How to Adapt the Nelder Mead Algorithm for a Custom Function in Java?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the Nelder-Mead algorithm in Java for minimizing a 2D function. The problem lies in the understanding and implementation of the 2D array simplex and the convergence to the wrong value. Suggestions are made to resize the simplex matrix and start with a larger interval. There is also a mention of the Nelder-Mead simplex method being more effective for 3D surfaces.
  • #1
Hi This is a question somewhere between maths and numerical methods...

I am using the algorithm for Nelder Mead found here:

in java. It works nicely with the two example functions - rosen and parab.
I am trying to adjust it to my function:

	static double myFunction(double p[]) {
		double v0;
		double sum = 0;
		double curve;
		double errorVector;
		int index = 0;
		v0 = (1 + (p[0] / 2) * timings.get(0) * timings.get(0))
				/ timings.get(0);

		for (Double f : timings) {
			curve = (v0 * f - (p[0] / 2)) * f * f;
			errorVector = index - rotorCurve;
			sum += errorVector * errorVector;
		System.out.println("p:" + p[0]);
		return sum;
so that I can minimize for the sum and find p[0].
My test data is


The problem I think is occurring with my understanding of the 2D array simplex[]. As far as I understand the first two columns are the paramter initial values and the third is storing the value of the function, but I am not sure why there are three rows. I assume its three different values for the paramters or something, but it doesn't seem to make sense to me.

I have attached my version of the algorithm for my function, in the hope that someone can help me get it to solve the problem.

Sorry I made a mistake in my attachment. I had done a couple of undo's that need to be put back.

The array simplex should be:
        double simplex[][] = // [row][col] = [whichvx][coord,FUNC]
        {{ 0.004, 0.0}};


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  • #2
Is this in the wrong place? Could an admin move it please? Perhaps general engineering would be better?
  • #3
The first two columns of simplex are storing initial points to evaluate your function if your function is over R2, and the third column is storing function values. If it's over R then it looks like the first column is initial points to evaluate at, the second column is storing the value of the function, and the third column is totally superfluous. The point is that you are supposed to evaluate the function on a simplex - in two dimensions that is a triangle with three vertices to keep track of, in 2 dimensions it's a line segment with two vertices to keep track of. So it seems like NPoints should be changed to 2 along with NDims to 1, and you should resize your simplex matrix to be 2x2 (this last part I suppose is not strictly necessary, but there are elements in that matrix that will never be referenced/changed).
  • #4
Thanks Office_Shredder, so now it compiles and converges, however it converges to the wrong value. I have a paper that gets the result as 0.0068 and My MATLAB program also gets that value, however this seems to converge to -0.32
I now have simplex setup as:

{{ 0.006, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}};

i.e 2x2. Should the other values all start at 0? Or should they be something else?
  • #5
It doesn't matter what they start at, the first thing the program does is evaluate your function and fill in (in your case) f(.006) and f(0) into the second column.
That's what
for (int i=0; i<NPTS; i++)
simplex[FUNC] = func(simplex);

is doing.

As to why it's converging to the wrong value, my understanding is that if your starting simplex is too small that you can get stuck in a local search. If the concavity around .0068 is very large, it might be that on the interval [0, .006] the function is sloped so that following the gradient means moving towards negative numbers, in which case the search would do that. You should try starting with a larger interval, like have your first column have a 0 and a 1 in it.
  • #6
The Nelder-Mead simplex method is designed for 3d surfaces. I bet there are better ways to minimize a 2d function. In 3d N-M starts with a simplex of 3pts all on the surface. For minimization it will find a new simplex by reflecting the max valued vertex across the center pt of the line connecting the other 2 vertices. It then repeats this process until your stopping conditions are met.

It seems to me that it really depends upon a 3d surface to work best, not sure how well it will work in 2d. Good luck.
  • #7
which function you used ?

FAQ: How to Adapt the Nelder Mead Algorithm for a Custom Function in Java?

What is the Java Nelder Mead algorithm?

The Java Nelder Mead algorithm is a numerical optimization method used to find the minimum or maximum of a function. It is a derivative-free algorithm, meaning it does not require the calculation of derivatives of the function being optimized.

How does the Java Nelder Mead algorithm work?

The algorithm works by creating a simplex, which is a geometric shape with a set of points. These points are then moved and reflected within the simplex until a minimum or maximum is found.

What are the advantages of using the Java Nelder Mead algorithm?

The Java Nelder Mead algorithm is relatively easy to implement, and does not require knowledge of the derivative of the function being optimized. It is also efficient for optimizing functions with a small number of variables.

What are some common applications of the Java Nelder Mead algorithm?

The algorithm is commonly used in engineering, science, and finance for a variety of optimization tasks such as parameter estimation, signal processing, and portfolio optimization.

What are the limitations of the Java Nelder Mead algorithm?

The algorithm may not always converge to the global minimum or maximum, and may be slow for functions with a large number of variables. It also requires a good initial guess to achieve optimal results.

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