How Many Oscillations Does a Damped Pendulum Complete by Noon?

In summary, a 110 kg brass pendulum with a damping constant of 0.010 kg/s swings at the end of a 15.0-m-long wire in a science museum. It is started at exactly 8:00 a.m. every morning by pulling it 1.5 m to the side and releasing it. The problem asks how many oscillations the pendulum will have completed at exactly 12:00 noon and what its amplitude is. Using the equation for damped simple harmonic motion, the number of oscillations can be calculated by finding the period, which is 2π divided by the square root of K/m minus b squared over 4m squared. The amplitude can be calculated by evaluating the equation for
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a science museum, a 110 kg brass pendulum bob swings at the end of a 15.0-m-long wire. The pendulum is started at exactly 8:00 a.m. every morning by pulling it 1.5 m to the side and releasing it. Because of its compact shape and smooth surface, the pendulum's damping constant is only 0.010 kg/s.

a. At exactly 12:00 noon, how many oscillations will the pendulum have completed?
b. And what is its amplitude?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

i've got nothing this makes no sense to me, if someone could just give me a hint on where to start...
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Physics news on
  • #2
What is the general equation of a damped oscillator?
  • #3
x(t)=Ae^(-bt/2m)cos(wt+phi), but what do i do with it?
  • #4
I posted this same question in Advanced Physics.

I'm stuck on the number of oscillations. I did what I thought was right, but MP doesn't accept it as an answer.

The second part is straight forward though, if you understand the equation.
  • #5
BAC5.2 said:
I posted this same question in Advanced Physics.

I'm stuck on the number of oscillations. I did what I thought was right, but MP doesn't accept it as an answer.

The second part is straight forward though, if you understand the equation.

could u explain how u did the second part?
  • #6
I'm as lost as you are. Solid information, but what are we supposed to do with it? Is there more to the problem statement?
  • #7
Well, how much of the equation do you understand? Do you understand what each part tells you?

What physics class are you taking?
  • #8
[tex]\omega_0 = \sqrt{g/l}[/tex]

[tex]\omega_r = \sqrt{{\omega_0}^2 - b^2/(4m^2)}}[/tex]

I believe you can set phi to 0 because it is at its maximum amplitude at t = 0. You can calculate the angle of the pendulum at t = 0... that's the amplitude A.

The period is [tex]2\pi/\omega_r[/tex]

That'll give you the time per oscillation.
  • #9
BAC5.2 said:
Well, how much of the equation do you understand? Do you understand what each part tells you?

What physics class are you taking?

i know what the equation means, A =amplitude, b=damping constant, etc, what am i using for x, is it the 1.5 that i pull it away, or something else. i know t= the 4 hours, w=sqrt(g/l), and b is given, as is m, so what else am i missing?
  • #10
That makes sense. I wonder why none of my textbooks make any mention of the period equation... not for damped motion, anyway.

At any rate, I found a different way to look at the breakdown of the problem. I've got a little experience in Diff-Eq, but I like looking at things in more managable chunks so I don't get confused. Here's how I looked at the problem/equation...

The equation for Damped SHM looks like this (after solving the DEQ):

Position X = [tex]A_{0}[/tex] e[tex]^{-(b/2m)t}[/tex]cos([tex]\varpi\acute{}[/tex]t+[tex]\phi[/tex])

Now, you know m, L, b, and T. You also know A[tex]_{0}[/tex]. That is the starting amplitude, which was given as 1.5.

So you know A, you know b, you know m, and you know t.

That's important because the first portion of the equation ([tex]A_{0}[/tex]e[tex]^{-(b/2m)t}[/tex]) is the function of the curve that the amplitude follows. So if you graph that function, you'll have a line that a peak of the whole function touches.

SO, what value t do you want? Well, where do you want to know the amplitude? They say at Noon, right? So noon is 4 hours past the start time. 4 hours is how many seconds? You know you need seconds, because "b" is given in kg/s.

Note: Amplitude is always positive in this case.

Now for the number of oscillations you'll do exactly as was stated above.

