How many permutations can be made with digits 1-9?

In summary, the conversation was about finding the number of ways to remove digits from a 9-digit number while maintaining the digits in ascending order. The final formula determined was 9 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4 + 9C5 + 9C6 + 9C7 + 9C8 + 9C9 = 511. Another possible formula mentioned was 2^9 - 1, with the reasoning being that for each of the nine digits, it can either be included in the number or not, resulting in a total of
  • #1

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The permutation & combinations equation? I don't quite know how to type them out in here, but there's the calculator :smile:

The Attempt at a Solution

Since the maximum number of integers a value can have would up up to 1000000000, there would a total of 1digit+2digit + 3digit+...+8digit numbers +9 digit numbers altogether. 10 digit numbers don't count as the last number would be 0.

For the 9 digit nos, it would be just 123456789 which is 1 way, 8 digit: 12345678 or 23456789, but as the digits get smaller I'm confused and at a loss to what to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
For 8 digits how about 13456789? I think you are undercounting. To do 8 digits right, figure out how many ways to remove one digit from your 9 digit number. I guess to do 7 you'll want to figure how many ways to remove 2. Etc.
  • #3
Dick said:
For 8 digits how about 13456789? I think you are undercounting. To do 8 digits right, figure out how many ways to remove one digit from your 9 digit number. I guess to do 7 you'll want to figure how many ways to remove 2. Etc.

:eek:it indeed does seem i undercounted, but then for the values with lesser digits there would be a lot of ways to remove each number wouldn't it??
  • #4
kakab00 said:
:eek:it indeed does seem i undercounted, but then for the values with lesser digits there would be a lot of ways to remove each number wouldn't it??

yes, but with the smart trick of Dick, it's trivial. For example, if you need to keep only 5 digits, you need to remove 4 digits from the initial 9 digits number. How many ways can you do this? Simply 9x8x7x6 = 9!/(5!)
For a 2 digits number, you will have 9!/2! ways. It's that simple.
  • #5
nrqed said:
yes, but with the smart trick of Dick, it's trivial. For example, if you need to keep only 5 digits, you need to remove 4 digits from the initial 9 digits number. How many ways can you do this? Simply 9x8x7x6 = 9!/(5!)
For a 2 digits number, you will have 9!/2! ways. It's that simple.

hmm no, I thought you can' t remove just any digits, since the digits have to be in ascending order.
  • #6
kakab00 said:
hmm no, I thought you can' t remove just any digits, since the digits have to be in ascending order.

but you start with 123456789 ! So you can remove any digit!
That is the trick!
  • #7
nrqed said:
but you start with 123456789 ! So you can remove any digit!
That is the trick!

so you mean it should be something like 9! + 9!/8! + 9!/7! + 9!/6! + 9!/5! + 9!/4! + 9!/3! + 9!/2! + 9(there are only 9 1-digit numbers) ?
  • #8
kakab00 said:
so you mean it should be something like 9! + 9!/8! + 9!/7! + 9!/6! + 9!/5! + 9!/4! + 9!/3! + 9!/2! + 9(there are only 9 1-digit numbers) ?

I have a nine digit number. I wish to remove one digit. How many ways to do it? The answer is certainly NOT 9!. You didn't undercount that much.
  • #9
Dick said:
I have a nine digit number. I wish to remove one digit. How many ways to do it? The answer is certainly NOT 9!. You didn't undercount that much.

9 ways to remove 1 digit?
  • #10
kakab00 said:
9 ways to remove 1 digit?

Yes. How many ways to remove 2? Are you using permutations or combinations?
  • #11
Dick said:
Yes. How many ways to remove 2? Are you using permutations or combinations?

