How Much Work Does Friction Do on a Crate Sliding Down a Ramp?

  • Thread starter cbeeson23
  • Start date
Wf = ΔKE - WgWg = -mghΔKE = 1/2MV^2Wf = 0.5 * 70 * (5^2 - 0) - (-70 * 9.81 * 2)= 0.5 * 70 * 25 + 70 * 9.81 * 2= 875 + 1373.4= 2248.4In summary, the work done by friction on the crate is 2248.4 Joules.
  • #1
A 70 kg crate starting at rest slides down a rough ramp 4.0 meters long, inclined at 30 degrees above horizontal. At the bottom, it is moving at 5.0 m/s. what was the work done by friction on the crate?

A. -500 Joules
B. 500 Joules
C. 460 Joules
D. -460 Joules
E. 0.0 Joules

I got this answer wrong and i was wondering why... so here is my work. i got the height to be 2meters by using sin 30

Mgh - Wf = 1/2MV^2

70 * 9.81 * 2 - wf = .5 * 70 * 5.0^2
875 - wf = 1373.4
wf =1373.4-875
wf = 500 joules

so i got positive 500 joules. So is the answer actually -500 joules since friction forces go up the ramp>
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  • #2
The question is worded poorly, IMO. The proper phrase should be "how much energy is dissipated by friction?" The ambiguity is in the definition of 'work'. Since the frictional force acts to oppose the motion, the frictional force can be thought of as removing some fraction of the total gravitational potential energy available to perform work.

Of course, the energy is removed as heat and plastic deformation of the materials.
  • #3
cbeeson23 said:
Mgh - Wf = 1/2MV^2
Instead, think:
Total Work done by all forces = ΔKE
Wg + Wf = ΔKE

FAQ: How Much Work Does Friction Do on a Crate Sliding Down a Ramp?

What is friction?

Friction is a force that resists the relative motion between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. It is caused by the roughness of the surfaces and the intermolecular forces between them.

How does friction affect energy?

Friction converts kinetic energy into heat energy, causing energy to be lost in the process. This means that the amount of energy available to do work decreases due to friction.

What factors affect the amount of friction between two surfaces?

The amount of friction between two surfaces is affected by the roughness of the surfaces, the force pressing the surfaces together, and the type of materials involved.

What are the different types of friction?

The three main types of friction are static friction, which occurs between two surfaces that are not moving relative to each other, kinetic friction, which occurs between two surfaces that are sliding past each other, and rolling friction, which occurs between a rolling object and the surface it is rolling on.

How can friction be reduced?

Friction can be reduced by using lubricants, such as oil or grease, between two surfaces, or by using smoother surfaces. Additionally, reducing the force pressing the surfaces together can also decrease the amount of friction.
