How Many Odd 4-Digit Numbers with a 4 Can Be Formed from Digits 0-7?

In summary, there are 360 possible odd 4-digit numbers with all distinct digits when a 4 must be present and an odd number is in the last slot.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine how many odd 4-digit numbers with all of the digits different can be made from the digits 0 to 7 if there must be a 4 in the number.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

First way (the "4" in the first spot) 1X6X5X4=120
2nd way ("4" in second spot) 5X1X4X4=80
3rd way ("4 in third spot) 5X4X1X4=80 for a total of 280 ways
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  • #2

kerrwilk said:

Homework Statement

Determine how many odd 4-digit numbers with all of the digits different can be made from the digits 0 to 7 if there must be a 4 in the number.

This might be an easier way of looking at the problem. So if I understand correctly, we want to find all 4-digit numbers such that a 4 resides in the first, second, or third slot, a member from {1,3,5,7} resides in the last slot, and members from {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} remain in the remaining two slots where all 4 digits are distinct.

So 0143 and 5427 are examples of valid numbers.

So think of there as being 4 slots, so we have:

_ _ _ _

First, choose a slot for the 4 to reside in. There are 3 ways of doing this. (Do you know why?)

So now that we have chosen a slot for the 4, choose an odd number to reside in the last slot (since the 4-digit number itself must be odd). There are 4 odd numbers between 0 and 7: 1,3,5,7. So there are 4 ways of doing this.

Now, let's choose a number to reside in the second slot. Remember, at this stage there are only 6 numbers left to choose from between 0 and 7, since we already placed the 4 and we already placed an odd number in {0,1,2,..,7}. So there are 6 ways to do this.

Lastly, place a number in the 3rd slot. There are 5 numbers to choose from.

So by the multiplication principle, we get: 3*4*6*5 = 360 possibilities

FAQ: How Many Odd 4-Digit Numbers with a 4 Can Be Formed from Digits 0-7?

1. What is the difference between permutations and combinations?

Permutations and combinations are both methods used to calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given scenario. However, permutations take into account the order of the elements, while combinations do not.

2. How do I calculate the number of permutations?

The formula for calculating permutations is n! / (n-r)! where n is the total number of elements and r is the number of elements being chosen. For example, if you have 5 letters and want to create a 3-letter word, the number of permutations would be 5! / (5-3)! = 60.

3. Can combinations be used when order doesn't matter?

Yes, combinations can be used when the order of the elements does not matter. For example, if you have 5 flavors of ice cream and want to choose 2 to make a sundae, you would use combinations because the order of the flavors doesn't affect the outcome.

4. How do I apply permutations and combinations in real life?

Permutations and combinations are used in various fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, and finance. They can be applied in scenarios such as creating passwords, forming teams, and analyzing data.

5. What is the difference between a permutation with repetition and without repetition?

A permutation with repetition allows for elements to be repeated, while a permutation without repetition does not. For example, when creating a 3-digit code using numbers from 1-5, a permutation with repetition would allow for numbers to be repeated, while a permutation without repetition would not allow for any repetition.
