How much energy do i produce with my dynamo while cycling ?

In summary, the person was generating 138 watts on an exercise bike at the gym and was wondering if this value was possible since it seemed high compared to a wind generator which typically generates around 100 watts. Another person responded that this was a reasonable value for cycling as a professional cyclist can produce 250 watts and that the comparison to a wind generator may not be accurate as there are different types and sizes of wind turbines. Wind farm generators are typically rated in mega-watts.
  • #1
I was on an exercise bike in the gym the other day and on the screen it said I was generating 138 watts, and as you can imagine that's a pretty big value,lol. I wasn't cycling that fast either. My question is, is this value possible ?

sorry if this is a bland question but I know a wind generator gets about 100 watts, so I am just trying to get my head around this. Thanks in advance.
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes that's reasonable for cycling.
One horsepower is 750W, a professional cyclist can produce about 1/3Hp = 250W
  • #3
but how can this number be so much greater than a wind generator ?
  • #4
What do you mean? What kind of wind generator are you talking about? Here's a relatively inexpensive residential wind turbine that puts out 400w.
  • #5
rusty009 said:
but how can this number be so much greater than a wind generator ?
Wind farm generators are rated by mega-watts. You must be referring to a very small wind generator.

FAQ: How much energy do i produce with my dynamo while cycling ?

1. How is energy produced with a dynamo while cycling?

Energy is produced through the conversion of mechanical energy (from pedaling) into electrical energy. This is achieved through the rotation of a magnet inside the dynamo, which induces a current in the wire coil surrounding it.

2. What factors affect the amount of energy produced with a dynamo while cycling?

The amount of energy produced depends on the speed at which the cyclist is pedaling, the strength of the magnetic field, and the efficiency of the dynamo in converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Other factors such as the weight of the cyclist, terrain, and air resistance can also affect energy production.

3. How can I measure the amount of energy produced with my dynamo while cycling?

There are a few ways to measure the energy produced while cycling with a dynamo. One method is to use a power meter, which measures the power output in watts. Another option is to use a multimeter to measure the voltage and current produced by the dynamo, and then calculate the power using the equation P=VI.

4. Is the amount of energy produced with a dynamo while cycling enough to power electronic devices?

The amount of energy produced by a dynamo while cycling can vary greatly and is often not enough to power electronic devices directly. However, it can be stored in a battery and then used to charge devices later on. Some dynamos also have a USB port for direct charging of devices.

5. Can energy produced with a dynamo while cycling be used to power the bicycle itself?

In some cases, energy produced by a dynamo while cycling can be used to power the bicycle's lights or other small accessories. However, it is not enough to power the actual movement of the bicycle itself. Most bicycles require a significant amount of energy to overcome friction and air resistance, which cannot be generated by a dynamo alone.
