How tds=du+pdv valid for open flow system?

In summary, the equation tds=du+pdv only applies to differentially separated thermodynamic equilibrium states.
  • #1
hemant singh
I have been having this doubt for long. As by the first law dq=du+dw (neglecting KE and PE change). And we know that the work done by the system can be utilized in things (eg. boundary work, shaft work, shear work, paddle wheel work..etc).
For open flow system replacing dq=tds, we get,
tds=du+ dw (process should be reversible)
if we replace dw= pdv+(shaft work..etc), then we get,
tds=du+pdv+(shaft work..etc)

Why isn't the above equation valid, instead we use tds=du+pdv. Why are we considering only boundary work not other works?
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  • #2
You are aware that u, v, and s are functions of state, independent of any process or kind of equipment arrangement used the bring the material comprising the system to that thermodynamic equilibrium state, correct?

  • #3
I know that u v s are state properties. But in open flow system KE PE both are present if that is taken into consideration then tds=dE+pdv?
where E is total macroscopic and microscopic energy? Why do we use tds= du+ pdv ?
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  • #4
hemant singh said:
I know that u v s are state properties. But in open flow system KE PE both are present if that is taken into consideration then tds=dE+pdv?
where E is total macroscopic and microscopic energy? Why do we use tds= du+ pdv ?
As you said, u,v,and s are state properties. That means that they each are unique functions of T and P only. So they are actually physical properties of the material being processed, and do not depend on the nature of any process. Also, it doesn't matter whether the material is traveling at 10 km/hr or 0 km/hr, or whether the material is on top of mount Everest or at the bottom of Death Valley. This does not affect its u, v, and s. For example, regarding kinetic energy, to an observer traveling with the same velocity as the material, the material is standing still. Since the properties of a material cannot depend on the frame of reference of the observer, u, v, and s are independent of its Kinetic energy.

Imagine two closely neighboring thermodynamic equilibrium states of a material at temperatures and pressures (T,P) and (T+dT ,P+dP). The equation Tds=du+Pdv describes the unique relationship between ds, du, and dv between these two thermodynamic equilibrium states for the material. So the equation only applies to differentially separated thermodynamic equilibrium states.

Hope this helps. Something else that might help is the following link to my recent Physics Forums Insights article:

  • #5
Thanks a lot sir.. doubt cleared.

FAQ: How tds=du+pdv valid for open flow system?

1. How do you define tds, du, and pdv in an open flow system?

In an open flow system, tds refers to the change in the total entropy of the system. du represents the change in the internal energy of the system, and pdv is the work done by the system as it expands or contracts.

2. Why is the equation tds=du+pdv valid for open flow systems?

This equation is based on the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. In open flow systems, energy can enter or leave the system through work or heat transfer, and this equation takes into account all the possible forms of energy transfer.

3. Can the tds=du+pdv equation be used for closed flow systems as well?

Yes, this equation is valid for both open and closed flow systems. In a closed flow system, there is no exchange of matter with the surroundings, but energy can still enter or leave the system through work or heat transfer.

4. What is the significance of the tds=du+pdv equation in thermodynamics?

This equation is an important tool in thermodynamics as it helps to quantify the amount of energy that a system gains or loses through work and heat transfer. It also allows scientists to analyze the changes in entropy and internal energy of a system.

5. How is the tds=du+pdv equation derived for open flow systems?

This equation can be derived by combining the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The first law states that the change in internal energy is equal to the sum of the heat and work transferred to the system, while the second law states that the change in entropy is equal to the ratio of the heat transfer and the absolute temperature. By combining these two laws, we arrive at the tds=du+pdv equation for open flow systems.
