How Much Water Fell on the City During the Storm?

In summary, the problem involves calculating the amount of rain, in metric tons, that fell on a city with dimensions of 4.0 km by 7.0 km in a 2.0 hr period. To solve this, the density of water and conversion factors were used to determine the volume and mass of the rain, which was found to be 47.6 metric tons.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A violent rainstorm dumps 1.7 cm of rain on a city 4.0 km wide and 7.0 km long in a 2.0 hr period. How many metric tons of water fell on the city?

Homework Equations

1 ton = 10^3 kg
1 cm^3 of water has a mass of 1 g = 10^-3 kg.
Density of water is 1.0 g/cm^3

The Attempt at a Solution

Knowing that density of water is 1.0 g/cm^3...

I first calculated the volume, which is v = (1.7 cm) (4000 cm) (7000 cm) = 4.76E7 cm^3. To get the mass in metric tons, I did the following: mass = (4.76E7 cm^3) (1 g/cm^3) (1 kg / 1 000 g) (1 metric ton / 1000 kg) = 47.6 metric tons.

When I entered it into the computer, it said it was incorrect. Please help!
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  • #2
If 1 metre = 100 cm and 1 km = 1000 m, then 4.0 km = how many cm??
And for 7.0 km??
  • #3
Wow. Thanks, man. I messed up the conversion factor. No wonder why I keep getting it wrong. lol Thanks again! I don't know how I could have missed that!
Last edited:
  • #4
Finally got it!
  • #5

Your calculations and approach seem correct. However, there may be a small error in your conversion factor for metric tons. The correct conversion factor is 1 metric ton = 1000 kg, not 100 kg as you have used in your calculation. Using the correct conversion factor, the answer should be 47.6 metric tons.

FAQ: How Much Water Fell on the City During the Storm?

What is water volume estimation?

Water volume estimation is the process of determining the amount of water contained in a specific area or body, such as a lake, river, or underground aquifer. It is an important aspect of water resource management and can help scientists understand the availability and distribution of water.

Why is water volume estimation important?

Water volume estimation is important because it allows scientists and policymakers to make informed decisions about water management, such as predicting water availability, planning for droughts and floods, and assessing the impact of human activities on water resources. It also helps in understanding the health of aquatic ecosystems and ensuring sustainable use of water.

What are the methods used for estimating water volume?

There are several methods used for estimating water volume, such as hydrological modeling, remote sensing, and direct measurement. Hydrological modeling involves using mathematical models to simulate the movement of water through a system. Remote sensing uses satellite imagery to measure water surface area and depth. Direct measurement involves physically measuring the volume of water using instruments such as gauges, meters, and soundings.

What are the factors that affect water volume estimation?

The accuracy of water volume estimation can be affected by various factors, such as the type of method used, the quality and availability of data, the season and weather conditions, and the presence of human activities, such as irrigation and water withdrawals. These factors can introduce errors and uncertainties in the estimation process and should be carefully considered when interpreting results.

How can water volume estimation be used in real-world applications?

Water volume estimation has many practical applications, including water resource management, flood forecasting, and drought monitoring. It is also used in industries such as agriculture, energy, and mining, where accurate estimation of water volume is crucial for sustainable operations. Additionally, water volume estimation can inform policy and decision-making related to water allocation, conservation, and pollution control.
