How smoke travals at 70mph or dose it?

  • Thread starter chrismcnair10
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In summary: So, as the car accelerates, the air moves relative to the car.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of smoke traveling at 70mph and how it behaves in a moving car. The participants touch on the laws of motion and air pressure to explain why the smoke moves with the car. They also compare the movement of the smoke to the movement of air in the car during acceleration.
  • #1
how smoke travals at 70mph or dose it?

i have a ? that has been nagging at the back of my head for some time something i noticed for example a car traveling 70mph down a interstate all windows rolled up the passenger is smokeing he blows the smoke out of his mouth and the smoke floats freely inside the car nothing is forceing it to move its in no contact with the car yet it is keeping up with a car moveing at 70 mph how can this be i can be in room smokeing blow smoke out walk away it dose not keep up becuase nothing is forceing it to move I am sitting in a car i hit the gas i feel my self go back in the seat the car is makeing me move but nothing is makeing the smoke move 70mph
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  • #2

The car is already moving at 70mph, so there would need to be something forcing the smoke to stop. That's Newton's first law.

You said you feel the car accelerate - well the smoke filled air does too!
  • #3

i guess what I am trying to ask is let's say the car is stopped smoke is floating freely imside amd out side of the car i pull of the smoke out side stays and the smoke inside moves with me how can this be the car is makeing it self move and me but not the smoke
  • #4

the car is filled with air and smoke, and the air and smoke move with the car as it pulls off.
for the smoke to stay put as you pulled off (ref. to the ground outside), and effectively move towards the rear of the car it would have to displace all the air in the cabin which is causing an obstruction between itself and the back of the car.

are you comfortable that the air inside the car moves with the car?
there would be some movement of the air, but it wouldn't *all* suddenly get pressed against the back windscreen, because that would cause a vacuum towards the front of the car (which would 'pull' the air forwards)
If you want it explained mathematically then somebody else will have to help you there, but a lot of this is down to air pressure I believe
  • #5

Think of the smoke as an opaque form of air- all the air in a car doesn't suddenly rush to the back when you accelerate creating a vacuum in the front seat.
  • #6

During acceleration, there's a net forwards force exerted on the air by the interior of the car. The pressure at the front of the interior is slightly less than the pressure at the rear of the interior. The net pressure differential times the effective area represents a force that in this case will be equal to the mass of the air times the rate of acceleration of that air.

FAQ: How smoke travals at 70mph or dose it?

1. How does smoke travel at 70mph?

Smoke travels at 70mph because it is carried by the surrounding air at this speed. This can happen due to a variety of factors such as wind, temperature, and pressure differentials.

2. Is 70mph the maximum speed at which smoke can travel?

No, 70mph is not the maximum speed at which smoke can travel. Smoke particles can travel at much higher speeds, especially in the case of strong winds or other extreme weather conditions.

3. Does smoke travel at the same speed as air at 70mph?

No, smoke does not always travel at the same speed as air at 70mph. While smoke is typically carried by the surrounding air, it can also be affected by other factors such as temperature and humidity.

4. How does the speed of smoke at 70mph affect its dispersion?

The speed of smoke at 70mph can greatly affect its dispersion. The faster the smoke travels, the more it will disperse and spread out, making it less dense and harder to see.

5. Can smoke travel faster than 70mph?

Yes, smoke can travel faster than 70mph. As mentioned earlier, smoke particles can be carried by strong winds that can exceed 70mph, allowing the smoke to travel at much higher speeds.

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