How Many Vibrations Does a 880Hz Violin String Make Over 332m?

In summary, we are given a violin string vibrating at a frequency of 880Hz and asked to find how many vibrations it makes when the sound travels 332m through air at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. To solve this, we need to find the speed of sound in air at 0 degrees Celsius, which can be calculated using the given information and the formula for speed of sound in air. Once we have the speed, we can use the formula for wavelength in air to find the number of wavelengths present in the given distance.
  • #1
Sace Ver

Homework Statement

A violin string is vibrating at a frequency of 880Hz. How many vibrations does it make when the sound produced travels 332m through air at temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.

Homework Equations

Not sure.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not quite sure how to solve this equation.
Physics news on
  • #2
Sace Ver said:
How many vibrations does it make when the sound produced travels 332m through air at temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.
Hi @Sace Ver:

I have some problems understand what the question means. The word "it" seems to be referring to the violin string, which makes no sense.

So, I am guessing the question intends to ask how many wavelengths of sound appear in the air between the violin and some target 332m away. You need to find the speed of sound in air at 0 degrees C. I suggest you should also assume sea level and standard atmospheric pressure. I assume that how to do that is in the textbook you are using. Can you then calculate the number of wavelengths given the frequency, speed, and distance?

Hope this helps.

  • #3
Buzz Bloom said:
Hi @Sace Ver:

I have some problems understand what the question means. The word "it" seems to be referring to the violin string, which makes no sense.

So, I am guessing the question intends to ask how many wavelengths of sound appear in the air between the violin and some target 332m away. You need to find the speed of sound in air at 0 degrees C. I suggest you should also assume sea level and standard atmospheric pressure. I assume that how to do that is in the textbook you are using. Can you then calculate the number of wavelengths given the frequency, speed, and distance?

Hope this helps.

After obtaining speed which as you said was 332m/s I'm not quite sure which formula to use next.
  • #4
Sace Ver said:
After obtaining speed which as you said was 332m/s I'm not quite sure which formula to use next.
So what is the wavelength in air?
  • #5
Hi @Sace Ver:

You should find the Wikipedia article
helpful, especially the section 10.2 Other methods. Note that Wikipedia gives a slightly different value for the speed than 332 m/s. I suggest you use the value from your textbook because that is probably what your teacher expects.


FAQ: How Many Vibrations Does a 880Hz Violin String Make Over 332m?

1. How do violin strings produce sound?

Violin strings produce sound through vibrations. When the strings are plucked or bowed, they vibrate and produce sound waves. These sound waves travel through the air and are perceived by our ears as sound.

2. What causes the vibrations in violin strings?

The vibrations in violin strings are caused by the bow or fingers of the musician. When the bow is drawn across the strings, it causes the strings to vibrate. Similarly, when the fingers press down on the strings, it changes the length of the vibrating portion of the string and produces different frequencies.

3. Why do different violin strings produce different sounds?

Different violin strings produce different sounds because they are made of different materials and have different thicknesses. The material and thickness affect the tension and density of the string, which in turn affects the pitch, volume, and timbre of the sound produced.

4. How does the length of a violin string affect the sound produced?

The length of a violin string affects the pitch of the sound produced. When the length of the vibrating portion of the string is shortened, the pitch increases. This is why pressing down on the strings with the fingers produces different notes.

5. How do violinists tune their strings?

Violinists tune their strings by adjusting the tension of the string. This is typically done by turning the tuning pegs at the top of the violin. By tightening or loosening the strings, the tension and pitch can be adjusted to the desired note.

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