How much energy does the nuclear fission in one uranium atom give?

In summary, nuclear fission is only powerful when there is a large quantity of uranium present. To power a 100W light bulb for one second, approximately 3 trillion fission processes are needed. To create a nuclear bomb, it requires more than 50 kilograms of uranium, and even then, it is not a simple or easy process. The process requires precise timing and engineering, and it is not as challenging as it was in the 1940s. However, for a government of a mediumly developed country, it is not impossible to create a nuclear weapon. The Iranians are believed to already have a nuclear bomb due to their highly skilled scientists in nuclear energy and physics.
  • #1
Does it give a lot or is nuclear fission only powerful when you have a large quantity?
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  • #2
~200 MeV, or ~3*10^(-11)J. To power a 100W light bulb for one second, you need ~3*10^12 (3 trillion) fission processes.

The energy is large for an atom, but as atoms are really small it is small compared to all everyday scales.
  • #3
I see... That means if you get about 1 kg of uranium235, you could make a huge explosion...

When making nuclear bombs , how much uranium do you need to release such energy?
  • #4
Karimspencer said:
I see... That means if you get about 1 kg of uranium235, you could make a huge explosion...

When making nuclear bombs , how much uranium do you need to release such energy?

Google and wikipedia will answer this one for you... Much depends on the detailed design of the evil thing.

A primitive U-235 bomb such as the one that destroyed the medium-sized city of Hiroshima and killed about 100,000 people requires more than 50 kilograms; but most of the uranium doesn't fission because the bomb blows itself apart before fission is complete. That bomb released about 10^14 joules, which means (thanks to mfb for the MeV to joules conversion) about 3*10^24 uranium atoms actually fissioned. That's about 1 kg.
  • #5
That's pretty huge and viscous... Isn't it easy to make a huge explosion. I mean there are people that sneak some uranium with them and i am guessing they can take in about 1 kg of uranium, can't they?
  • #6
Karimspencer said:
That's pretty huge and viscous... Isn't it easy to make a huge explosion. I mean there are people that sneak some uranium with them and i am guessing they can take in about 1 kg of uranium, can't they?

No it isn't that easy. The process either requires enough material to have critical mass without compression, which is much more than 1 kg, or it requires compression by explosives, which is extremely challenging in itself due to the required timing accuracy of the explosions. Even if you did have enough material, simply throwing it together in a big lump would be dangerous, but would not result in a nuclear explosion of any significant magnitude. The short story is that making a nuclear weapon is not simple and easy.
  • #7
Drakkith said:
No it isn't that easy. The process either requires enough material to have critical mass without compression, which is much more than 1 kg, or it requires compression by explosives, which is extremely challenging in itself due to the required timing

Not as challenging as it was in the 1940s.

accuracy of the explosions. Even if you did have enough material, simply throwing it together in a big lump would be dangerous, but would not result in a nuclear explosion of any significant magnitude.

The short story is that making a nuclear weapon is not simple and easy.

It's a lot easier than it was in comparison to the 1940s. All the maths could be done on a laptop. And many of the engineering problems could be solved with off the shelf components.The centrifuges the Iranians are using are commercially available - I'm pretty sure they're off the shelf isotope splitters.

It would not be easy or next to impossible for a bunch of guys in a cave, or in the badlands of Pakistan to knock up a nuclear weapon, but for a government of any mediumly developed country, it wouldn't.

I believe the Iranians already have the bomb.
  • #8
Yes i believe that the iranians do have a bomb .. They have some of the greatest scientist and most brilliant scientist that have been studying nuclear energy and physics for years.
  • #9
This is not a politics forum. If participants cannot stick to the physics, this thread is done.


Related to How much energy does the nuclear fission in one uranium atom give?

1. How is energy released from nuclear fission in a uranium atom?

Energy is released from nuclear fission in a uranium atom when the atom's nucleus is split into smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

2. How much energy is released in nuclear fission in one uranium atom?

One uranium atom can release approximately 200 million electron volts (MeV) of energy through nuclear fission. This is equivalent to about 3.2 x 10^-11 joules of energy.

3. What determines the amount of energy released in nuclear fission?

The amount of energy released in nuclear fission is determined by the mass difference between the original uranium atom and the resulting smaller nuclei. This mass difference is converted into energy according to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2.

4. How does the energy released from nuclear fission in one uranium atom compare to other sources of energy?

The energy released from nuclear fission in one uranium atom is significantly higher than most other sources of energy. For example, the energy released from burning a single atom of coal is only about 0.0000000000004 joules, while the energy released from nuclear fission in one uranium atom is about 3.2 x 10^-11 joules.

5. Is nuclear fission a sustainable source of energy?

Nuclear fission can be a sustainable source of energy if it is managed properly and the necessary safety precautions are taken. However, the supply of uranium is limited, so it is important to explore alternative sources of nuclear fuel, such as thorium, to ensure the sustainability of nuclear energy in the long term.

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