How Much 235U is Used in a 2700MW Fission Reactor? Answer in kg/day

In summary, to calculate the daily rate of mass of 235U used in a fission reactor operating at 2700 MW level, we need to first convert the power level to joules per second, then calculate the number of fissions per second using the energy released by fission, and finally use Avogadro's number to convert the number of atoms to kilograms. This will give us an order of magnitude estimate for the daily rate of mass of 235U used, which can help us determine the expected answer.
  • #1
A fission reactor operates at 2700 MW level. Assume all this energy comes from the 200 MeV released by fission caused by thermal neutron absorption by 235U. At what daily rate is the mass of 235U used? (In practice, of course, the energy conversion is not 100% efficient, nor is all the 235U in a fuel cell used.)

Answer is in kg/day

I really don't know how to solve this question. Am I supposed to convert the 2700MW first into MeV/day and then get it into kg by using Avagadro's Number? I have no idea. Please help!

If you are supposed to do that then u would do:
2700MW * 1e6 (convert into watts) * (1ev/(1.6e-19)) * (1MeV/1e6)*(86400s/day) ?
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  • #2
Exactly, just convert 2700MW into J/s
Then work out how many 200Mev this is per second, then per day
Finally how many kg of U235 is this many atoms ( using Avagaro's number)

hint - it might help to have an order of magnitude estimate before you put so many large numbers into your calculator
  • #3
what I don't understand is what the 200MeV energy that is created by fission is used for? is it suppose to equal something?
  • #4
desibabu90 said:
what I don't understand is what the 200MeV energy that is created by fission is used for?
Making electricity - that's not really part of the question
  • #5
Moved: this is homework.
  • #6
ok i am still not getting the answer...

So this is what I am doing...

after that i don't know how to factor avagadro's i just straight out multiply or do i need to use the molar mass. if i use the molar mass then the kgs cancel out...

plus am i using the conversion factor of 1.6605e-27 kg / 931.5Mev/c2 correctly?PS: sorry about it being in the wrong section..
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  • #7
2700MW = 2.7 E9 J/s
200 Mev = 200E6 * 1.6E-19 J = 3.2E-11 J
This gives you the number of U235 fissions/second and so per day - that you need to make to generate that amount of power.

You are just using the 200Mev to count the number of U235 used up.
Each U235 atom has a mass of 235 amu, 1 kg is 6.02e23 amu (this is avagadros number)
Then it's just a case of being careful entering the numbers.

hint - how big an answer do you expect?
  • #8

"2700MW = 2.7 E9 J/s" ---- Got that!

"200 Mev = 200E6 * 1.6E-19 J = 3.2E-11 J" ------- Got that!

"This gives you the number of U235 fissions/second and so per day - that you need to make to generate that amount of power." --- what does -- dividing 2.7e9J/s by 3.2e-11?? i am really sorry I am being an idiot right now..i have lots of midterms next week and just can't focus properly

You are just using the 200Mev to count the number of U235 used up.

Each U235 atom has a mass of 235 amu, 1 kg is 6.02e23 amu (this is avagadros number) ---- isn't 1g = 6.02e23 amu so 1kg = 6.02e26? rite?

Then it's just a case of being careful entering the numbers.

hint - how big an answer do you expect? ---- I really don't know how big to expect -
  • #9
Yes, one 200Mev event is formed by a breakdown of a single U235 atom.
So to get 2.7E9 J/s from 3.2E-11J events you need 2.7E9/3.2E-11 of them per second
Correct - a mole is the number of atoms in 235grams of U235 (that's what I meant about checking numbers)
Finally you know that you don't need train loads of uranium arriving at a power station every day, so you can guess whether you expect an answer of a few grams or a few tons.
  • #10
hey thanks a lot for ur help it worked

sorry for being an idiot


Related to How Much 235U is Used in a 2700MW Fission Reactor? Answer in kg/day

What is a fission reactor?

A fission reactor is a type of nuclear reactor that uses nuclear fission to generate heat. It is designed to sustain a controlled nuclear chain reaction, which produces heat that can be used to generate electricity.

How does a fission reactor work?

A fission reactor works by splitting atoms of a radioactive material, such as uranium, into smaller atoms. This process, known as nuclear fission, releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat. The heat is then used to create steam, which turns a turbine and generates electricity.

What are the benefits of using a fission reactor?

The main benefit of using a fission reactor is that it produces large amounts of electricity without emitting greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. It is also a reliable source of energy and can operate continuously for long periods of time.

What are the risks associated with fission reactors?

The main risk associated with fission reactors is the potential for a nuclear meltdown, which can release harmful radiation into the environment. There is also the risk of nuclear waste disposal, as the byproducts of nuclear fission are highly radioactive and can remain dangerous for thousands of years.

What safety measures are in place to prevent accidents at fission reactors?

Fission reactors have multiple safety measures in place to prevent accidents, including a thick concrete containment structure, redundant cooling systems, and multiple layers of safety protocols and emergency shutdown procedures. Regular safety inspections and maintenance are also conducted to ensure the safe operation of the reactor.

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