How much work is done on the skier in the first 8.9 seconds of descent?

In summary: This gives a net force of 422.27 N.In summary, to calculate the net work done on the skier in the first 8.9 seconds of descent, you will need to use the equations for Newton's 2nd law, force of gravity, and friction. Remember to find the component of weight parallel to the incline and to use the coefficient of kinetic friction to calculate the friction force. The net force can then be used to calculate the acceleration and ultimately the kinetic energy and net work done on the skier. Units should be in joules (J).
  • #1
The Merf
ok guys, i got one that wants me to figure out how much work is done:
A skier of a mass 79.1 kg, starting from rest, slides down a slope at an angle of 38 degrees with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction, u, is 0.09. What is the net work (the net gain in kinetic energy) done on the skier in the first 8.9 s of decent?
now i don't want the answer, i just need help know what equations i need when.

I know it gives me m=79.1kg theta=38degrees coefficient of kinetic friction=.09 (not sure of unit) and t=8.9

how do i get how much work?

I have figured the mass in the verticle direction to be 48.69 (is this right?) by taking sin38=x/79.1 or 79.1sin38=x
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Physics news on
  • #2
Figure out the acceleration. What's the net force on the skier? Use Newton's 2nd law.
  • #3
ok since i got 48.69 to be the mass in the y direction, i take that times -9.8 as the acceleration due to gravity and get -477.16 as the force, i think i Newtons, but where does friction come in?
  • #4
I can complete this problem without friction, or even with friction, but in one dimention, but what confuses me is that usually gravity and friction work together to slow down an object, now gravity is working to speed it up and friction is trying to slow it down, so I'm not sure what equation to use
  • #5
The Merf said:
ok since i got 48.69 to be the mass in the y direction, i take that times -9.8 as the acceleration due to gravity and get -477.16 as the force, i think i Newtons, but where does friction come in?
Don't think in terms of mass in a particular direction--that doesn't make much sense. Think of the component of the weight (mg) parallel to the incline, which equals mgsinθ.

Friction is another force acting on the skier; it will equal μN, where N is the normal force. (How do you determine the normal force?)
  • #6
The Merf said:
now gravity is working to speed it up and friction is trying to slow it down, so I'm not sure what equation to use
You need the net force down the incline. Since gravity and friction act in opposite directions, they will have opposite signs.
  • #7
ok so N=mgcos(theta)
N=477.25 (i think it is a little different because of rounding earlier)

so friction=uN

so the net forces N+friction=477.25-42.95 or 434.30 so that is the net force

now K=mv^2
so 1/2K (because he starts at rest so v_0=0 so K_0=0)
or (mv^2)/2
now m=79.1kg, v=axt or because a=F/m v=434.30/79.1x8.9 or 48.87m/s
so K=1/2(79.1)(48.87)^2
(is this right and is joules the right unit?)
  • #8
The Merf said:
ok so N=mgcos(theta)
N=477.25 (i think it is a little different because of rounding earlier)
Redo this calculation. (Cosine, not sine!)
  • #9
oops... my bad, i did use sin i just accidentally wrote cos
so is it supposed to be cos?
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  • #10
The Merf said:
oops... my bad, i did use sin i just accidentally wrote cos
You should have used cosine, as written.
  • #11
ok thanks
  • #12
ok so N=mgcos(theta)

so friction=uN

so the net forces N+friction=610.85-54.98 or 422.27 so that is the net force

now K=mv^2
so 1/2K (because he starts at rest so v_0=0 so K_0=0)
or (mv^2)/2
now m=79.1kg, v=axt or because a=F/m v=422.27/79.1x8.9 or 47.51m/s
so K=1/2(79.1)(47.51)^2
so joules is the right unit?
  • #13
The Merf said:
ok so N=mgcos(theta)

so friction=uN

so the net forces N+friction=610.85-54.98 or 422.27 so that is the net force
The net force is the component of gravity down the incline (not N) minus the friction force.

FAQ: How much work is done on the skier in the first 8.9 seconds of descent?

1. What is the definition of "work" in physics?

In physics, work is defined as the force applied on an object multiplied by the distance the object moves in the direction of the force.

2. How is work calculated for a skier on a slope?

To calculate work for a skier on a slope, you would need to know the force of gravity acting on the skier, as well as the distance the skier travels down the slope. You can then use the formula W = Fd, where W is work, F is force, and d is distance.

3. Is work done by a skier on a slope considered positive or negative?

The work done by a skier on a slope can be either positive or negative, depending on the direction of the force applied. If the skier is moving downhill, the work done is considered positive as the force and displacement are in the same direction. If the skier is moving uphill, the work done is considered negative as the force and displacement are in opposite directions.

4. How does the skier's mass affect the amount of work done?

The skier's mass does not directly affect the amount of work done. However, a heavier skier may require more force to move down the slope, resulting in more work being done. But if the force and distance remain constant, the skier's mass does not affect the amount of work done.

5. Can work be done on a skier by the slope?

Yes, work can be done on a skier by the slope. As the skier moves down the slope, the slope exerts a force on the skier, and this force multiplied by the distance the skier travels results in work being done on the skier by the slope.
