How Similar Are the Images from BOSS and CMB Planck Spacecraft?

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In summary: Additionally, using the BOSS data, you can also see a correlation between the BOSS galaxies and the Planck clusters. The Planck clusters are at the centre of the BOSS galaxies and this is consistent with the idea that the clusters are the seeds that gave birth to the galaxies.It is similar, but the CMB and galaxies have different patterns because they were measuring different things.
  • #1
we can see picture which was also measured.

One paper about this is also:

This picture is very similar as CMB picture measured by Planck spacecraft . spacecraft )

Are those two pictures really similar if we put one on another?
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  • #2
Well, directly putting them on top of each other doesn't help - they are showing different regions in space. They are also showing different regions in time, so you don't get directly the same patterns - so you need cosmological models to figure out how the CMB fluctuations develop to galaxy patterns. As far as I understand the new galaxy map fits well to the models.
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  • #3
Not really. You can test this out if you install Aladin which can show an SDSS catalogue on top of a CMB map. The clustering signal in the CMB and the galaxies are related but direct correlations between the CMB and galaxies are slim. I would be careful of correlation by eye however, you usually see what you want to and the BOSS galaxies aren't that homogeneous.

There are correlations between galaxies in the modern universe and the observed CMB but these are secondary anisotropies, they were imprinted by the galaxies as the CMB light passed by. The primary anisotropy generated at the surface of last scattering won't be correlated significantly. Secondary correlations are usually quite weak. The main one is the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect where the CMB photons scatter off the hot electrons in the intra-cluster medium in galaxy clusters. This one can be seen by eye with either big clusters or good data as cold spots at low frequencies and hot spots at higher ones (this is a spectral distortion, the spectrum is no longer black body). However this is a very small scale effect, not visible in these images. There is a larger scale effect called in the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect where the accelerating universe causes small residual gravitational redshifts when CMB photons enter and leave a potential. The end result is that clusters leave hot spots and voids leave cold spots on the CMB. This occurs at much larger scales than the SZ effect but it is very small and can't be seen by eye, it can barely be detected statistically. There is also gravitational lensing where galaxies trace the mass in the universe which lenses the CMB. This is again small but it can dominate the very small scale CMB structures with the SZ effect but that’s not really resolved by Planck, it's best studied in polarisation.

There may however be observational effects, namely dust. Galactic dust causes reddening but it can also contaminate CMB maps, however combined CMB maps are pretty good at removing foreground away from the galactic plane and BOSS does account for reddening.
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FAQ: How Similar Are the Images from BOSS and CMB Planck Spacecraft?

1. What is BOSS and how does it relate to CMB?

BOSS stands for Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is a large-scale project that maps the distribution of galaxies in the universe. This survey is closely related to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which is a faint glow of light that fills the entire universe and provides information on the early stages of the universe's evolution.

2. How does BOSS measure the similarity between galaxies and the CMB?

BOSS measures the similarity between galaxies and the CMB by looking at the patterns of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) in both datasets. These BAOs are sound waves that traveled through the early universe and left an imprint on the distribution of galaxies and the CMB. By studying these patterns, scientists can determine the overall similarity between the two datasets.

3. What insights can we gain from studying the similarity between BOSS and CMB?

Studying the similarity between BOSS and CMB can provide valuable insights into the history and evolution of the universe. It can help us understand the large-scale structure of the universe and how it has changed over time. It can also provide clues about the nature of dark energy and dark matter, which make up a significant portion of the universe's composition.

4. How does the similarity between BOSS and CMB support the Big Bang theory?

The similarity between BOSS and CMB supports the Big Bang theory by providing evidence for the initial conditions of the universe. The patterns of BAOs in both datasets align with the predictions of the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe began as a hot, dense, and rapidly expanding singularity. This alignment strengthens our understanding of the early universe and its evolution.

5. What are some potential future research directions for studying the similarity between BOSS and CMB?

One potential future research direction for studying the similarity between BOSS and CMB is to expand the survey to cover larger areas of the sky. This would allow for a more detailed analysis of the BAO patterns and potentially uncover new insights about the universe's structure. Another direction could be to incorporate data from other surveys and datasets to further refine our understanding of the universe's evolution.

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