How much input maps to output?

In summary, given a polynomial abcdefg, there are 8 possible inputs and outputs, and 8 equations describing each possible output. To find the number of inputs that will map to a given output, you can simply plug in the output value and see how many of the equations result in that value.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have polynomials of the form:
x1 + x2 + x3 + x1x2 + x1x3 + x2x3 + x1x2x3

The x's can be a combination of 1s and 0s, so all the possible inputs could be written as strings: 000, 100, 010, 001, 110, 101, 011, 111

The polynomials can also have coefficients a...g, so could just be written abcdefg

My question is, given a polynomial abcdefg, how many of my possible inputs will be mapped to a given output?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

No idea where to start. I'm familiar with the concept of a Lebesgue integral, but have no idea how to actually do a Lebesgue integral, let alone discretize it... for 3 variables... or if this is even the line of thought I should be going down. I have put in a lot of thought to this but have not had even enough success to have made even a serious attempt at a solution, as I don't know where to begin. I appreciate any help anyone can give me on this problem.
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  • #2
So, let's start with the following. Given abcdefg, calculate all possible outputs...
  • #3
Given a polynomial abcdefg, there are 8 possible inputs and thus 8 possible outputs, and I have 8 equations describing each possible output. They are:

p(000) = 0
p(100) = a
p(010) = b
p(001) = c
p(110) = a+b+d
p(101) = a+c+e
p(011) = b+c+f
p(111) = a+b+c+d+e+f+g

Given a polynomial abcdefg and an integer k, I need to find the number of the above expressions which will evaluate to k.
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FAQ: How much input maps to output?

1. What is input and output in science?

Input and output refer to the variables or factors that are measured or observed in a scientific experiment. Input is the independent variable that is manipulated by the scientist, while output is the dependent variable that is affected by the input.

2. How do you determine the amount of input that maps to output?

The amount of input that maps to output is determined by conducting a scientific experiment and collecting data on the relationship between the two variables. This data is then analyzed to identify any patterns or trends, and a mathematical equation or model can be used to determine the specific amount of input that corresponds to a particular output.

3. Can input and output be measured in different units?

Yes, input and output can be measured in different units as long as they are related to each other in a meaningful way. For example, the input could be measured in time (such as number of minutes) while the output is measured in distance (such as meters traveled). As long as there is a clear relationship between the units, they can be used to map input to output.

4. How does the amount of input affect the output in a scientific experiment?

The amount of input can have a direct or indirect effect on the output in a scientific experiment. In some cases, a higher input may result in a higher output, while in others, the relationship may be more complex and involve multiple factors. This is why it is important for scientists to carefully control and manipulate the input in their experiments to accurately determine its effect on the output.

5. Are there any limitations to mapping input to output in science?

Yes, there are limitations to mapping input to output in science. One limitation is that there may be other variables or factors that influence the output, making it difficult to isolate the exact effect of the input. Additionally, the relationship between input and output may not always be linear and may change under different conditions. It is important for scientists to consider these limitations and address them in their research to ensure accurate and reliable results.

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