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The History Channel has developed a series on "How the Earth was made". My wife has been listening to it in the evening and I've caught some of it. Mostly good, but the narration mentions some unnecessary commentary, and in the first program, it gets the description of carbon-14 uptake wrong (it mentions the molecular structure of carbon-14 being a more unstable isotope), so it doesn't rise to the level of quality material for the Earth Science forum. It is the 'nuclear' structure of 14C that makes it unstable, not the molecular structure. A small but significant error.Comments on carbon-14 starts at 15:12 and goes through 15:32. The other somewhat inaccurate comment is that carbon-14 is absorbed by the plant (which it is with 12C and 13C often in the form of CO2), and then decays at a know rate. Well, 14C is continually decaying, however, it is the uptake of CO2 and 14C that stops when a plant dies, and 14C continues to decay, so what changes are the ratios of 14C to 13C and 12C as time goes on. The basis also include the notion that the carbon ratios are relatively constant in the environment, but that can change slightly depending on solar proton, cosmic radiation, atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, and apparently comets.
Nevertheless, there is some good information and the topics are interesting.
Nevertheless, there is some good information and the topics are interesting.