Combinations for this..since they have to be strictly ascending you can't change the order of the digits.

ans: 9 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4 + 9C5 + 9C6 + 9C7 + 9C8 + 9C9 =511

It seems to tally with the answer I have, but somebody else told me that 2^9 -1 also works. Any idea how he got that?
  • #12
You've got an extra 9 in there. 9C1=9. 'somebody' did it by counting all subsets of the nine digits and excluding the empty set. There is also an identity that says that the sum over k=0 to k=n of nCk=2^n.
  • #13
kakab00 said:
Combinations for this..since they have to be strictly ascending you can't change the order of the digits.

ans: 9 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4 + 9C5 + 9C6 + 9C7 + 9C8 + 9C9 =511

It seems to tally with the answer I have, but somebody else told me that 2^9 -1 also works. Any idea how he got that?

Sory about my previous post, I forgot to type in the division by the remaining factorials (to get a 5 gitis number, there are of course 9!/(5! 4!) ways since it does not matter in what order the digits are removed.

As Dick pointed out, you have a 9 too many in your formula (but that's surely a typo because without that 9, the sum si indeed 511).

Just to nitpick: it makes actually more sense to write

9C0 + 9C1 + 9C2 + ... 9C8

as opposed to what you wrote (again, assuming you remove the first 9).
I do know that 9C0 is the same as 9C9 but the way you wrote it sounded like you were considering the case of removing all 9 digits which of course you can't do since it leaves no number. On the other hand, one possibility is to remove no digit at all, leaving 9C0 = 1 possibility, obviousy.

Again, I understand that 9C0 + 9C1 + ... 9C8 is numerically equal to
9C1 + ... 9C9 . I just want to make sure that the reasoning behind the formula is clear.
  • #14
kakab00 said:
It seems to tally with the answer I have, but somebody else told me that 2^9 -1 also works. Any idea how he got that?

There are nine digits, for each digit it's either in the number, or not. That makes [itex]2^9[/itex] possibilities, the '-1' is because the 'empty list' is not an accepted answer.
  • #15
@ : nrqed

Yeah, i got the reasoning behind it

NateTG said:
There are nine digits, for each digit it's either in the number, or not. That makes [itex]2^9[/itex] possibilities, the '-1' is because the 'empty list' is not an accepted answer.

What I don't get is where did the 2 come from in the first place?
  • #16
kakab00 said:
@ : nrqed

Yeah, i got the reasoning behind it

What I don't get is where did the 2 come from in the first place?

There are 2 choices for each digit. Is it in the number or not. So all possibilities are 2^9 including a 'number' with no digits.
  • #17
Dick said:
There are 2 choices for each digit. Is it in the number or not. So all possibilities are 2^9 including a 'number' with no digits.

so you mean the 2 choices are actually

a) to be included
b) to not be included
  • #18
That's it exactly.
  • #19
Dick said:
That's it exactly.

cool I got it, thanks for all of your help :!)

Related to How many permutations can be made with digits 1-9?

1. What are permutations of digits?

Permutations of digits refer to the different ways in which a set of numbers can be rearranged or ordered. For example, the numbers 123 and 321 have the same digits, but they are arranged in different orders, making them different permutations.

2. How many permutations can be made with a set of n digits?

The number of permutations that can be made with a set of n digits is n!, which is read as "n factorial". This means that for every additional digit, the number of permutations increases by a factor of that digit.

3. What is the formula for calculating the number of permutations?

The formula for calculating the number of permutations is n! (n factorial), where n represents the number of digits in the set. For example, if we have a set of 4 digits, the number of permutations would be 4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24.

4. Can digits be repeated in a permutation?

Yes, digits can be repeated in a permutation. For example, in the number 112, the digit 1 is repeated twice, resulting in 3 different permutations (112, 121, 211).

5. How can permutations of digits be used in real life?

Permutations of digits are commonly used in mathematics, computer science, and data analysis. They are particularly useful in encryption algorithms, where rearranging the order of digits can create complex and secure codes. They are also used in generating unique passwords, analyzing data sets, and in various mathematical calculations and puzzles.

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