How Many Kinds of Mass Does the Higgs Boson Mediate?

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In summary, the Higgs boson mediates the scalar field responsible for inflation after the Planck time. It is a type of gauge boson and the only fundamental scalar boson in the standard model. It also solves the issue of breaking electro-weak gauge symmetry. The role of the graviton, if it exists, is to mediate gravitation and is separate from the Higgs. This means that different types of mass, such as inertial, active gravitational, passive gravitational, and relativistic mass/energy, are mediated by different bosons. The Higgs mediates inertial mass while the graviton mediates active gravitational mass. The role of energy/effective mass is not clear and it is uncertain which boson,
  • #1
Ok, newb question. I understand that the Higgs mediates 'mass'. But the graviton (if it exists) mediates gravitation, right? So I assume this means mass is being treated separately, with the Higgs mediating inertial mass and the graviton mediating active gravitational mass, right? So what about passive gravitational mass, and relativistic mass/energy? Are they mediated by these same bosons? If so, which? Is energy/effective mass, as I'm thinking, something different that isn't really mediated? If so, why does gravitation increase with an increase in energy, rather than just rest mass.

Basically, if mass, rest, active gravitational, passive gravitational, inertial, etc. isn't all the same thing, where's the distinction? How many kinds of mass are there? What are they? And which boson are they mediated by? Higgs, graviton or something else?
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  • #2
Higgs boson are the mediators in the theory involving a scalar bosonic field giving rise to inflation just after the Planck time!
Higgs mediate this scalar field and hence as this field is a gauge field, Higgs belong to the class of gauge bosons.
Its the only fundamental scalar boson in the standard model.
Higgs boson neverthless is the mediator of the higgs field which solves the problem regarding the breaking of electro-weak gauge symmmetry.
I could not understand the remaining part of your question.

FAQ: How Many Kinds of Mass Does the Higgs Boson Mediate?

What does the Higgs mediate?

The Higgs boson is a fundamental particle that is responsible for mediating the Higgs field, which gives mass to other elementary particles.

Why is the Higgs boson important?

The discovery of the Higgs boson is important because it confirms the existence of the Higgs field and helps us understand how particles acquire mass.

How does the Higgs boson interact with other particles?

The Higgs boson interacts with other particles through the Higgs field, which gives them mass. Without the Higgs field, particles would not have mass and the universe would be very different.

What is the role of the Higgs boson in the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Higgs boson is a crucial component of the Standard Model, which is a theory that explains the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It helps to explain why particles have mass and how they interact with each other.

How was the Higgs boson discovered?

The Higgs boson was discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Scientists used the LHC to accelerate particles and collide them at high energies, allowing them to observe the Higgs boson and confirm its existence.

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