[tex]\varpi\acute{}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{K}{m}-\frac{b^{2}}{4m^{2}}}[/tex]

K = [tex]\frac{mg}{L}[/tex] (where g = the force of gravity)

Then the period is [tex]\frac{2\pi}{\varpi\acute{}}[/tex]. That gives you the amount of time per cycle. And since you know the amount of time you want to know the cycles IN, it should be obvious what to do here.
  • #11
But amplitude for the pendulum refers to the angle from the vertical...
  • #12
Also, the amplitude at a time t is:

Ae^(-bt/2m), where A is the angle at t=0.
  • #13
Ahh, that's where it's tricky. The problems on Mastering Physics give you a little hint.

They tell you the units of the answer, in this case Meters.

It's just a matter of evaluating the DSHM equation at t=14400 seconds for the first half of the equation.
  • #14
[tex]A_{0}[/tex] is illustrated (verbally) in the problem to be 1.5 meters horizontal.

Since the answer requires units of the meter, one can assume they are used throughout. In this case, it is, and [tex]A_{0}[/tex] is the initial amplitude.

Again, if you were to evaluate this graphically, you'd use 1.5 for [tex]A_{0}[/tex], not the angle at t=0.

I rekon you could solve the problem either way, but I did it using 1.5 for [tex]A_{0}[/tex] and I was rewarded with a correct answer.
  • #15
BAC5.2 said:
[tex]A_{0}[/tex] is illustrated (verbally) in the problem to be 1.5 meters horizontal.

Since the answer requires units of the meter, one can assume they are used throughout. In this case, it is, and [tex]A_{0}[/tex] is the initial amplitude.

Again, if you were to evaluate this graphically, you'd use 1.5 for [tex]A_{0}[/tex], not the angle at t=0.

I rekon you could solve the problem either way, but I did it using 1.5 for [tex]A_{0}[/tex] and I was rewarded with a correct answer.

Oh ok... cool. So you did [tex]1.5e^{\frac{-b}{2m}(14400)}[/tex] for the amplitude?
  • #16
Yep, that's exactly what I did.
  • #17
I was under the impression that the period of a pendulum does not change, but, looking at it logically, a force is being applied when it collides with the air molecules, as there is a slight change in momentum, which means a force is applied.

Could you use the initial potential energy to calculate the answer? That seems a logical way to do it.
  • #18
You could, I imagine.

Calculate the fractional drop in GPE and then extrapolate it to t=14400. And since potential energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude, you could find the amplitude at a given point. It sounds a bit more difficult, but I bet you'd arrive at the same conclusion, or close enough it wouldn't make much difference.

I don't see why you COULDN'T do it this way. But doesn't the constant of damping include air resistance? I thought it included all forms of damping, from friction at point of suspension, to air resistance, and gravitational influence, is that not right?

For small values of B, I think doing it the way above is fine. For large values of B, you HAVE to use the energy situation I think.
  • #19
I'm having trouble using this information to solve the problem. You offer the DSHM equation for finding the amplitude at a certain time...but how does that help in determining the amount of oscillations that occur between t=0 and t=14400?

I've tried determining the time per oscillation and dividing it into 14400 but it's still spitting out the completely wrong answer.
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FAQ: How Many Oscillations Does a Damped Pendulum Complete by Noon?

1. What is a pendulum problem?

A pendulum problem refers to a physics problem that involves a pendulum, which is a mass suspended from a fixed point that can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. These types of problems typically involve calculating the period or frequency of the pendulum's motion, as well as its velocity or acceleration at different points.

2. How do I solve a pendulum problem?

To solve a pendulum problem, you will need to use the equations of motion for a pendulum, which take into account factors such as the length of the pendulum, the mass of the object, and the force of gravity. You may also need to use trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine, to find the displacement or velocity of the pendulum at different points.

3. What are the basic components of a pendulum problem?

The basic components of a pendulum problem include the length of the pendulum, the mass of the object, the force of gravity, and the angle at which the pendulum is released. These factors will determine the period, frequency, and amplitude of the pendulum's motion.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a pendulum problem?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving a pendulum problem include using incorrect or inconsistent units, neglecting air resistance or friction, and forgetting to account for the angle at which the pendulum is released. It is also important to double-check your calculations and use the correct equations for the specific type of pendulum problem you are solving.

5. Can I use a calculator to solve a pendulum problem?

Yes, you can use a calculator to solve a pendulum problem. However, it is important to make sure that your calculator is set to the correct units and that you are using the correct equations and inputting the values correctly. It is also a good idea to check your answers by hand to ensure accuracy.
