How much time would the Pressure of both tanks be Equal?

In summary, the conversation is about a person asking for help with their thesis project, specifically regarding two tanks filled with methane and connected by a pipe. The question is how much time it will take for both tanks to have the same pressure, and what formula should be used to solve this problem. The suggestion is to use gas laws, adiabatic expansion, and pressure drop formulas, and to post the question in the appropriate forum with the requested template.
  • #1
John Mendoza
Hello, I need help for my thesis project.

Lets say We have two tanks. Tank 1 is filled with methane and Tank 2 is empty

Tank 1:
V = 30L
T = 40C
P = 40psi

Tank 2:
V = 20L
T = 25C
P = 14.7psi

Two tanks are connected by a pipe with 2inch diameter (a valve in the middle is closed at first). Then the valve will open, so that Tank 1 will transfer methane to Tank 2. Then HOW MUCH TIME will both tanks have the SAME PRESSUE?

What formula shall I use? Need help. Thanks


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  • #2
Hello John, :welcome:

This may not be homework, but I think you may benefit from (at least mentally) using the template there to orser your thoughts and get effective assistance:

Homework Statement

well taken care of

Homework Equations

gas law, adiabatic expansion, pressure drop in a 2" pipe and/or in a contraction and an expansion

The Attempt at a Solution

your own ideas. Or you might look around for related threads in PF -- they definitely are here somewhere.

And -- not unimportant -- at what level do you do this ? For a PhD thesis the assistance might be somehaat more involved than for middle school... :smile:
  • #3
John Mendoza said:
Hello, I need help for my thesis project.

Lets say We have two tanks. Tank 1 is filled with methane and Tank 2 is empty

Tank 1:
V = 30L
T = 40C
P = 40psi

Tank 2:
V = 20L
T = 25C
P = 14.7psi

Two tanks are connected by a pipe with 2inch diameter (a valve in the middle is closed at first). Then the valve will open, so that Tank 1 will transfer methane to Tank 2. Then HOW MUCH TIME will both tanks have the SAME PRESSUE?

What formula shall I use? Need help. Thanks
Welcome to the PF. :smile:

As mentioned, you need to post this schoolwork problem in the Homework Help, Engineering forum and fill out the Template that you are provided there when starting a new schoolwork thread.

This thread is locked.

FAQ: How much time would the Pressure of both tanks be Equal?

1. What factors affect the time it takes for the pressure of two tanks to become equal?

The time it takes for the pressure of two tanks to become equal depends on several factors, including the volume of the tanks, the initial pressure of each tank, the rate at which gas is being transferred between the tanks, and the properties of the gas being transferred.

2. Is there a specific formula or equation for calculating the time for pressure to equalize between two tanks?

Yes, there is a formula for calculating the time it takes for the pressure to equalize between two tanks. It is known as the Ideal Gas Law, which states that the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas are related by the equation PV = nRT. This equation can be used to calculate the time it takes for the pressure to equalize between two tanks.

3. How does the temperature of the gas affect the time for pressure to equalize between two tanks?

The temperature of the gas does not directly affect the time it takes for the pressure to equalize between two tanks. However, it does affect the speed at which the gas molecules are moving, which can impact the rate of gas transfer and therefore affect the time it takes for the pressure to equalize.

4. Can the pressure of two tanks ever be exactly equal?

In theory, the pressure of two tanks can be exactly equal. However, in reality, there will always be small differences in pressure due to factors such as temperature, volume, and gas properties. Additionally, the pressure will only be equal at a specific point in time, as it is constantly changing due to gas transfer between the tanks.

5. Are there any safety concerns or risks when equalizing the pressure between two tanks?

Yes, there can be safety concerns when equalizing the pressure between two tanks, especially if the tanks contain hazardous or flammable gases. It is important to follow proper procedures and precautions to ensure the safe transfer of gas between tanks and to prevent any accidents or injuries.
