How Much Force to Pull a 1 Tonne Rock Up a 30 Degree Slope?

In summary, a 1 tonne rock weighing 9800N is being dragged up a 30 degree slope with a constant resistance of 350N. To calculate the minimum force needed to drag the rock up the slope, a free body diagram should be set up to consider the four forces acting on the rock: gravity, normal force, friction force, and the force from the rope.
  • #1
1. A 1 tonne rock is being dragged up a 30 degree slope using the a pulley system.
If there is a constant resistance to movement between the rock and the ground of 350N, calculate the minimum force necessary to drag the rock up the slope.


3. All i got so far is

1t = 1000kg

1000kg x 9.8 (gravity)
Acting upon the slope from the rock
Physics news on
  • #2
Set up a free body diagram to find the forces acting on the rock.

  • #3
Hi vbillej! :smile:
vbillej said:
3. All i got so far is

1t = 1000kg

1000kg x 9.8 (gravity)
Acting upon the slope from the rock

No, that's wrong …

9800N is the force of gravity on the rock.

There are four forces on the rock … gravity, normal force, friction force (= 350N), and the force from the rope.

As CFDFEAGURU :smile: says, set up a free body diagram.
  • #4
Thanks both of you for your replies

tiny-tim said:
Hi vbillej! :smile:

9800N is the force of gravity on the rock.


Yes i forgot its actually the weight from the rock, thanks for reminding me

FAQ: How Much Force to Pull a 1 Tonne Rock Up a 30 Degree Slope?

1. What is minimum force?

Minimum force is the minimum amount of force required to move an object from one point to another. It is the smallest force that can overcome the resistance of an object and cause it to accelerate.

2. How is minimum force calculated?

Minimum force can be calculated by using Newton's Second Law of Motion, which states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration (F=ma). Therefore, the minimum force required to move an object can be calculated by dividing the mass of the object by the desired acceleration.

3. What factors affect the calculation of minimum force?

The calculation of minimum force is affected by several factors, including the mass of the object, the desired acceleration, and any external forces acting upon the object, such as friction or air resistance.

4. Can minimum force be greater than or equal to zero?

No, minimum force cannot be greater than or equal to zero. In order for an object to move, there must be some amount of force acting upon it to overcome its resistance. Therefore, minimum force will always be greater than zero.

5. How is minimum force used in everyday life?

Minimum force is used in many everyday activities, such as pushing a door open, riding a bike, or even simply walking. It is also used in engineering and design to determine the necessary amount of force for machines and structures to function properly.
