How to abstractly prove a Laplace transform identity?

In summary, the conversation discussed the integration of a function multiplied by a constant in the Laplace transform. It was shown that for a positive constant, the integral can be rewritten as a constant multiple of the original function's Laplace transform. This can be achieved by substituting a new variable and using integration by substitution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"Suppose that ##F(s) = L[f(t)]## exists for ##s > a ≥ 0##.
(a) Show that if c is a positive constant, then

Homework Equations

##L[f(t)]=\int_0^\infty f(t)e^{-st}dt##

The Attempt at a Solution

##L[f(ct)]=\int_0^\infty f(ct)e^{-st}dt##

D: ##e^{-st}## I: ##f(ct)##
D: ##-e^{-st}## I: ##\frac{1}{c}F(ct)##
I: ##F(ct)##

##L[f(ct)]=\int_0^\infty f(ct)e^{-st}dt=(\frac{1}{c}e^{-st}F(ct))+\frac{1}{c}\int_0^\infty e^{-st}F(ct)dt##

D: ##F(ct)## I: ##e^{-st}##
D: ##cf(ct)## I: ##-\frac{1}{s}e^{-st}##

##L[f(ct)]=\int_0^\infty f(t)e^{-st}dt=(\frac{1}{c}e^{-st}F(t))+\frac{1}{c}(-\frac{1}{s}e^{-st}F(ct))+\frac{c}{s}\int_0^\infty e^{-st}f(ct)dt##
##\frac{s-c}{s}\int_0^\infty f(ct)e^{-st}dt=(\frac{1}{c}e^{-st}F(ct))+(-\frac{1}{cs}e^{-st}F(ct))##

Can anyone tell me what it is I'm doing wrong?
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  • #2
Try ∫0f(ct)e-stdt = ∫0f(ct)e-s/c⋅ctdt = 1/c∫0f(h)e-s/c⋅hdh, where h=ct.

Note: If c is negative, you have to take into account the change of limits of the integral. Since it was stated that c>0, that is not a concern here.
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  • #3
This is a straightforward consequence of integration by substitution. First, to avoid confusion, define [itex]g(t) = f(ct)[/itex]. Then [tex]L[g(t)] = G(s) = \int_0^\infty g(t)e^{-st}\,dt = \int_0^\infty f(ct)e^{-st}\,dt.[/tex] Now set [itex]ct = u[/itex] and compare to [tex]
F(p) = \int_0^\infty f(u)e^{-pu}\,du.[/tex]
  • #4
Thanks for the help, everyone. I couldn't have finished the homework without it.

FAQ: How to abstractly prove a Laplace transform identity?

1. How do I prove a Laplace transform identity using abstract methods?

To prove a Laplace transform identity abstractly, you will need to use mathematical techniques such as induction, substitution, and algebraic manipulation. You will also need a strong understanding of the properties of Laplace transforms, such as linearity, time-shifting, and differentiation.

2. Can I use concrete examples to prove a Laplace transform identity?

While using concrete examples can help to illustrate the concept of a Laplace transform identity, it is not considered a rigorous proof. Abstract methods, as mentioned above, are necessary for a formal proof of a Laplace transform identity.

3. What are the key steps in abstractly proving a Laplace transform identity?

The key steps in abstractly proving a Laplace transform identity include defining the variables and functions involved, applying the properties of Laplace transforms, using algebraic manipulation to simplify the expression, and using mathematical techniques such as induction to prove the identity for all values of the variables.

4. How can I verify the correctness of my proof for a Laplace transform identity?

To verify the correctness of your proof, you can check that it follows the key steps mentioned above and that it is logically sound. You can also ask a colleague or mentor to review your proof and provide feedback.

5. Are there any tips for abstractly proving a Laplace transform identity?

Some tips for abstractly proving a Laplace transform identity include clearly defining your variables and functions, carefully applying the properties of Laplace transforms, and using mathematical techniques in a systematic and organized manner. It can also be helpful to break the proof down into smaller steps and to double-check your work for any errors.
