How Much Heat is Needed to Raise a Piston in a Heated Ideal Gas Cylinder?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the process of heating an ideal gas in a tall cylindrical jar with a movable piston. The gas is heated at a constant pressure from 25C to 55C, causing the piston to rise 1.0cm. The amount of heat required for this process is dependent on the mass of the gas and can be calculated using the ideal gas law and the change in enthalpy. The conversation also touches on the use of free body diagrams and force balances to determine the gas pressure, which is necessary for calculating the heat. It is mentioned that the air pressure outside the jar is assumed to be one atmosphere.
  • #1
An ideal gas is placed in a tall cylindrical jar of crosssectional area 0.080m^2. A frictionless 0.10kg movable piston weight is supported by the gas pressure in the jar. When the gas is heated (at constant pressure) from 25C to 55C , the piston rises 1.0cm. How much heat was required for this process? Assume atmospheric pressure outside.

A= 0.08m^2 , m=0.1kg, , Delta P= 0 --> Q= Delta U + W= Delta U + P(Delta V)
Tl= 298K , Th= 328K , d=0.01m , Q=?

I am unsure where to begin here.
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  • #2
Myr73 said:
An ideal gas is placed in a tall cylindrical jar of crosssectional area 0.080m^2. A frictionless 0.10kg movable piston weight is supported by the gas pressure in the jar. When the gas is heated (at constant pressure) from 25C to 55C , the piston rises 1.0cm. How much heat was required for this process? Assume atmospheric pressure outside.

A= 0.08m^2 , m=0.1kg, , Delta P= 0 --> Q= Delta U + W= Delta U + P(Delta V)
Tl= 298K , Th= 328K , d=0.01m , Q=?

I am unsure where to begin here.
The amount of heat depends on the amount of gas in the jar. The greater the mass of gas, the greater the amount of heat required to raise its temperature 30C. What is the pressure of the gas in the jar? From the ideal gas law, how many moles of gas are there in the jar?

For a constant pressure process, how is the amount of heat added Q related to the change in enthalpy (ΔH) of the gas? For an ideal gas, what the equation for the change in enthalpy in terms of the temperature change and the heat capacity?

  • #3
ok, umm -- How many moles, U= 3/2nRT , Where R is 8.314 J/mol.K , T would be 298K??, And then there would be PV=nRT, But I don't know how to find P here without knowing U first.

Im not sure what enthalpy is ?, I have heard of entropy but not enthalpy, I don't think we cover that in this course-
  • #4
To get the pressure, you do a free body diagram on the piston, and include the weight of the piston and the air pressure from above. You have had freshman mechanics, correct?

  • #5
Myr73 said:
ok, umm -- But I don't know how to find P here without knowing U first.
That's very interesting. Please tell me about your methodology for finding P if you know U first.

  • #6
umm.. I think I was thinking if I had U then I would know n, and then I don't know- and I am unsure of the diagram,
  • #7
Myr73 said:
umm.. I think I was thinking if I had U then I would know n, and then I don't know- and I am unsure of the diagram,
When you had freshman physics, they taught you how to use free body diagrams to do force balances on objects. There was a reason that they taught you this methodology. It was so that you could use it in more advanced analyses (such as your present thermo problem). Draw an isolated diagram of the piston, and draw arrows in the diagram to show all the forces acting on the piston. What forces have you identified as acting on the piston (there are 3)? If you are unable to do this, please go back and review your freshman physics textbook and notes. You won't be able to do your present thermo problem until you can use the force balance on the piston to determine the gas pressure.

  • #8
umm ok, I will work on that and get back to you!
  • #9
Ok, I understand how to do a general diagram of it, I think it would be, force of gravity pushing down, Gas Pressure pushing up (witch balances it out) and then the Heat would push up further. And the gravitational force would be mg. But I still don't get how I would calculate the air pressure-
  • #10
Myr73 said:
Ok, I understand how to do a general diagram of it, I think it would be, force of gravity pushing down, Gas Pressure pushing up (witch balances it out) and then the Heat would push up further. And the gravitational force would be mg. But I still don't get how I would calculate the air pressure-
You're starting to get the idea. The gas pressure pushing up is equal to mg plus the air pressure pushing down. The heat doesn't push anything . And you don't have to calculate the air pressure . It is one atmosphere. Do you know what one atmosphere is in Pa?

  • #11
Oh I see, yes I do- thanks :)

Related to How Much Heat is Needed to Raise a Piston in a Heated Ideal Gas Cylinder?

1. What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas that follows the ideal gas law, which describes the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas. It assumes that the gas particles have no volume and do not interact with each other.

2. What is the ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of an ideal gas. It is written as PV = nRT, where P is the pressure of the gas, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is the temperature.

3. How does temperature affect an ideal gas?

According to the ideal gas law, temperature and volume are directly proportional, meaning that as temperature increases, volume also increases and vice versa. This is because as temperature increases, the gas particles gain more kinetic energy and move faster, increasing the volume of the gas.

4. What are the assumptions of an ideal gas?

The assumptions of an ideal gas include that the gas particles have no volume, do not interact with each other, and behave according to the ideal gas law. It also assumes that the gas is in a closed container and that the temperature and pressure are constant.

5. How is the ideal gas law used in real-world applications?

The ideal gas law is used in many real-world applications, such as in the design of gas storage tanks and in the study of weather patterns. It is also used in the development of new technologies, such as fuel cells and gas turbines. In addition, the ideal gas law is used in the production of industrial gases and in the study of chemical reactions.
