How the x-ray diffractometer caculate the lattice constant or miller indices?

In summary: This helps in identifying the deviation from the ideal structure and gives you more accurate values for hkl and abc.In summary, X-ray diffractometer analysis can give significant information about the structure of a material, including the hkl and abc values for orthorhombic structures. However, to determine these values accurately, one must match the observed spectra with known compound spectra and make adjustments for any deviations from the ideal structure. This process can be tedious, but there are software available to assist in the analysis.
  • #1
Bragg's law n.lambda=2d sin theta. d=1/{h^2/a^2+k^2/b^2+l^2/c^2} for orthorombic structure.

thus d=n.lambda/2 sin theta=1/{h^2/a^2+k^2/b^2+l^2/c^2}
lambda and theta are given.

Look, there are two types/sets of unknowns in the d formula, they are miller indices h, k, l and lattice constant a, b, c. Normally the x-ray diffractometer analysis would give the significant theta according to the count, and also the h, k l and a, b, c. Now I wonder what method the machine has used to figure out the h, k, l and a, b, c?there are two sets of unknown remember?how it is solved by using only one equation?

Looking forward for experts answers...
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  • #2
Now I wonder what method the machine has used to figure out the h, k, l and a, b, c?
Diffractometer only gives you the counts and the corresponding 2[tex]\theta[/tex]. It does not give you the hkl or abc.
  • #3
abhi2005singh said:
Diffractometer only gives you the counts and the corresponding 2[tex]\theta[/tex]. It does not give you the hkl or abc.

is that so. Do you know how to determine h, k, l and a, b, c from the XRD data for orthorombic sturcture?
help please...
  • #4
The general approach for extraction of structure information from the XRD data is that you know what elements you have in your material. Then match the observed spectra with that of the various compounds of that element. This gives you the information about the phase formation along with the abc and hkl values.

If you already have some information about the structure (by following above procedure or a priori), then you can use the equations (as given by you) to predict the 2[tex]\theta[/tex] values for given hkl values. This way you can identify as to which peak corresponds which reflection plane. More accurate values are obtained by modifying the abc and [tex]\alpha \beta \gamma[/tex] values in such a way that you get the peak positions matching with the experimental spectra.

More things can also be done, but I guess this suffices for your needs.

All of this procedure can be quite tedious. There are softwares available to do the job.
  • #5
abhi2005singh said:
The general approach for extraction of structure information from the XRD data is that you know what elements you have in your material. Then match the observed spectra with that of the various compounds of that element. This gives you the information about the phase formation along with the abc and hkl values.

If you already have some information about the structure (by following above procedure or a priori), then you can use the equations (as given by you) to predict the 2[tex]\theta[/tex] values for given hkl values. This way you can identify as to which peak corresponds which reflection plane. More accurate values are obtained by modifying the abc and [tex]\alpha \beta \gamma[/tex] values in such a way that you get the peak positions matching with the experimental spectra.

More things can also be done, but I guess this suffices for your needs.

All of this procedure can be quite tedious. There are softwares available to do the job.

please explain more on the [tex]\alpha\beta\gamma[/tex] modification please
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  • #6
Most of the times introduction of impurity atoms or due to the other electronic interaction, the structure of the material can deviate from the ideal structure we read in the books. This generally leads to stretching/bending of bonds and bond angles. Such changes may lead to the changes in the angles. This information is available in the XRD spectra of those materials. You need to make changes accordingly in the input values of abc and [tex]\alpha\beta\gamma[/tex] and try to reproduce the experimental spectra.

FAQ: How the x-ray diffractometer caculate the lattice constant or miller indices?

1. How does the x-ray diffractometer determine the lattice constant?

The x-ray diffractometer uses a process called x-ray diffraction to determine the lattice constant. This involves directing a beam of x-rays at a crystal, which causes the x-rays to diffract or scatter. By analyzing the angle and intensity of the diffracted x-rays, the lattice constant can be calculated.

2. What is the role of the detector in calculating the lattice constant?

The detector in the x-ray diffractometer is responsible for capturing the diffracted x-rays and converting them into an electronic signal. This signal is then processed by the instrument's software to determine the angle and intensity of the diffraction, which is used to calculate the lattice constant.

3. How are the miller indices determined in x-ray diffraction?

The miller indices are determined by analyzing the diffraction pattern produced by the crystal. This pattern is made up of spots or peaks, and the position of these spots corresponds to specific planes within the crystal lattice. The miller indices are then calculated based on the position of these spots in relation to the incident x-ray beam.

4. Can the x-ray diffractometer calculate the lattice constant for all types of crystals?

Yes, the x-ray diffractometer can calculate the lattice constant for most types of crystals, including single crystals, polycrystalline materials, and thin films. However, the method for calculating the lattice constant may differ depending on the type of crystal being analyzed.

5. How accurate is the lattice constant calculation from an x-ray diffractometer?

The accuracy of the lattice constant calculation depends on various factors such as the quality of the crystal sample, the instrument's calibration, and the data analysis method used. Generally, the x-ray diffractometer can provide lattice constant measurements with an accuracy of up to 0.001 Å (angstroms).
