How Many Basic States Exist for Particles in Divided Spaces?

In summary: In other words, it is a specific arrangement of the particles in the room. In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of basic states in a room divided into octants and how the number of basic states increases when the room is doubled. The concept of basic states is important in understanding the behavior of particles in a system.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Four distinguishable particles move freely in a room divided into octants (there are no actual partitions). Let the basic states be given by specifying the octant in which each particle is located.

1. How many basic states are there?
2. The door to this room is opened, allowing the particles to move into an adjacent, identical room, also divided into octants. Now that the amount of space that can be occupied has been doubled, by what factor has the number of basic states increased?

Homework Equations

Ω=M^N ?[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

Honestly, I do not even know how to start this problem. I have read the Mazur chapter 19 Entropy, but I still do not quite understand it.
Physics news on
  • #2
So let us start by understading the question. What would you say that a basic state is?
  • #3
Orodruin said:
So let us start by understading the question. What would you say that a basic state is?
A basic state, also know as Microstate, is amount of distinguishable particles in a system. Whereas the Macrostate is in a larger scale in describing it by its properties, volume, pressure, temperature, etc.
  • #4
Galactium said:
A basic state, also know as Microstate, is amount of distinguishable particles in a system
No, this is not correct. A basic state is a possible configuration that completely describes all the particles in the system.

FAQ: How Many Basic States Exist for Particles in Divided Spaces?

What is the definition of "basic states"?

"Basic states" refer to the fundamental or primary conditions or characteristics that define a system or object.

How do scientists determine the number of basic states?

Scientists use various methods such as observation, experimentation, and mathematical models to identify and quantify the basic states of a system.

Are there a fixed number of basic states or can they vary?

The number of basic states can vary depending on the system being studied. Some systems may have a finite number of basic states, while others may have an infinite number.

What is an example of a system with basic states?

One example of a system with basic states is a chemical compound, which can exist in different states such as solid, liquid, or gas, depending on factors such as temperature and pressure.

How do basic states affect the behavior of a system?

The basic states of a system can greatly influence its behavior and properties. For example, the basic states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) determine how a substance will react to changes in temperature and pressure.
