How much heat will be generated when a bullet hits a cart?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a 6.00 g bullet with a kinetic energy of 3.12 J striking a 122 g cart on railway tracks. The conversation covers finding the speed of the bullet before and after impact, the impulse of the bullet on the cart, and the conversion of kinetic energy into internal energy. The conversation also explores how much the cart and bullet would be heated if made of lead with a specific heat of 130 J/KgK and if the bullet hit the cart perpendicular to the tracks.
  • #1

I have a bit of a dillema and a few problems regarding a simple excersize.

The situation is as folows. We have a 6,00 g bullet that has a K.E. of 3.12 J. It strikes a 122 g cart that is on railway tracks. The bullet hits the cart parallel to the tracks. Now we need to find out 1) Speed of bullet before impact 2) Speed of cart after impact 3) With what impulse did the bullet act on the cart 4) How much K.E of the bullet has converted in the internal energy of the bullet 5) For how much deg. K would the cart and bullet be heated if they are from lead with Specific heat = 130 J /KG K and the heat would not be transimitted to the environment 7) For how much would the cart and bullet be heated if the bullet would hit the cart perpendicular to the railway track.

I have difficulty with 6 and 7 and also a bit with 3.

1) Plain enough. K.E = 1/2 m * v^2 with some basic algebra we find that v = 32,2 m/s
2) Momentum before = Momentum after
m(bullet before)*v(bullet before) + 0(cart has no momentum before) = m(bullet)*v + m(cart)*v
6*32,2 = 6v + 122v with some algebra we find that v = 1.5 m/s[/quote]
Yes, looks good. Since you used grams through out, you don't need to convert to kg.
3) Now the impulse of the bullet on the cart.
Since the momentum of the cart is changed from 0 to m(cart)* 1,5 m/s = 0.183 KG m /s. The change of momentum of the cart is then 0.183 Kg m/s. Then the impulse of the bullet on the cart is equal to the momentum change of the cart = 0.183 Kg m/s. Would my reasoning be correct?
4) The K.E(before) = K.E(after) + Internal E.(after)
3.12 J = 1/2 * (6g) * (1.5 m/s)^2 + x would this reasoning be correct? We find that x = 3.11. Total I.E = 3.11 J. Soo we have that 3.11 J of E has converted in the internal energy. Correct?
No. Both cart and bullet are moving at 1.5 m/s. The mass is 6+ 122= 128 g= 0.128 kg. The total kinetic energy after the bullet hits the cart is 1/2*(0.128 kg)(1.5 m/s)2= 0.62 J. That means that 3.12-0.62= 3.5 J was converted to heat.
5) Now with this I am puzzled. I know that E= m * cp(specifci heat) * delta T. But what value should I use for E. I recon. That 3.11 J of Internal goes to heat. Soo we have delta T = 3.11 J / (6g + 122 g) * 130 J/KgK. delta T = 0.18 K. Correct?
The correct E is 3.5 J.
6) For this all of the K.E would go to I.E since neither the bullet nor the cart are moving after the impact. I recon. delta T = 3.12 J / (6g+ 122g) * 130 J/KgK. Delta T = 0.19 K.
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  • #2
Everything you have done looks fine except the answer for 5 is 2.5 J not 3.5.

Just one observation: this is one slow bullet. I doubt that a lead bullet traveling at 30 m/sec is going to penetrate a lead block.

  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

No. Both cart and bullet are moving at 1.5 m/s. The mass is 6+ 122= 128 g= 0.128 kg. The total kinetic energy after the bullet hits the cart is 1/2*(0.128 kg)(1.5 m/s)2= 0.62 J. That means that 3.12-0.62= 3.5 J was converted to heat.

Just one more question: Are you sure that 1/2*(0.128 kg)(1.5 m/s)^2= 0.62 J. I put it in my calc and I got 0.144 J.

Why do we say that the bullet is moving with 1.5 m/s. Isn't the bullet still. It is like a passanger in a bus(cart). Soo no matter what angle of impact, all K.E. of bullet would go in I.E. and bullet would have 0 K.E. from the view point of the cart. The cart would have ofcorse then have 122g*(1,5m/s )^2 of K.E. and the difference between the K.E. of bullet before impact and K.E. of the cart after impact would be the I.E. Soo we have.
K.E.(bullet, before) = K.E.(cart,after) + I.E.(bullet,after), ah...that would not be logical. Since the momentum...I c.
K.E.(bullet, before) = K.E.(cart,after) + K.E.(bullet, after) + I.E.(bullet, after)
we have
3.12 J = 1/2((6 + 122)/1000 kg) * (1.5 m/s)^2 + I.E. we get the solution I.E. = 2.98 J.

Hypothetical situations always make me puzzled.

FAQ: How much heat will be generated when a bullet hits a cart?

1. What is momentum in relation to heat?

Momentum in relation to heat refers to the transfer of energy through the movement of particles. When particles have momentum, they are able to transfer their energy to other particles, causing them to move and vibrate faster, resulting in an increase in temperature.

2. How is momentum related to the transfer of heat?

Momentum is directly related to the transfer of heat. The greater the momentum of particles, the more energy they are able to transfer to other particles, resulting in a faster transfer of heat. This is why materials with higher momentum, such as metals, are better conductors of heat compared to materials with lower momentum, such as air.

3. Can momentum be converted into heat?

Yes, momentum can be converted into heat. When a fast-moving object collides with another object, its momentum is transferred to the object, causing it to move and vibrate faster. This increase in movement and vibration results in an increase in temperature, which is a form of heat energy.

4. How does momentum affect the rate of heat transfer?

The rate of heat transfer is directly proportional to the momentum of particles. This means that the greater the momentum of particles, the faster the rate of heat transfer will be. This is why materials with high momentum, such as metals, are able to transfer heat at a faster rate compared to materials with lower momentum, such as air.

5. What is the relationship between momentum and specific heat capacity?

Momentum and specific heat capacity are two different properties related to heat. Momentum refers to the transfer of energy through the movement of particles, while specific heat capacity refers to the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. However, momentum and specific heat capacity are indirectly related. Materials with higher momentum, such as metals, tend to have lower specific heat capacities, meaning they require less energy to increase their temperature compared to materials with lower momentum, such as air.
