How Should We Visualize Dark Matter Around Spiral Galaxies?

In summary, the general picture is that dark matter forms a spherical or oblate halo around a spiral galaxy and has a radial density gradient. It is thought to rotate independently from the galaxy and is made up of weakly-interacting particles that keep their distance from the center due to their high velocity.
  • #1
ryan albery
Does it make sense to visualize dark matter as roughly spherical, or oblate, around a spiral galaxy? Perhaps incorrectly, I picture dark matter as analogous to a planet, or star, with the visible disk of the galaxy forming the equatorial plane. Is this reasonable picture of what we observe through lensing, and accounting for the constant rate of rotation? If so, is there thought to be a radial density gradient in the dark matter, something akin to the mostly linear density gradient of Earth's atmosphere, or is the dark matter thought to be more of a constant density? Also, does the dark matter rotate with the galaxy? If the planet analogy is reasonable, insomuch as the dark matter has an axis of rotation, what's the force is that keeps what I'll assume to be 'particles' of dark matter near the poles from simply falling into the center of the galaxy?

Much thanks to anyone who can set me straight, and thanks so much to everyone for making this such a valuable resource for learning about the universe!
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  • #2
The general picture is of a galaxy surrounded by a dark matter halo that goes out to many times the extent of the luminous matter. Haloes definitely have a density gradient, being denser in the centre and becoming more tenuous as you move outwards. I know that some observations support spherically-symmetric density profiles, in which the density depends only on radial distance r, from the the centre. See for example the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile. On the other hand, I know that triaxial haloes have been found to better match/explain observations in some instances.
  • #3
I usually prefer to think of dark matter as being a large, smoothly-distributed gas of weakly-interacting particles, more dense in the center and tapering slowly out to the edge, with a much smaller galaxy sitting in the center of it. The individual particles of dark matter all have their own orbits around the center of mass. The main reason why they don't just fall to the center and stay at the center is that because they interact so weakly, they have no way to lose energy. So as they fall towards the center of the galaxy, they pick up a large velocity that just pushes them right back out to as far as they came in.

The rotation of dark matter is probably completely unrelated to the rotation of the galaxy that's sitting inside it, because there is so little interaction between the two.

FAQ: How Should We Visualize Dark Matter Around Spiral Galaxies?

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a hypothetical type of matter that is thought to make up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. It does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible and difficult to detect.

2. How do scientists try to visualize dark matter?

Scientists use a variety of methods to try and visualize dark matter, including studying the gravitational effects it has on other visible matter, using computer simulations and modeling, and searching for indirect evidence of its existence through phenomena such as gravitational lensing.

3. Why is it important to try to visualize dark matter?

Understanding dark matter is crucial to our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It plays a major role in the formation and structure of galaxies and other large-scale structures, and its properties could provide insights into the nature of gravity and the fundamental laws of physics.

4. How close are we to actually visualizing dark matter?

Despite decades of research and many promising theories, scientists have not yet been able to directly observe or visualize dark matter. However, ongoing experiments and advancements in technology are bringing us closer to this goal and continue to provide valuable insights into the nature of dark matter.

5. What are some of the challenges in trying to visualize dark matter?

One of the major challenges in visualizing dark matter is its elusive nature and the fact that it does not interact with light. This makes it difficult to detect and study using traditional methods. Additionally, dark matter is believed to be spread out throughout the universe, making it even harder to pinpoint and study. However, scientists are continuously developing new techniques and technologies to overcome these challenges.

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