How Tall is the Tree in the Plane Mirror Problem?

In summary, the woman sees the tree just fill the mirror if she is 1.0 m from the mirror and the tree is 9.0 m from the mirror. The diagram shows that if the woman is 1.0 m from the mirror and the tree is 5.0 m from the mirror, the woman does not see the tree just fill the mirror.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A woman stands between a vertical mirror, 0.5 meter tall, and a distant tree whose height is H. she is 1.0 m from the mirror and the tree is 9.0 m from the mirror. If she sees the tree just fill the mirror, what is H?

Homework Equations

m = (hi/ho)/(-di/do)

hi = image height = 0.5
ho = object height = H
di = image height
do = object height

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm trying to solve the problem using the magnification equation. The image height has to be the height of the mirror and the object height is the unknown.

However, I'm having a hard time figuring out what values to use for di and do. In all the problems I've done so far, "do" was the distance from the object to the mirror and "di" was the distance from the image to the mirror (equal to "do" but negative for a virtual image), but in this problem, I don't know how to incorporate the person's distance from the mirror.

The correct answer is 5 m.
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  • #2
It looks like this is a plane mirror. If it is a curved mirror, you can't do the problem without the focal length or curvature. The magnification is +1, if you must have it. Draw yourself a neat geometric diagram and you will see what is going on.
  • #3
I did draw a diagram--I just don't know what "do" or "di" would be in this case, since I can't figure out how to incorporate the person's distance from the mirror. I'm guessing that the person must factor into the "do" or "di" measurement somehow.

And I don't see how the magnification would help since 1 = 0.5/H would be H=0.5 and that is incorrect.
  • #4
There are two "objects" in this case, a woman and a tree, therefore there are two values for do, namely do1 = 1 m and do2 = 9 m. Draw a plane mirror of some height that you label h0 (0.5 m), then draw a woman in front of the mirror and a tree also in front of the mirror but at about nine times the woman's distance from the mirror. Label the tree's height H.

Question 1: What are di1 and di2? Draw the images in your figure.
Question 2: What condition must be met so that the woman sees the tree just fill the mirror? What does your diagram say?
  • #5


Thank you for sharing the homework problem with me. It seems like you are on the right track by using the magnification equation to solve this problem. However, as you mentioned, the distances in this problem are a bit different than what you have encountered before.

In this case, di would be the distance from the person to the mirror (1.0 m) and do would be the distance from the mirror to the tree (9.0 m). This is because the image of the tree is being formed on the mirror, and the person is standing in front of the mirror at a distance of 1.0 m.

Using the magnification equation, we can set up the following equation:

m = (hi/ho)/(-di/do)

We know that hi = 0.5 m, di = 1.0 m, and do = 9.0 m. We can rearrange the equation to solve for ho, the height of the tree:

ho = (hi x do x m)/(-di)

Substituting in the values, we get:

ho = (0.5 m x 9.0 m x 1)/(-1.0 m) = 4.5 m

This is the height of the tree as seen in the mirror. However, since the tree is filling the mirror, the height of the tree in real life would be double that, giving us the final answer of 9.0 m.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the problem better. Keep up the good work with your studies!


FAQ: How Tall is the Tree in the Plane Mirror Problem?

1. What is a plane mirror?

A plane mirror is a flat, smooth, and reflective surface that reflects light in a regular manner. It is commonly found in everyday objects such as mirrors, windows, and glass surfaces.

2. How do you solve a plane mirror homework problem?

To solve a plane mirror homework problem, you first need to understand the concept of reflection, which is the bouncing back of light rays from a surface. Then, you can use the laws of reflection, which state that the angle of incidence (incoming light ray) is equal to the angle of reflection (outgoing light ray), to determine the direction of the reflected light.

3. What is the difference between a virtual image and a real image in a plane mirror?

A virtual image is an image that appears to be behind the mirror and cannot be projected onto a screen. It is formed by the apparent intersection of reflected light rays. On the other hand, a real image is an image that can be projected onto a screen and is formed by the actual intersection of reflected light rays.

4. How do you calculate the distance of an object from its image in a plane mirror?

The distance of an object from its image in a plane mirror is equal to twice the distance from the object to the mirror. This is known as the law of reflection, which states that the distance from the object to the mirror is equal to the distance from the image to the mirror.

5. Can a plane mirror produce a magnified image?

No, a plane mirror cannot produce a magnified image. The image produced by a plane mirror is always the same size as the object and appears to be the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror. This is because the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, resulting in the same size image.
