How Long to Boil Water with Two Thermophores?

In summary, it would take four times as long to boil one liter of water with two thermophores in parallel as it would with one in series.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We are given two identical thermophores. It is known that one of them can boil a liter of water in t = 600 s.
How much time would it take to boil one liter of water if we used two of these thermophores, connected
a) in a series circuit
b) in a parallel circuit
Voltage: 230 V

t = 600 s
U = 230 V
I1 = I2

Homework Equations

W - energy required to boil water

W = UIt

The Attempt at a Solution

a) series circuit

Since the thermophores are in a series, each of them will share the same current, thus:
W = (UI+UI)t = 2UIt => t = 300 s

b) parallel circuit

The thermophores are in a parallel connection, which means that they will share the current, and so each of them will be empowered with the current 0.5I

W = 0.5I U t + 0.5 I u T = UIt => t = 600 s

However, I doubt that this solution is valid.
Could you, please, give me some tips or reference how to tackle this problem?
Thank you very much in advance.
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  • #3
ChessEnthusiast said:

The Attempt at a Solution

a) series circuit

Since the thermophores are in a series, each of them will share the same current
Yes, each thermophore in the series circuit will have the same current. But will that current be the same amount of current as when there was only one thermophore in the circuit?

Likewise in the parallel circuit you will need to consider whether or not each thermophore in the parallel circuit has the same current as in the original circuit with just one thermophore.
  • #4
TSny said:
But will that current be the same amount of current as when there was only one thermophore in the circuit?

These thermophores are identical, and so they have identical resistance, and so if voltage is the same, then the current will also be the same,
  • #5
ChessEnthusiast said:
These thermophores are identical, and so they have identical resistance, and so if voltage is the same, then the current will also be the same,
When the two devices are in series, does each device have a potential difference of 230 V?
  • #6
U1 + U2 = 230 V

U1 = U2

Because the two thermophores are identical, and the Voltage needs to add up
Is that correct?
If so, that would mean that in the series circuit, the Voltage will be
U = 115 V
  • #7
ChessEnthusiast said:
U1 + U2 = 230 V

U1 = U2

Because the two thermophores are identical, and the Voltage needs to add up
Is that correct?
If so, that would mean that in the series circuit, the Voltage will be
U = 115 V
Yes, good. In the series circuit the potential difference across each thermophore will be 115 V.

(Another approach to the problem, which you can use to check your result for the total power, is to replace the two resistances in series by one equivalent resistance and deduce the power for the equivalent resistance.)
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  • #8
But now, I am getting a very unintuitive answer.

Since Useries = 0.5U
W = (U^2 / R) t


W = Useries2 tseries / R

W = (U^2 / 4R) t

t series= 4WR / U^2 = 4 t

Is it possible that time required by these two thermophores is FOUR times bigger than that required by only one?
  • #9
ChessEnthusiast said:
But now, I am getting a very unintuitive answer.

Since Useries = 0.5U
W = (U^2 / R) t


W = Useries2 tseries / R

W = (U^2 / 4R) t
Is this the heat produced by just one of the thermophores in series or is it the total heat produced by both thermophores together?
  • #10
Ohh, right. It is the heat produced by only one thermophore.
The heat produced by both of them will be:
[tex]W = \frac{U^2}{2R} t[/tex]
And so
[tex]t_{series} = 2t[/tex]

Still, am I missing something?
  • #11
ChessEnthusiast said:
Ohh, right. It is the heat produced by only one thermophore.
The heat produced by both of them will be:
[tex]W = \frac{U^2}{2R} t[/tex]
And so
[tex]t_{series} = 2t[/tex]

Still, am I missing something?
That's the right answer for the series case. I don't think you're missing anything.
  • #12
TSny said:
That's the right answer for the series case. I don't think you're missing anything.

Well, I need to say that this answer is pretty unintuitive.
I would never say that two thermophores will require more time to boil water than only one.

That's the beauty of Physics:)
  • #13
ChessEnthusiast said:
Well, I need to say that this answer is pretty unintuitive.
I would never say that two thermophores will require more time to boil water than only one.

That's the beauty of Physics:)

Now you can move to the parallel case. The answer you gave in the first post is incorrect.
  • #14
In the parralel case, the total current:
[tex]I = U(\frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{R}) = \frac{2U}{R}[/tex]
[tex]W = U I t = U^2 \frac{2}{R} t[/tex]

And finally
[tex]t_{parallel} = \frac{t}{2}[/tex]

I feel much better with this answer.
  • #15
Good work!

Related to How Long to Boil Water with Two Thermophores?

1. What is thermophoresis?

Thermophoresis is the movement of particles in a fluid due to a temperature gradient. In simple terms, it is the movement of particles from a hotter region to a cooler region.

2. How does thermophoresis affect boiling water?

In the context of boiling water, thermophoresis can cause particles in the water to move towards the surface, which can create a layer of foam or bubbles on the surface. This can also lead to uneven boiling and affect the efficiency of the boiling process.

3. Can thermophoresis impact the taste or quality of boiled water?

Yes, thermophoresis can affect the taste and quality of boiled water by causing particles to move and accumulate on the surface, which can alter the chemical composition and taste of the water. This is why it is important to properly filter and clean water before boiling it.

4. Are there any other factors that can affect the boiling of water?

Yes, there are several other factors that can affect the boiling of water, including altitude, impurities in the water, and the type of container used for boiling. These factors can impact the boiling point and efficiency of the boiling process.

5. How can the effects of thermophoresis be minimized when boiling water?

To minimize the effects of thermophoresis when boiling water, it is important to use a clean and properly filtered water source, use a clean and appropriate container for boiling, and avoid excessive agitation of the water during the boiling process. Additionally, using a lid on the container can help retain heat and reduce the movement of particles on the surface.
