How Much Air Can Be Heated with the Same Energy Used to Warm Water in a Kettle?

In summary, based on the given information and making the simplifying assumption that air is 100% N2, the amount of 20.0 degree C air that can be warmed to 30.0 degree C with the same amount of heat used to warm 1.00 kg of water is approximately 5.65 kg. Additionally, this air would occupy a volume of approximately 7.32 L at 20.0 degrees C and a pressure of 1.00 atm. The formula used to calculate this was m = 2CvQ/(3RΔTcv), and the units were checked to ensure the result was in kg.
  • #1
You warm 1.00 kg of water at a constant volume of 1.00 L from 20.0 degrees C to 30.0 degrees C in a kettle. For the same amount of heat, how many kilo grams of 20.0 degree C air would you be able to warm to 30.0 degree C? What volume would this air occupy at 20.0 degrees C and a pressure of 1.00 atm? Make the simplifying assumption that air is 100% N2.

Homework Equations

m = 2CvQ/(3RΔTcv)


dQ = mcdT

The Attempt at a Solution

Q = (1.00kg)(4190 J/mol*K)(303K-293K) = 41900 J

c(air) = 1.01 * 10^3 J/kg*K
V= 1.00 L
ρ(air) =1.2929 kg/m^-3
m(air) = ρ(air)*V <=>
m(air) = (1.2929 kg/m^-3)(1.00 L) = 1.2929 kg
C(air) = (1.01*10^3 J/kg*K)(1.2929 kg) = 1305.829 J/mol*K

R = 8.314 J/mol*K
cv = 4190 J/mol*K

the answer should be 5.65 kg
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  • #2
Hint: you ignored V=const part.
  • #3
Is this formula right m = 2CvQ/(3RΔTcv) ?
  • #4
Argh, what was I thinking. You used wrong heat capacity value, but not because of the constant volume, you just have your units wrong. Sigh.

Firben said:
Is this formula right m = 2CvQ/(3RΔTcv) ?

Check your units. Is the result in kg?
  • #5
of air at 20 degrees C

To compute the heat capacity, we can use the equation Q = mcdT, where Q is the amount of heat transferred, m is the mass of the substance, c is the specific heat capacity, and dT is the change in temperature.

In this case, we have a mass of 1.00 kg of water and a change in temperature of 10 degrees C, giving us a value of 41900 J for Q. We can then rearrange the equation to solve for c, the specific heat capacity of water, which is equal to 41900 J / (1.00 kg * 10 K) = 4190 J/kg*K.

To find the amount of air that can be warmed to the same temperature with the same amount of heat, we can use the equation m = (2CvQ)/(3RΔTcv), where m is the mass of the substance, Cv is the specific heat capacity at constant volume, and R is the gas constant. We can also use the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, to find the volume of air at 20 degrees C and 1.00 atm.

Using the given specific heat capacity of air (1.01*10^3 J/kg*K) and the known values for R and Cv, we can solve for m, which gives us a value of 5.65 kg of air. This means that for the same amount of heat, we can warm 5.65 kg of air from 20 degrees C to 30 degrees C.

To find the volume of this air at 20 degrees C and 1.00 atm, we can use the ideal gas law. Rearranging the equation to solve for V, the volume, we get V = nRT/P. Using the known values for n (number of moles), R, and P, we can calculate the volume to be 480.91 L.

However, in this calculation, we made the simplifying assumption that air is 100% N2. In reality, air is composed of various gases, so this calculation will only give us an approximate answer.

FAQ: How Much Air Can Be Heated with the Same Energy Used to Warm Water in a Kettle?

What is heat capacity?

Heat capacity is a measure of the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. It is typically measured in joules per Kelvin (J/K).

How is heat capacity calculated?

Heat capacity can be calculated by dividing the amount of heat energy transferred to a substance by the change in temperature of that substance. It can also be calculated by multiplying the mass of the substance by its specific heat capacity.

What factors affect heat capacity?

The main factors that affect heat capacity are the mass and composition of the substance, as well as its specific heat capacity. Temperature and pressure can also have an impact on heat capacity.

Why is heat capacity important in science?

Heat capacity is important in science because it helps us understand how different substances respond to changes in temperature and how much heat energy is needed to cause those changes. It is also essential in various fields such as thermodynamics, chemistry, and engineering.

How is heat capacity used in real life?

Heat capacity has many practical applications, such as in designing heating and cooling systems for buildings, determining the energy needs for industrial processes, and understanding the effects of climate change on the environment. It is also used in the development of new materials and in medical procedures such as cryotherapy.

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