How many cubic planck lengths are in the observable universe?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of how many cubic Planck lengths can fit in the observable universe, taking into consideration the size of strings and the theoretical nature of the Planck length. The conversation suggests using Google to find the necessary values for the calculation and arrives at an approximation of 9.47491416160062548455633952329712e+184 cubic Planck lengths in the observable universe.
  • #1
If you take the size of the observable universe can you find out how many cubic plank lengths can fit in the observable universe and it doesn't have to be exact just approximation.Also the math and formulas would be helpful too.
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  • #2
Err... is there anything more to this than "volume of universe divided by volume of Planck unit cube"?
  • #3
Technically the amount of strings in the universe would be greater but the amount of strings in the universe in unnecessary and meaningless because most of space is empty(there are virtual particles, gravitational field, electromagnetic fields etc. but it doesn't occupy any real space and those things are for another forum) and strings don't have a definite size and by that I mean a plank length is 1.61619926 × 10^-35 meters and you can't say a string is exactly this small because plank length is a unit of measurement and a string is a theoretical object.
  • #4
I'm not sure I follow how strings fit into the OP question, which is just a "how many things of volume X fit into volume Y" question.
  • #5
Because, strings are smaller than cubic plank lengths so, if you use strings to find out how many of them fit in the universe it would be more than cubic plank lengths and as you said "volume of universe divided by volume of Planck unit cube" which is what I am asking about and if you then do "volume of universe divided by the volume of a string" which would be greater than your original statement in turn answering your question.
  • #6
Because, since strings are smaller than a cubic plank length you can fit more them in a volume so, in your original statement "volume of universe divided by volume of Planck unit cube" (which is what I am asking about) would be let's say "ƒ" and if you that the "volume of the universe divided by volume of a string" would be greater than "ƒ" and let's call it "β" so β>ƒ. Which answers your statement and in turn answers your question.
  • #7
Alex299792458 said:
If you take the size of the observable universe can you find out how many cubic plank lengths can fit in the observable universe and it doesn't have to be exact just approximation.Also the math and formulas would be helpful too.

Google will tell you what the volume of the observable universe is and what the Planck length is. That's should be enough to allow you to calculate the value that you're looking for.
  • #8
Thank you so much! I work out that there should be 9.47491416160062548455633952329712e+184 or 9474914161600625484556339523297120000000000000000000-00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cubic plank lengths in the observable universe!

Related to How many cubic planck lengths are in the observable universe?

1. How is the size of the observable universe measured?

The observable universe is measured in terms of its diameter, which is currently estimated to be around 93 billion light years. This measurement takes into account the expansion of the universe over time.

2. What is a cubic Planck length?

A cubic Planck length is a unit of measurement used in quantum mechanics to represent the smallest possible unit of distance. It is equal to approximately 1.616 x 10^-35 meters.

3. How many cubic Planck lengths are in a meter?

There are approximately 6.187 x 10^34 cubic Planck lengths in one meter. This is a very large number, showing the vast difference in scale between quantum mechanics and everyday macroscopic objects.

4. How many cubic Planck lengths are in the observable universe?

The observable universe is estimated to have a diameter of 93 billion light years, which is equivalent to approximately 8.8 x 10^26 meters. This means that there are approximately 5.44 x 10^61 cubic Planck lengths in the observable universe.

5. Why is the number of cubic Planck lengths in the observable universe significant?

The number of cubic Planck lengths in the observable universe is significant because it represents the smallest possible units of distance within the universe. It also shows the immense scale and complexity of the universe, as well as the limitations of our current understanding and technology in measuring and comprehending it.

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