relationship between the forces acting on an object and its motion. The motion of a cart can be analyzed using these laws, such as the first law which states that an object will remain at rest or in motion with constant velocity unless acted upon by a net force. The second law relates the force applied to the cart to its acceleration, and the third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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