How Stressful Can Exam Day Get for a Student?

  • Thread starter Pengwuino
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In summary: I couldn't even think straight. I started doodling on the paper and then I just started tearing it up. I was so panicked. I thought that I was going to fail the test. Despite the fact that he had aced the test, he still felt panicked and stressed. This is an extreme example, but it illustrates how exams can be a very stressful experience.
  • #1
Gold Member
Boy i had two exams today... one in linear algebra and differential equations, another in 2nd semester general chemistry...

I feel like the exact opposite of having mad sex with 50 hot women while cashing in a stock certificate of microsoft from 1989. The exact opposite. It's like that feeling you get when you get shot in the face. Twice. While being forced to watch american idol. While a dog chews on your genitals.

I think i did pretty good on the chem test though even though i didn't have time to answer 1/6th of the test. Only 2 people finished the chemistry test early. I started praying to whatever god there was out there and promising to switch religions if i get more then a 60%.
Physics news on
  • #2
wow, 1/6 wrong is an automatic B- if you got that 100% right. Sucks for you.
  • #3
Well there is always next semester :-p
  • #4
Actually he curves the scores like crazy so I may fail yet get an A :)
  • #5
Pengwuino said:
Actually he curves the scores like crazy so I may fail yet get an A :)

What school is that? I'm transferring!
  • #6
exams are not really that difficulty if people just would prepare a week ahead.
  • #7
kant said:
exams are not really that difficulty if people just would prepare a week ahead.

Some people prepare ahead of time and still do poorly.

Doing poorly does not imply lack of preparation. If may be true for some cases, but not all.
  • #8
I have two midterms today aswell, one in an advanced calculus course and another in an advanced E&M course.

As I write this it is 5:37 am, I'm sitting alone in the only spot on campus that is open this late and I've seen far more convergent series then I ever want to see again. I have run out of all supplies of caffein and all change to purchase more of it. If I can stay awake for the next 83 minutes I think the coffee shop opens and I can get some more with the bills in my pocket.

Trust me sir, I know how you feel.

Oh, and here comes the cleaning guy with the floor buffer. Shoot me now.
  • #9
Lewis said:
I have two midterms today aswell, one in an advanced calculus course and another in an advanced E&M course.

As I write this it is 5:37 am, I'm sitting alone in the only spot on campus that is open this late and I've seen far more convergent series then I ever want to see again. I have run out of all supplies of caffein and all change to purchase more of it. If I can stay awake for the next 83 minutes I think the coffee shop opens and I can get some more with the bills in my pocket.

Trust me sir, I know how you feel.

Oh, and here comes the cleaning guy with the floor buffer. Shoot me now.

Best of luck! Don't forget your quadrapole moment tensors like I did :biggrin:
  • #10
Seriously, you've got nothing. I was studying for the past 15 hours for my exam tomorrow. Similar to the 20 hour study session last weekend for this midterm. And the previous 30 hour one the week before that. I still don't know anything about electronics.

And, I have a Special Rel midterm, a Thermodynamics mid term, and a Nuclear Physics midterm all on monday. In addition to my electronics exam tomorrow. Its just not right. Its Mardi Gras weekend for christ's sake. And I will be studying all day, everyday till about now, when I make one post on PF complaining, and then pass
  • #11
JasonRox said:
Some people prepare ahead of time and still do poorly.

Doing poorly does not imply lack of preparation. If may be true for some cases, but not all.

I am talking about the majority of cases. students just don t prepare, and they procrastinate until the very end.

Exams by there very nature cannot really go very deep into a subject. Most most students might get at most 1 week or 2 to learn on a single topic, but most professionals, and research scienctist would focus on a narrow topic for mouths or years. Exams can only scratch the surface of the essense of a subject. Another point is that exam problems are more or less based on textbook problems. Problems with more or less variations of the same simplified technique. If the students would be a bit patient, doing the problems at his/her textbook, they shouldn t have any problems in the exam.
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  • #12
I absolutely can not believe what happened to me in my calculus test. I had a quick skim over it and I knew how to do EVERY problem. However, when I put my pencil to the page to start to write, my mind went completely haywire. All of a sudden I couldn't do anything. I couldn't believe it, this has never happened to me before. I can't believe I messed that up so badly, it was so easy. God I hope physics goes better.

Last time I ever use amphetamines to keep me awake, that's for sure.
  • #13
Har Har I kid

:devil: Don't do drugs :devil:

FAQ: How Stressful Can Exam Day Get for a Student?

1. What is the significance of the exam results in "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await"?

The exam results in "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" represent a major milestone in the characters' lives. It is a culmination of their hard work and determination throughout the semester, and can potentially have a significant impact on their future goals and aspirations.

2. How do the characters in "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" handle the stress and pressure of waiting for their exam results?

The characters in "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" handle the stress and pressure in different ways. Some may turn to their friends and family for support, while others may cope by distracting themselves with other activities. Some characters may even struggle with anxiety and self-doubt as they await their results.

3. Is "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" based on a true story?

Although "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" may draw inspiration from real-life experiences, it is a work of fiction. However, the themes of hard work, perseverance, and the pressure of academic success are relatable to many individuals.

4. How do the exam results in "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" affect the relationships between the characters?

The exam results in "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" can have a profound impact on the relationships between the characters. Success or failure can create tension, jealousy, or even resentment between friends. On the other hand, overcoming challenges and supporting each other through difficult times can strengthen relationships.

5. What is the overall message of "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await"?

The overall message of "A Tough Day: Exam Results Await" is that success is not determined by a single exam or grade. It is about the journey of hard work, determination, and growth. Exam results may be important, but they do not define a person's worth or potential.

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