How much power/Electrical energy would this device produce?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 656102
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    Device Energy
In summary, the conversation discusses the efficiency of gravitational energy and the potential for using a combination of weight force, levers, pulleys, and other mechanisms to generate electricity. The idea of using a bicycle style generator is proposed as a more efficient alternative to the lever system. The conversation then shifts to the potential for using compressed air energy storage, which is considered to be 99% green and low cost. The individual also mentions their plans for using solar, wind, and water power to generate electricity. The conversation ends with a discussion on the challenges of manufacturing stirling engines and insulating underwater generators for the compressed air battery.
  • #1
Deleted member 656102
Hey, i don't know much about physics but i have heard that gravitational energy is non efficient since it needs a lot of power.

So this is what i had in plan..

Average household has 2 to 3 members with each waiting average 50 kilos.
You would use their combined weight force to pull up a 1000 kilo weight up in the air 5 meters using a 1:5 lever, two pulleys, wheel and a cabel.

About the force applied: 3 times 50 kilos if they stand on the lever, + they could use additional force pulling with their hands a rope that's tied to the ground.

The system i am talking about is down on the picture.

robi struja pokaz.jpg

About the wheel: The levers on the wheel can move in one direction letting the lever on which force is applied go down and pus the wheel again.

Whats the use?

So you have two small wind turbines.. two small solar collector.. And you are short of some extra power for your house to be fully independent.

Can someone brainstorm this quickly with me, or do the "calc"?


  • robi struja pokaz.jpg
    robi struja pokaz.jpg
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  • #2
People are more efficient pedaling bicycle generators instead of pulling up weights. Maybe look at ways to store that energy (electrically in batteries or gravitationally with pumped water into a water tower).

BTW, maybe this is a good way to keep your teenagers from watching so much TV. "You want to watch an hour of TV? Okay, go pedal the exercise bike for an hour first to store the energy..." :wink:
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  • #3
berkeman said:
People are more efficient pedaling bicycle generators instead of pulling up weights. Maybe look at ways to store that energy (electrically in batteries or gravitationally with pumped water into a water tower).

BTW, maybe this is a good way to keep your teenagers from watching so much TV. "You want to watch an hour of TV? Okay, go pedal the exercise bike for an hour first to store the energy..." :wink:

I don't know if you red the post, but, the people use their weight, 3, 4, 5 people... and the aditional pull force to lift this.

So it's not just pulling weights.
  • #4
Robert Petrusic said:
I don't know if you red the post, but, the people use their weight, 3, 4, 5 people... and the aditional pull force to lift this.
Yeah, but a bicycle style generator is still more efficient than a Stairmaster style generator. You want the people to keep climbing up on that lever thing, right? The energy has to come from somewhere (from sweaty people in this case)...
  • #5
It's not the same force. I believe this produces more power :D

Edit:Anyway, pedaling is boring.
  • #6
Robert Petrusic said:
It's not the same force. I believe this produces more power :D
Well, we can do a quick calculation to see...

75kg person rising up 0.25m each second is E = mgh, P = E/t

E = 100kg * 9.8m/s^2 * 0.25m = 184J/s, so Power = 184W. That's about the same as pedaling for a reasonable bike rider. I know which one I'd rather do for an hour straight... :smile:
  • #7
How much time for the 184 w? An hour?
  • #8
Robert Petrusic said:
How much time for the 184 w? An hour?
As long as you keep stair climbing or pedaling. You only put power into the storage mechanism while you are doing work on it.
  • #9
We should get some actual figures from the original scenario. However you go about lifting the weight, you will require the same amount of Energy.
The work needed to lift 1000kg by 5m is 50kJ plus whatever losses there are in the mechanism - perhaps double that requirement. That's the maximum energy you could get back out (assuming everything is 100% efficient.
That would drive a 50W lamp for 1000seconds (17minutes) or a 5W lamp / radio / motor for 170 minutes or 2.8hours. Allowing for a realistic figure for overall efficiency, you could probably call it 2 hours. So that's the ball park figure for what the proposed system could give you back.
Bearing in mind that you would need to use electricity in order to make use of the mechanically stored energy then why not use a battery and a commercially available pedal power dynamo system?
Health and safety would need to be considered for the proposed system - use something that's intrinsically safe and off the shelf.
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Likes Deleted member 656102
  • #10
@sophiecentaur Its just gravitational battery, i was very disapointed when i found out its not efficient. Do you know anything about Compressed air energy storage?

I stumbled upon it couple minutes ago.

Its 99 % green.
Low cost.
Only takes up a lot of space.

But i am developing a system where i have a lot of sun, wind, water flow and a lot of space.

My main problem is the parts.

For sun i was planning on making two parabolic dish stirling generators, for wind, a vertical axis wind turbine with a blocker

Picture 2..jpg

And since i have a river by my house, i was planing on putting some water turbines inside.

For solar i have the satelite dishes and mirrors for free, for wind and water turbine i have a lot of motors and parts, and for compressed air battery i was planning to use old boilers and dig them underground, i just need to check the pressure.

So the problem is manufacturing stirlings, They are actually not that complicated, but i am not skilled in making.

There is other problem, with water, and insulating underwater generators.

About the compressed air battery, it actually wouldn't have to be so big, because we have 250 sunny days in croatia, a lot of wind and probably the river too.
So the compressor would be used as a backup, and for apliances that are being used over night when there is no sun and no wind.

How does it feel?


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  • #11
"Several research groups have designed, modeled and built small-scale combined heat-and-power CAES units which provide heating and cooling as well as electricity. The high pressure system with a storage volume of only 0.55 m3 that we mentioned earlier, is an example of this type of system. [9] As noted, its electrical efficiency is only 11-17%, but the system also produces sufficient heat to produce 270 litres of hot water per day. If this thermal source of energy is also taken into account, the “exergetic” efficiency of the whole system is close to 70%. Similar "exergy" efficiencies can be found in other studies, with systems operating at pressures between 50 and 200 bar. [11-21]

Heat and cold from compression and expansion can be distributed to heating or cooling devices by means of water or air. The setup of an air cycle heating and cooling system is very similar to a CAES system, except for the storage vessel. Air cycle heating and cooling has many advantages, including high reliability, ease of maintenance, and the use of a natural refrigerant, which is environmentally benign. [11]"


Related to How much power/Electrical energy would this device produce?

1. How is the power or electrical energy of a device measured?

The power of a device is typically measured in watts (W) and the electrical energy is measured in watt-hours (Wh). Watts represent the rate at which energy is used or produced, while watt-hours represent the total amount of energy used or produced over a period of time.

2. What factors affect the power or electrical energy output of a device?

The power or electrical energy output of a device is affected by several factors, including the type and size of the device, the efficiency of its components, the input voltage and current, and any external factors such as temperature or load.

3. Can the power or electrical energy output of a device be increased?

Yes, the power or electrical energy output of a device can be increased by optimizing its design and components, using a higher input voltage and current, or by adding external power sources such as solar panels or batteries.

4. How can I calculate the power or electrical energy output of a device?

The power output of a device can be calculated by multiplying the voltage by the current, while the electrical energy output can be calculated by multiplying the power by the time the device is in use. However, these calculations may vary depending on the type and complexity of the device.

5. Is the power or electrical energy output of a device the same as its power or energy consumption?

No, the power or electrical energy output of a device is not necessarily the same as its power or energy consumption. The output refers to the power or energy produced by the device, while the consumption refers to the power or energy used by the device. A device can have a high output but low consumption if it is highly efficient, or vice versa.

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