How to avoid missing important concepts while self-teaching math?

  • Thread starter Tyrion101
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In summary, it is important to stay in touch with knowledgeable people and to learn as much as possible.
  • #1
I am teaching myself math with the intention of getting a degree in physics, and so far it's been very easy, I realize it will get more difficult later, but my question is, how do I make sure I don't miss something important?
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  • #2
I am not sure how to answer this question. It is like me asking you:
"I am going fishing tomorrow, how can I make sure I don't forgot anything for the trip?"

Anyway, I would guess you could get some math books in the subjects you wish to learn, and make sure you don't skip any chapters?

For an undergraduate physics degree, I guess you would want to learn some basic calculus, linear algebra, and some introductory differential equations.
  • #3
Pick yourself up a copy of M Boas' Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, most of what you'll need in an undergraduate degree is in there

You should accompany that with Gilbert Strangs Introduction to Linear Algebra or Hoffmans Linear Algebra

With those under your belt, you'll have a good idea of what you need to learn and where you'll find it.
Maybe try and look up some more math oriented rigorous maths books (as opposed to methods and engineering maths books), 'mathematical maturity' will be far more important to you than remembering some facts that mathematicians say are true.
  • #4
Tyrion101 said:
I am teaching myself math
how do I make sure I don't miss something important?

You will inevitably miss something important. That's the way self-teaching goes. You either overlook a few things or you completely misunderstand a few things. To counteract this, stay in touch with knowledgeable people. If you can't talk to such people face-to-face, talk to them on the web.
  • #5
Thank you for all of the suggestions. I taught myself piano, and realized when I got lessons there was still many things that I had either skipped or just didn't know I needed to learn, I want to avoid that with math.

FAQ: How to avoid missing important concepts while self-teaching math?

How can I prevent myself from missing important details in my research?

In order to not miss important details in your research, it is crucial to have a clear plan and organization system in place. This can include creating a detailed outline, keeping track of your sources and notes, and regularly reviewing and revising your work. It is also important to take breaks and step away from your research periodically to give your mind a rest and come back with a fresh perspective.

What strategies can I use to stay focused and not miss important information during experiments?

One strategy to stay focused during experiments is to have a checklist or protocol in place to ensure all necessary steps and measurements are completed. It is also helpful to eliminate distractions and create a quiet and organized workspace. Additionally, taking breaks and staying well-rested can help with maintaining focus and attention to detail.

How can I avoid overlooking important data or results in my analysis?

To avoid overlooking important data or results in your analysis, it is important to thoroughly review and double-check your work. It can also be helpful to have a colleague or peer review your work to catch any potential mistakes or oversights. Additionally, using data visualization techniques can make it easier to spot any anomalies or patterns in your data.

What can I do to minimize the risk of missing critical information in my experiments?

One way to minimize the risk of missing critical information in your experiments is to have a backup plan or contingency plan in place. This can include having duplicate samples or data, as well as having alternative methods or approaches to your experiments. It is also important to thoroughly document your methods and results to ensure accuracy and reproducibility.

How can I improve my attention to detail in my scientific work?

Improving attention to detail in scientific work can be achieved through practice and mindfulness. It can be helpful to set aside specific times for reviewing and revising your work, as well as actively trying to notice and correct any mistakes or oversights. Additionally, seeking feedback and incorporating it into your work can also help improve attention to detail.

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