How Should Angles Be Used in Calculating Tension Forces?

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of solving a problem involving three different cables and their respective x and y components. There is confusion about the use of angles and signs, but eventually the correct answer is achieved.
  • #1

Homework Statement

See attached figure below for problem:
CH4C WA.jpg

I'm designating the "horizontal cable" T1, the "incline cable" T2, and the "vertical cable" T3.

Homework Equations

I used the following to find x and y components of each force:
x comp=Tncos(theta)
y comp=Tnsin(theta)

The Attempt at a Solution

I made a chart for T1, T2, and T3 for the respective x and y components.
y=0 (because it's only the x direction)
I didn't know which angle to use for theta, I used 180 because of where I put the x and y-axis in my free body diagram.

Again, I didn't know if I should use the 38* or add 180 to it...

x=0 (because it's only in the y direction?)
y=532 N (given)

I started to sum my x components and then solve for T2, but the answer that I got was wrong. I did this:
Sun of x components: 0=T1cos(180)+T2cos(38)
T2=1.27 N
I tried both 38* and 218* for the theta of T2 and both answers were wrong.

Sum of y components: 0=T1sin(180)+T2sin(38)+532N
Once I got the correct value for T2, I would plug it into this equation to find T1. And T3 will equal the weight (532 N) because of equilibrium, right?

Can anyone help me get on the right track?

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  • #2
cbchapm2 said:
Sun of x components: 0=T1cos(180)+T2cos(38)
You've switched the sign there.
T2=1.27 N
Where did that come from?
Sum of y components: 0=T1sin(180)+T2sin(38)+532N
To be consistent with the signs, that should be -532N (sin(270)=-1).
  • #3
You have some confusion with angles. The convention is that the positive x- axis has angle 0 degrees, and the angle increases as one goes counterclockwise. Therefore, positive y is 90 degrees, negative x is 180 degrees and negative y is 270 degrees.
  • #4
I got the right answer! When I solved the first equation for T2, I dropped the T1 and it threw off everything else too.
  • #5

I would suggest reviewing the concept of tension force and the correct equations for finding the x and y components. The angle theta should be the angle between the cable and the horizontal axis, not the angle of the cable itself. Additionally, the equation for summing the x components should be T1cos(theta)-T2cos(38), and the equation for summing the y components should be T1sin(theta)+T2sin(38)-532N. This will give you the correct values for T1 and T2. Also, remember to use the correct units for your calculations. Good luck!

FAQ: How Should Angles Be Used in Calculating Tension Forces?

1. What is tension force?

Tension force is a pulling force that is exerted by a string, rope, or cable when it is pulled tight from either end.

2. How is tension force different from compression force?

Tension force is a pulling force, while compression force is a pushing force. Tension force pulls an object away from its support, while compression force pushes an object towards its support.

3. What factors affect the amount of tension force?

The amount of tension force depends on the magnitude of the applied force, the stiffness of the material, and the angle at which the force is applied.

4. How is tension force measured?

Tension force is measured in units of newtons (N) using a spring scale or a force sensor.

5. What are some real-life examples of tension force?

Some real-life examples of tension force include a person pulling a wagon with a rope, a weightlifter lifting a barbell with a cable, and a bridge supporting the weight of cars and trucks with its cables.
