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Homework Statement
How many electron states are there in the irreducable part of 1BZ (one irreducable part is 1/48 of 1BZ).
Homework Equations
Volume of 1Bz:
[tex] \Omega = \dfrac{(2 \pi)^3}{V} [/tex]
Volume of ordinary cell:
[tex] V = a^3 [/tex]
Density of states, I assume that the temperature is so low that fermi-dirac function does not play big part, hence max energy = fermi energy.
[tex] D(\epsilon ) = \dfrac{V}{2 \pi ^2} \left( \dfrac{2m}{\hbar ^2} \right)^{3/2} \sqrt{\epsilon } [/tex]
The Attempt at a Solution
total number of states:
[tex] \int_0^{\epsilon _{F}} D(\epsilon ) d \epsilon [/tex]
just gives me N = N
What do I do wrong? My plan was first to calculate the number of states i ordinary space, then convert into reciprocal space...