How Long Would a Photon Perceive Its Journey Across the Universe?

In summary: There is no answer, as a photon has no frame of reference from which to make the question meaningful.
  • #1
Time in the "eye" of a photon

Dumb question...but thought I'd throw it out there.

So, ever since I was a little kid of 6 or so, I loved to look up at the sky. I knew all those stars were just suns. I also knew I was looking back in time, many thousands to millions of years, since all the light from those stars would have taken that long to reach me. For all I knew, everything I see doesn't even exist anymore...but I'd never know it. my question, since time, at the speed of light, moves very very very slowly (or not at all?) relative to the observer...IF you were a photon, how long would it seem to you that your journey from a sun, 1 million light years from Earth, took?
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  • #2
This is a question that comes up here often and the answer is ... there IS no answer because a photon has no frame of reference from which to make the question meaningful.

By the way, with your naked eye you can only see object up to something like 20 or 30 thousand light years away, so you can't see anything millions of years old. That would be outside the Milky Way, which is only 100,000 light years across.

EDIT: Hm ... I think maybe I once saw that the Andromeda Galaxy is sometimes visible to the naked eye and it's something like 4 million LY away, so maybe the statement above was a bit too strong.
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  • #3
The closest thing to a "clock" for a photon is it's frequency, and a fixed number of cycles will occur when a photon moves from one point to another, regardless of the observer's frame of reference. However, a new set of rules would be needed for observations made from a photons frame of reference, as it's not clear what time means to an object that only moves at light speed.
  • #6
phinds said:
EDIT: Hm ... I think maybe I once saw that the Andromeda Galaxy is sometimes visible to the naked eye and it's something like 4 million LY away, so maybe the statement above was a bit too strong.

Andromeda is not "sometimes visible" but rather is easily visible in clear dark skys if you know where to look. You'll see a faint fuzzy patch of light.
  • #7
phinds said:
EDIT: Hm ... I think maybe I once saw that the Andromeda Galaxy is sometimes visible to the naked eye and it's something like 4 million LY away, so maybe the statement above was a bit too strong.

I think I remember reading some claims that in extremely favorable sky conditions it is also possible to see Bode's galaxy at 12 million light-years distance.
  • #8
Oldfart said:
Andromeda is not "sometimes visible" but rather is easily visible in clear dark skys if you know where to look. You'll see a faint fuzzy patch of light.

Thanks for that correction. Clearly, I remembered wrong.
  • #11
TungstenX said:
So, am I to understand that a photon can not be an observer, or have an observer? (

Yes, it is correct to say a photon cannot be an observer, but I don't know what you mean by "have an observer". Every time we see ANYTHING we are observing photons, if that's what you mean.
  • #12
Nope, more like an observer "riding" a photon. Or an observer traveling at the speed of light, theoretically.
  • #14
TungstenX said:
Nope, more like an observer "riding" a photon. Or an observer traveling at the speed of light, theoretically.

Ah, I get it now.

As Dale said, this is not possible. Such a question boils down to "if the laws of physics didn't apply, what would the laws of physics say about ... <anything!>".

Related to How Long Would a Photon Perceive Its Journey Across the Universe?

1. How does time appear to a photon?

According to the theory of relativity, time appears to a photon as frozen or non-existent. This is because a photon travels at the speed of light, which is the maximum speed at which time can pass. Therefore, no time can pass for a photon as it is constantly moving at the speed of light.

2. Can a photon experience time dilation?

No, a photon cannot experience time dilation. This is because time dilation occurs when an object is moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light, but since a photon is already moving at the speed of light, it cannot move any faster and therefore cannot experience time dilation.

3. How does the concept of time apply to a photon?

The concept of time does not fully apply to a photon due to its constant speed of light. However, from an outside perspective, time appears to be dilated for a photon as it travels through space at high speeds.

4. Does time pass for a photon?

No, time does not pass for a photon as it is constantly moving at the speed of light. This is known as timelessness, where no time can pass for objects moving at the speed of light.

5. How does the perception of time change for a photon as it travels through different mediums?

The perception of time for a photon does not change as it travels through different mediums. However, the speed of light does change depending on the medium, so the distance a photon travels may appear to be longer or shorter due to the change in speed. This is known as the phenomenon of refraction.

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