How to abelianizing the fundamental group?

In summary, the theorem states that for a connected space K, the first homotopy group of K can be obtained by abelianizing its fundamental group. To abelianize a group, one can mod out by the commutator subgroup. An example of this can be seen in the Euclidean plane minus 2 points, where the fundamental group is the free group on two generators and the first homology group is the free abelian group on two generators.
  • #1
There is a theorem:If |K| is connected,abelianizing its fundamental group gives the first homotopy group of K.

How to abelianize a group? And how to understand this theorem more obviously?Can anyone show me an example to see it?

I myself will think this problem for more time because I learn it just now and haven't think it much.

Thank you!:smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
kakarotyjn said:
How to abelianize a group?
Mod out by [G,G], its commutator subgroup. E.g. see here.
  • #3
kakarotyjn said:
There is a theorem:If |K| is connected,abelianizing its fundamental group gives the first homotopy group of K.

How to abelianize a group? And how to understand this theorem more obviously?Can anyone show me an example to see it?

I myself will think this problem for more time because I learn it just now and haven't think it much.

Thank you!:smile:

The fundamental group is the first homotopy group. Abelianized, it is the first homology group with Z coefficients.

The abelianization, as Landau said, is the quotient group modulo the commutator subgroup.

Example. The Euclidean plane minus 2 points. Its fundamental group is the free group on two generators. It first homology group is the free abelian group on two generators.
  • #4
Thank you! I haven't learned commutator subgroups,but I will pick it up now to understand it.
  • #5

I am happy to provide a response to your inquiry about abelianizing the fundamental group. First, let me explain the concept of abelianizing a group. Abelianizing a group means taking a group and modifying it in a way that makes it into an abelian group, which is a group where the order of operations does not matter. This can be done by taking the commutator subgroup of the original group, which is the subgroup generated by all elements of the form aba^-1b^-1, where a and b are elements of the original group.

Now, let's look at the theorem you mentioned. It states that if K is a connected space, then the abelianization of its fundamental group (which is the group of all possible loops in K up to homotopy) is isomorphic to the first homotopy group of K. This means that by abelianizing the fundamental group, we are essentially capturing the same information as the first homotopy group, which is the group of all possible paths in K up to homotopy.

To understand this theorem more clearly, let's consider an example. Let K be the unit circle in the complex plane, which is a connected space. The fundamental group of K is isomorphic to the integers, where the generator represents a loop around the circle in the counterclockwise direction. However, the abelianization of this fundamental group is isomorphic to the trivial group, which only has one element. This is because in an abelian group, all elements commute, so any loop around the circle can be deformed into a single point without changing the group structure.

In summary, abelianizing the fundamental group is a way to simplify the group structure and capture the same information as the first homotopy group. I hope this helps clarify the concept and the theorem for you. Keep exploring and learning, and feel free to ask for further clarification if needed.

FAQ: How to abelianizing the fundamental group?

1. What does it mean to "abelianize" the fundamental group?

Abelianizing the fundamental group refers to the process of modifying the fundamental group of a space or object to make it abelian, meaning that the group operation is commutative. This can be done by taking the commutator subgroup of the original fundamental group.

2. Why is it useful to abelianize the fundamental group?

Abelianizing the fundamental group can make it easier to study and calculate certain algebraic and topological properties of a space or object. In particular, abelian groups are generally easier to work with and have simpler structures than non-abelian groups.

3. How do you abelianize the fundamental group?

The most common method for abelianizing the fundamental group is to take the commutator subgroup, which is the smallest normal subgroup that makes the group abelian. This can be done using specific algorithms or by hand calculations using group presentations.

4. Can any fundamental group be abelianized?

No, not every fundamental group can be abelianized. In fact, it is a well-known result in algebraic topology that the fundamental group of a space is abelian if and only if the space is a homotopy commutative space, meaning that any two homotopic paths can be continuously deformed into each other.

5. What are some applications of abelianized fundamental groups in mathematics?

Abelianized fundamental groups have applications in various areas of mathematics, including algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and group theory. For example, they can be used to study topological spaces, algebraic curves, and group extensions. They also have connections to other mathematical structures, such as Galois groups and cohomology groups.
