How Much Proper Time Does an Observer Measure Falling Into a Black Hole?

In summary, the Schwarzschild radius is the only solution to Einstein's equations we know. The energy-momentum tensor tells us that the observer's 4-velocity is always equal to g_{\mu\nu}u^{\mu}. Finally, we can say that theta and phi decrease with distance from the center of the black hole and that they are both equal to zero at the Schwarzschild radius.
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Homework Statement

An observer falls radially inward toward a black hole of mass M, which is equal to 3 solar masses, starting with zero kinetic energy at infinity. How much time is measured by this observer as he travels between radii r1 = 6GM/c2 and the event horizon?

Homework Equations

The only solution to Einstein's equations we have learned is the Schwarzschild radius, so the solution probably involves that (I'm guessing). The Schwarzschild solution is
ds2 = -c22(1 - 2GM/rc2)dt2 + dr2/(1 - 2GM/rc2) + r2(dθ2 + sin2θdσ2) in spherical coordinates.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'll be honest, I really have no idea where to even start with this problem
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  • #2
What conserved quantities do we have at our disposal?
  • #3
Energy should be conserved. Momentum also, but I think energy conservation would be more relevant to the problem. I just don't know how to express the kinetic or potential energies in this context, or to calculate the time.
  • #4
rrfergus said:
Energy should be conserved. Momentum also, but I think energy conservation would be more relevant to the problem. I just don't know how to express the kinetic or potential energies in this context, or to calculate the time.
What do you know about the energy-momentum tensor, in the context of GR?
  • #5
rrfergus said:
Energy should be conserved. Momentum also, but I think energy conservation would be more relevant to the problem. I just don't know how to express the kinetic or potential energies in this context, or to calculate the time.

Let's think about this from a top down point of view. What does the problem want and what does it tell us? Well it wants the proper time ##\tau## measured by the observer between two given radii ##r = 6M## and ##r = 2M## right? Well if we know how much proper time ##d\tau## is incremented when the observer travels an amount ##dr##, we can integrate between the two radii and we're done. So we want to find an expression for ##\frac{dr}{d\tau}## somehow. Conserved quantities will be key here. In this case energy is all that matters since the observer falls in radially and hence has no angular momentum.

First, what's the conserved energy in Schwarzschild space-time?

Next, what do we know about the magnitude ##u_{\mu}u^{\mu} = g_{\mu\nu}u^{\mu}u^{\mu}## of the observer's 4-velocity ##u^{\mu} = (\frac{dt}{d\tau}, \frac{dr}{d\tau}, \frac{d\theta}{d\tau}, \frac{d\phi}{d\tau})##? What is it always equal to?

Finally what can we say about ##\frac{d\theta}{d\tau}## and ##\frac{d\phi}{d\tau}## for this radially infalling observer?

FAQ: How Much Proper Time Does an Observer Measure Falling Into a Black Hole?

1. What is the General Relativity Energy Problem?

The General Relativity Energy Problem is a theoretical issue in physics that arises when trying to apply the principles of general relativity to the concept of energy. In general relativity, energy is not a conserved quantity and its definition is not well-defined. This creates a discrepancy between the theory of general relativity and the principles of thermodynamics.

2. How does the General Relativity Energy Problem affect our understanding of the universe?

The General Relativity Energy Problem has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It challenges our understanding of the laws of physics and how they apply to the universe as a whole. It also raises questions about the relationship between energy and gravity, and how these two concepts interact.

3. Can the General Relativity Energy Problem be solved?

As of now, there is no definitive solution to the General Relativity Energy Problem. Many scientists are working on potential solutions, but it is a complex issue that may require a fundamental shift in our understanding of physics.

4. How does the General Relativity Energy Problem relate to dark energy and dark matter?

Some scientists believe that the General Relativity Energy Problem may be related to the existence of dark energy and dark matter. These mysterious substances are thought to make up a large portion of the universe, and their effects on gravity and energy may help to explain the discrepancies between general relativity and thermodynamics.

5. What are the potential implications of solving the General Relativity Energy Problem?

If a solution is found for the General Relativity Energy Problem, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the laws of physics and the universe as a whole. It could also lead to advancements in technology and our ability to harness energy in new ways.
