How Physics is Done: The Process of Formulating and Testing Theories

In summary, physics is the attempt to describe the natural world by the application of the scientific method, and it starts with observing simple phenomena and formulating accurate definitions. Controlled experiments are then done to find relationships between the defined phenomena, and after that theoretical relationships are formed based on the data. Once these relationships are confirmed through empirical data, the theory is rendered correct.
  • #1
This may seem a vague topic but I just like to enquire in general about how standard/conventional physics is done and how to produce correct physics. On the definition of physics, Wikipedia has 'Physics attempts to describe the natural world by the application of the scientific method.' So it is intrinsically a theoretical endeavour (whereas I would call Engineering an intrinsically pratical endeavour). The goal is to produce correct physical theories which must be confirmed by experimentation. Note: Correct here refers to what is accepted in the physics community because one cannot be correct about a physical theory as one can be correct about 1+1=2. One start with very simple observation like apple falling to the ground or passing current through a wire and see a compass needle move.

2. Form definitions which could accurately as possible describe and distinguish these phenomena.

3. Do some controlled experiments involving the items that have been defined. And find relationships between them, in terms of numerical data in terms of clearly defined units.

4. Form precise as possible although never perfect theoretical relationships between these definitions by matching it with experimental data.

5. Use available theoretical methods to make deductions if possible from the established theory. Hence make it more elegant, complete and also find some new relationships if possible like Maxwell finding EM waves travel at speed c so EM is light.

6. The theory is rendered correct. After that physicists may dream up an experiment that involve physical entities that already have precise theoretical relationships. They can use these theories to guide what they want to do in their experiment. i.e. in their experiment they recquire the electrons to bend in a circle in order to find the charge to mass ratio of the electron. They can use the relavant formulae (which was established correct through prior experimentation) and put the paramaters of the current experimental situation into the formulae to find the charge to mass ratio.

So the process is finding fundalmental theories then using it in more complex experiments to find newer and more complex relationships. Or it could be finding fundalmental physical entities/relationships in a different way as a result of a new theory such as determining the speed of light from EM theory. And hopefully, confirming the quantity (if a contradiction or large error (not due to experimental error) is found than there is something wrong somewhere, which could be very bad because prior experiments that used the wrong theory in parts of the experiment would have got a wrong final result). In this way, theory and experiment are very much interlinked. Physics starts off empirically and after that theory and experiment are very much interlinked. Sometimes one can get ahead of the other but both are needed to prodce correct physics. i.e. GR was formulated before any direct experimental data although it had SR as a grounding which was backed by solid experimental data. It was only after people were able to test it did such as Eddington could GR be stated as a correct theory.
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  • #2
pivoxa15 said:
Note: Correct here refers to what is accepted in the physics community because one cannot be correct about a physical theory as one can be correct about 1+1=2.

I think you've got that backwards. One cannot really be "correct" about "1+1=2", it is only true because people agree to define "2" in such a manner. However, what matters in physics is not what the physics community accepts at a certain time, all that matters is whether or not the real life practical experiment gives the predicted results.
  • #3
I am saying, if we define numbers the way they are than the answer is undebatable. If you do not accept the definition of the numbers than that is another issue.

But in physics if we define physical observables that people accept (just like the definitions in maths that people accept) than it is not always the case that people accept the quantitative relationships between these definitions even after empirical results. Or it could be the case that the relationships people believe change with time as better empirical observations come in. A classic example is Netwonian and Relativistic mechanics.
  • #4
I agree with pivoxa15 about "1+ 1= 2". It is correct because that is the way 2 is defined. Saying 'One cannot really be "correct" about "1+1=2"' is a lot like saying one cannot be correct about what one's own name is! It is only because other people agree to call you by it that it is your name!

pivoxa15, the only thing I would add is that it should be made clear that, in
4. Form precise as possible although never perfect theoretical relationships between these definitions by matching it with experimental data
there will be many different "theoretical relationships". We then extrapolate (part 5) (this is where math comes in) to try to find possible situations where the different theories predict different outcomes. We then do experiments (part 6) to see which different outcomes do not happen. We can then discard the theories that gave those incorrect outcomes. Science progresses by disproving theories. We can never "prove" a theory.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
I agree with pivoxa15 about "1+ 1= 2". It is correct because that is the way 2 is defined. Saying 'One cannot really be "correct" about "1+1=2"' is a lot like saying one cannot be correct about what one's own name is! It is only because other people agree to call you by it that it is your name!

pivoxa15, the only thing I would add is that it should be made clear that, in

there will be many different "theoretical relationships". We then extrapolate (part 5) (this is where math comes in) to try to find possible situations where the different theories predict different outcomes. We then do experiments (part 6) to see which different outcomes do not happen. We can then discard the theories that gave those incorrect outcomes. Science progresses by disproving theories. We can never "prove" a theory.

So I whould have added, after rendering the theory correct, an additional step, 7 which is to design experiments that might give result which falsify the theory. The longer 7 happens without success, the better the theory. In this way the correctness of the theory is in degrees and not absolute like in maths.

Related to How Physics is Done: The Process of Formulating and Testing Theories

1. What is the process for conducting a physics experiment?

The process for conducting a physics experiment typically involves the following steps:

  1. Formulating a research question or hypothesis
  2. Designing the experiment and selecting appropriate equipment
  3. Collecting data through observations or measurements
  4. Analyzing the data using mathematical and statistical methods
  5. Interpreting the results and drawing conclusions

2. How do scientists ensure the accuracy of their measurements in physics experiments?

Scientists use various techniques to ensure the accuracy of their measurements. This may include calibrating equipment, repeating measurements multiple times, and using statistical analysis to identify and account for errors. Additionally, scientists may compare their results with previous experiments or theories to verify the accuracy of their measurements.

3. What role does mathematics play in physics?

Mathematics plays a crucial role in physics as it provides the tools and language to describe and analyze physical phenomena. Scientists use mathematical equations and models to represent and predict various aspects of the physical world, such as motion, energy, and forces. Without mathematics, it would be challenging to understand and explain the laws and principles of physics.

4. How do scientists use technology in physics experiments?

Scientists use technology in various ways during physics experiments. This may include using advanced equipment and instruments to make precise measurements, collecting and analyzing data using computer software, and creating simulations to model and predict physical phenomena. Technology allows scientists to conduct experiments that would not be possible with traditional methods and provides more accurate and efficient results.

5. What are the ethical considerations in physics research?

Ethical considerations in physics research involve ensuring the safety and well-being of researchers and participants, obtaining informed consent, and maintaining confidentiality. Additionally, scientists must adhere to ethical principles such as honesty, integrity, and respect for human and animal subjects. They must also consider the potential impacts of their research on society and the environment and strive to use their findings for the betterment of humanity.

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