How many dimensions are involved in these sports motions?

In summary, the motion of a motocross racer, a curler, a hockey player, a golfer, and a train can occur in different dimensions depending on the specific movement. Anything that occurs on a single straight line is considered 1-dimensional, anything that occurs in a plane but not a single straight line is 2-dimensional, and anything that occurs in a volume (not a single plane) is 3-dimensional. Additionally, the dimension of time and brane dimensions should also be considered.
  • #1
I've been having trouble with these questions, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help to explain them to me.
Explain how many dimensions the following motion is taking place in.
- a motocross racer rides around a hilly track
- a curler shoots a rock down the ice, around a guard, and onto a button
- a hockey player passes the puck along the ice
- a golfer hits a slice into the woods
- a train travels along a straight section of a track
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  • #2
Anything that occurs on a single straight line is
1 dimensional, anything that occurs in a plane, but not a single straight line is 2 dimensional, any thing that occurs in a volume (not a single plane) is 3 dimensional.

Does the motorcylist ride in a straight line? Does he stay in a plane (on a flat surface)? What dimension are we talking about then?

A curler does not shoot the stone in a straight line (the problem said it goes around a guard) but does stay on the ice. What dimension is that?

A hockey player passes the puck along the ice. That sounds like a single plane. Does the puck curve or change direction?

Do you know what a slice is? That should give you the answer.

A train moving along a STRAIGHT section of track. Well, that was a give-away!
  • #3
Don't forget the dimension of time (and brane dimensions as well!)
  • #4
Originally posted by Loren Booda
Don't forget the dimension of time (and brane dimensions as well!)

This is the "Grade K-12 Forum", professor!
  • #5
He could get extra credit... :wink:

(Or lose a mark because the teacher doesn't understand...:frown:)
  • #6
Thanks everyone for the help!

FAQ: How many dimensions are involved in these sports motions?

What is a dimension in physics?

A dimension in physics is a measurable physical quantity that is used to describe the size, shape, and position of objects in space. There are three dimensions in our everyday experience: length, width, and height. In physics, there are additional dimensions, such as time and energy, that are used to describe the behavior of particles and the universe.

How many dimensions are there in physics?

The number of dimensions in physics depends on the theory being used. In classical mechanics, there are three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) and one time dimension. In string theory, there are 10 spatial dimensions and one time dimension. Some theories, such as loop quantum gravity, suggest that there may be even more dimensions that we cannot perceive.

What is the difference between a dimension and a direction?

A dimension is a measurable physical quantity, while a direction is a specific way of moving or facing in space. Dimensions are used to describe the size and shape of objects, while directions are used to describe the movement of objects. For example, an object can have three dimensions (length, width, and height), but it can move in an infinite number of directions.

Can dimensions be observed or measured?

Some dimensions, such as length and time, can be directly observed and measured using tools like rulers and clocks. However, other dimensions, such as energy and momentum, can only be indirectly observed and measured through their effects on other quantities. In some cases, dimensions can also be inferred through mathematical equations and theories.

Why are dimensions important in physics?

Dimensions are important in physics because they provide a framework for understanding and describing the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. They allow us to make predictions about how objects will move and interact with each other, and they help us develop mathematical models to explain and understand complex physical phenomena. Dimensions also play a crucial role in the development of new theories and technologies in physics.

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