How should an H bridge circuit be analyzed?

In summary: Voltage surges which are dominant problem of H bridges are difficult to calculate manually; SPICE is preferrable.
  • #1
Boltzman Oscillation
Homework Statement
How should an H bridge circuit be analyzed?
Relevant Equations
Basic KCL, KVL, transistor equations
If I am given an H bridge circuit such as that below:

How would I go on analyzing it? I would personally replace all of the transistors by their circuit models but then what would I do with the motor? Do I replace the motor with it's load resistance or is there more to it? I guess motors are dealt with power electronics, I have not covered power electronics in my study (i don't plan on doing so).
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  • #2
Typically motors are simulated as series RL circuit. It allows accurate sumulation of transients during motor switching.
  • #3
trurle said:
Typically motors are simulated as series RL circuit. It allows accurate sumulation of transients during motor switching.
if i have a motor with me is there a way to determine those values?
  • #4
Boltzman Oscillation said:
if i have a motor with me is there a way to determine those values?
High end multimeters allows to measure both inductance and resistance of motor winding.
In my workshop, i prefer to use a combination of cheap multimeter for resistance measurement and a dedicated LC meter for measurement of inductance though - more cost efficient and accurate. Standard meter-long multimeter leads have enough self-inductance to distort reading from smaller motors.
  • #5
trurle said:
High end multimeters allows to measure both inductance and resistance of motor winding.
In my workshop, i prefer to use a combination of cheap multimeter for resistance measurement and a dedicated LC meter for measurement of inductance though - more cost efficient and accurate. Standard meter-long multimeter leads have enough self-inductance to distort reading from smaller motors.
Darn, my multimeter doesn't include that operation. I was wondering if I could analyze this hbridge by hand calculation or if I should just use a SPICE program because it will be too complicated by hand?
  • #6
Boltzman Oscillation said:
Darn, my multimeter doesn't include that operation. I was wondering if I could analyze this hbridge by hand calculation or if I should just use a SPICE program because it will be too complicated by hand?
Voltage surges which are dominant problem of H bridges are difficult to calculate manually; SPICE is preferrable.

Related to How should an H bridge circuit be analyzed?

1. How does an H bridge circuit work?

An H bridge circuit is a type of electronic circuit that allows a motor or other load to be driven in both directions. It consists of four switches, typically transistors, arranged in a configuration that resembles the shape of the letter "H". By turning on and off these switches in a certain pattern, the direction of current flow through the load can be reversed, allowing it to move in both directions.

2. What are the main components of an H bridge circuit?

The main components of an H bridge circuit include the four switches, which can be transistors, MOSFETs, or other types of electronic switches, as well as a power source and a load, such as a motor. Some H bridge circuits also include control logic, such as microcontrollers, to control the switching pattern of the switches.

3. How do you analyze an H bridge circuit?

To analyze an H bridge circuit, you will need to understand the basic principles of circuit analysis, including Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. You will also need to know the characteristics of the components used in the circuit, such as the voltage and current ratings of the switches and the motor. From there, you can apply these principles to determine the voltage, current, and power at different points in the circuit.

4. What are the common challenges in analyzing an H bridge circuit?

One common challenge in analyzing an H bridge circuit is understanding the complex switching pattern of the four switches, which can vary depending on the specific circuit design. Another challenge is dealing with inductive loads, such as motors, which can generate back EMF that can affect the performance of the circuit. Additionally, selecting the appropriate components and ensuring their proper operation can also be a challenge.

5. How can you optimize the performance of an H bridge circuit?

To optimize the performance of an H bridge circuit, you should carefully select the components based on their specifications and ratings. You should also consider the layout and wiring of the circuit to minimize any interference or noise. Additionally, using control logic, such as microcontrollers, can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the switching pattern. Regular testing and fine-tuning can also help to optimize the performance of the circuit.

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