How Many Critical Numbers Does the Function (3x-x^3)^(1/3) Have?

In summary, critical numbers are values at which a function's derivative is equal to zero or undefined, and they are important in identifying important features of a function. To find critical numbers, the derivative must be set to zero and solved for the variable. There is a difference between local and global extrema, with local extrema being relative and global extrema being absolute. A function can have multiple critical numbers, and they are used in optimization problems to find the maximum or minimum value of a function.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

I'm trying to determine the number of critical numbers for the function (3x-x^3)^(1/3).

Homework Equations

Critical numbers are where the derivative of the function is = 0 or does not exist.

Critical numbers must also exist within the domain of the function.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm getting five critical numbers. Wolfram Alpha, however, disagrees, saying there are only 2 critical numbers. Who's right?^3)^(1/3)+critical+numbers

This is my work:

1/3(3x-x^3)^(-2/3)(3-3x^2) = 0

3 - 3x^2 = 0

x = ±1

If x = 0 that will zero the denominator in the term with the negative root, and f'(x) will subsequently fail to exist.

If x = ±√3 that will zero the overall derivative.

All these points do exist on f(x).
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  • #2
Qube said:

Homework Statement

I'm trying to determine the number of critical numbers for the function (3x-x^3)^(1/3).

Homework Equations

Critical numbers are where the derivative of the function is = 0 or does not exist.

Critical numbers must also exist within the domain of the function.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm getting five critical numbers. Wolfram Alpha, however, disagrees, saying there are only 2 critical numbers. Who's right?^3)^(1/3)+critical+numbers

This is my work:

1/3(3x-x^3)^(-2/3)(3-3x^2) = 0

3 - 3x^2 = 0

x = ±1

If x = 0 that will zero the denominator in the term with the negative root, and f'(x) will subsequently fail to exist.

If x = ±√3 that will zero the overall derivative.

All these points do exist on f(x).

According to your definition (which includes places where f is not differentiable), there should be 4 critical points: x = ± 1, x= 0 and x = -√3; the derivative = 0 at x = ± 1 and the derivative does not exist at x = 0 or x = -√3. You might argue about x = +√3, but in a sense the derivative *does* exist there, but just happens to equal -∞. Anyway, if you look at critical points as possible maximizing or minimizing points, the four I listed do fulfill that criterion, while the last one (x = √3) does not. Just draw a graph and see for yourself.
  • #3
Wait, what other definitions are there?

Also I think existence refers to the derivative being a real number, not infinity.
  • #4
Qube said:
Wait, what other definitions are there?

Also I think existence refers to the derivative being a real number, not infinity.

Some books and papers regard derivatives of +∞ or -∞ as "existing" in the extended real number system. Others do not. So, some books would say that ##x = \pm \sqrt{3}## and ##x=0## are _not_ critical points, because the derivative "exists" but is not zero at those points; that is, ##+\infty## and ##-\infty## are not zero. Other books and papers would say that those ARE critical points because the derivative does not exist there. (I made an error before; I was looking at the wrong function. The derivative really does exist in the extended real number system.) To summarize: for some authors, the number of critical points is 2; for other authors it is 5.

BTW: SOME sources define critical numbers to be those values of f where the derivative vanishes; they do not consider points where the derivative fails to exist as a finite number. Those sources would say there are just two critical points, and there would be no need to get fancy with ##+\infty## or ##-\infty##.

I think is fair to say that you should go with whatever definition your textbook and/or course notes prescribe.
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Related to How Many Critical Numbers Does the Function (3x-x^3)^(1/3) Have?

What are critical numbers and why are they important?

Critical numbers are the values at which a function's derivative is equal to zero or does not exist. They are important because they can help us identify important features of a function, such as local extrema and points of inflection.

How do you find critical numbers?

To find critical numbers, you must first take the derivative of the function and set it equal to zero. Then, solve for the variable to find the critical numbers. Remember to also check for any values that make the derivative undefined.

What is the difference between local and global extrema?

Local extrema are the highest or lowest points in a specific region of a function, while global extrema are the highest or lowest points on the entire function. In other words, local extrema are relative maximum or minimum values, while global extrema are absolute maximum or minimum values.

Can a function have more than one critical number?

Yes, a function can have multiple critical numbers. This usually occurs when the function has multiple local extrema or points of inflection.

How are critical numbers used in optimization problems?

Critical numbers are used in optimization problems to help find the maximum or minimum value of a function. By finding the critical numbers and evaluating the function at those points, we can determine the optimal solution.
