How much water needed to power the world through oxidization of hydrogen

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential impact of using hydrogen gas as a transportation fuel and the amount of hydrogen that would need to be obtained through electrolyzing seawater. The question focuses on how much the ocean level would decrease if enough hydrogen was produced in one year. The solution involves calculating the volume of seawater using its molar mass and density.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The annual world use of liquid hydrocarbon fuels for transportation purposes currently generates about 10^17 kJ. If we could instead run our transportation system by oxidizing hydrogen gas to gaseous water, we would likely have to obtain the hydrogen by electrolyzing water. Suppose we made and stored enough hydrogen for one year by electrolyzing seawater. By how much would the level of the oceans decrease (in m)?

Homework Equations

electrolyzing water: 2H2O --> 2H2 + O2

The Attempt at a Solution

I have gotten to the point where i have calculated I need 4.17x1015 mol of seawater. I am unsure of how to now calculate the decrease in ocean water.
Physics news on
  • #2
You might want to search for seawater surface area, that is 71% of the surface area of earth. Consider the Earth spherical with some radius. Convert moles into volume of water and viola, you get your answer.
  • #3
turns out i needed to calculate the volume of seawater by using the molar mass and the density rather than through pv=nrt

FAQ: How much water needed to power the world through oxidization of hydrogen

1. How much water is needed to power the world through oxidization of hydrogen?

The exact amount of water needed to power the world through oxidization of hydrogen would depend on various factors such as the efficiency of the technology used, the demand for energy, and the availability of hydrogen. However, it has been estimated that if all the energy needs of the world were to be met through hydrogen power, it would require approximately 9.5 trillion cubic meters of water per year.

2. How does hydrogen power from water work?

Hydrogen power from water works through a process called electrolysis, where an electric current is passed through water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be used as a fuel source by oxidizing it, which releases energy. The resulting byproduct is water, making it a clean and renewable energy source.

3. What are the benefits of using hydrogen power from water?

There are several benefits of using hydrogen power from water. Firstly, it is a clean and renewable energy source, as the only byproduct is water. Secondly, it has a high energy density, meaning it contains a lot of energy per unit of weight. Additionally, hydrogen power is versatile and can be used in various applications such as powering vehicles or generating electricity.

4. What are the challenges of using hydrogen power from water?

One of the main challenges of using hydrogen power from water is the cost. Currently, the technology for producing and storing hydrogen is expensive, making it less competitive compared to other energy sources. There are also challenges in terms of infrastructure and distribution, as a new network would need to be developed for transporting and storing hydrogen. Additionally, safety concerns regarding the flammability of hydrogen need to be addressed.

5. Is hydrogen power from water a viable solution for powering the world?

Hydrogen power from water has the potential to be a viable solution for powering the world, but it is not without its challenges. As technology advances and production costs decrease, it could become a more competitive and sustainable energy source. However, it is likely that a combination of different renewable energy sources will be needed to meet the world's energy demands in the future.
