How many pure numbers relate to elementary particles?

In summary: His book is a bit more focused on the group theory and less on field theory though.In summary, there are a total of 19 pure numbers that relate to elementary particles, including the fine structure constant, coupling constants, fermion masses, and mixing angles. It is possible that more will be discovered, depending on the nature of neutrinos and the value of the strong coupling constant. Resources such as field theory texts and books by Howard Georgi can provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between these pure numbers and the standard model.
  • #1
Can someone give a list of all the pure numbers that relate to elementary particles (such as the fine-structure constant)? How many such numbers are there? Is it likely that more will be discovered?

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  • #2
I suppose that depends on what you mean by pure numbers. Do you just mean dimensionless (unitless)? In which case you could pretty much construct as many as you wanted, any ratio will be unitless. Ratio of muon mass to electron mass, electron mass to proton mass, charge of an electron to charge of proton, etc. You could think them up all day. As for the "important" ones wikipedia has the list at the fine structure constant, the proton-to-electron mass ratio, the coupling constant of the strong force and the gravitational coupling constant
  • #3
ribbie said:
Can someone give a list of all the pure numbers that relate to elementary particles (such as the fine-structure constant)? How many such numbers are there? Is it likely that more will be discovered?


Like maverick_starstrider, I'm not sure what exactly you mean by pure numbers, but let's assume you mean free parameters in the standard model of particle physics.

See the table"

Besides the fine structure constant that you mention, there are 2 more coupling constants, making a total of 3. Then there are masses for all of the fermions, making 12 total (the neutrino masses aren't in the wikipedia table, since the original "standard model" had massless neutrinos, but now we know they have mass.) Then there are 3 CKM mixing angles and 1 phase, plus 3 neutrino mixing angles and a corresponding phase. There's also a possible QCD vacuum angle, as well as extra parameters for the Higgs mechanism (according to the wikipedia page, there are 2 parameters for a standard model Higgs).

If you prefer dimensionless numbers, you can just take all of the dimensionfull quantities above and divide them by Lambda_QCD.
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  • #4
the_house said:
Like maverick_starstrider, I'm not sure what exactly you mean by pure numbers, but let's assume you mean free parameters in the standard model of particle physics.

See the table"

Besides the fine structure constant that you mention, there are 2 more coupling constants, making a total of 3. Then there are masses for all of the fermions, making 12 total (the neutrino masses aren't in the wikipedia table, since the original "standard model" had massless neutrinos, but now we know they have mass.) Then there are 3 CKM mixing angles and 1 phase, plus 3 neutrino mixing angles and a corresponding phase. There's also a possible QCD vacuum angle, as well as extra parameters for the Higgs mechanism (according to the wikipedia page, there are 2 parameters for a standard model Higgs).

If you prefer dimensionless numbers, you can just take all of the dimensionfull quantities above and divide them by Lambda_QCD.

The neutrino mixing matrix may have as many as three phases, depending on whether or not neutrinos are Majorana fermions.

Additionally, it would be more conventional to divide the dimensionful parameters by the Higgs vacuum expectation value (vev), since all fundamental particle masses are defined (at tree level) as the product of the particle's (dimensionless) coupling to the Higgs multiplied by the Higgs vev.

Also, [itex]\Lambda_{QCD}[/itex] is usually defined in terms of the running of the strong coupling. And, the value it's usually run from (given the data on hand) is the value from LEP data, taken at the Z-pole. Thus, what we really know involves some couplings and the ratio of [itex]\Lambda_{QCD}[/itex] to the Higgs vev.
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  • #5
Thanks for the corrections. You're right on all counts.

I was on the right track at least, though, right? :)
  • #6
the_house said:
Thanks for the corrections. You're right on all counts.

I was on the right track at least, though, right? :)

Definitely the right track. Some of this is just a matter of convention or history. For instance, the fact that people usually cite the fine structure constant and the Weinberg angle rather than the SU(2)_L and U(1)_Y coupling constants.
  • #7
Parlyne said:
Definitely the right track. Some of this is just a matter of convention or history. For instance, the fact that people usually cite the fine structure constant and the Weinberg angle rather than the SU(2)_L and U(1)_Y coupling constants.

Can you recommend a good resource that clearly explains the theory relating the Fine Structure Constant and Weinberg angle to the SU(2)_L and U(1)_Y coupling constants?

And in general, a resource that shows what factors of geometry and groups are necessary to arrive at the Standard Model?
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  • #8
PhilDSP said:
Can you recommend a good resource that clearly explains the theory relating the Fine Structure Constant and Weinberg angle to the SU(2)_L and U(1)_Y coupling constants?

And in general, a resource that shows what factors of geometry and groups are necessary to arrive at the Standard Model?

This is generally covered in the major field theory texts to one degree or another. The treatment in the later chapters of Peskin and Schroeder is pretty good.

If you're looking for something a little cheaper, Howard Georgi has a book on the standard model available for download from his personal website.

Related to How many pure numbers relate to elementary particles?

1. How are pure numbers related to elementary particles?

Pure numbers are related to elementary particles through various physical constants and equations that describe the behavior and properties of particles. These numbers represent fundamental quantities such as mass, charge, and energy that are inherent to particles and help us understand their interactions.

2. Can pure numbers be used to predict the existence of new elementary particles?

Yes, pure numbers can be used to predict the existence of new elementary particles by analyzing patterns and relationships between known particles and their corresponding numerical values. These predictions are then verified through experiments and observations.

3. How many pure numbers are there in relation to elementary particles?

There is no definite answer to this question as the number of pure numbers that relate to elementary particles depends on the specific physical phenomenon or property being studied. However, there are a significant number of important pure numbers that have been identified and studied by scientists.

4. Do all elementary particles have a corresponding pure number?

Not all elementary particles have a corresponding pure number, as some particles may have similar properties and behaviors that can be described by the same numerical value. Additionally, there may be particles whose properties are not fully understood or described by current theories, making it difficult to assign a pure number to them.

5. How do pure numbers contribute to our understanding of elementary particles?

Pure numbers play a crucial role in our understanding of elementary particles by providing a quantitative framework for describing their properties and interactions. They allow us to make predictions, perform calculations, and test theories, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

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