How to Bound the Limit of Arithmetic Mean from Below

In summary, the conversation discusses how to prove that if the limit of a sequence is equal to c, then the limit of the arithmetic mean of that sequence is also equal to c. The attempt at a solution involves selecting an epsilon value and finding an integer that satisfies the inequality for the original sequence. The conversation also discusses how to bound the sequence from below and shows that it is within 2e of c.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove if that if the limit of a_n = c as n approaches infinity, then the limit of o_n = c as n approaches infinity, where o_n is the arithmetic mean (a_1 + ... + a_n)/n

Homework Equations

I can't figure out how to bound it from below.

The Attempt at a Solution

Assuming that the terms go in ascending order, then a_n is the largest term in the numerator, and so o_n <= n(a_n)/n = a_n.

So I have it bounded above. But I can't figure out how to bound it below, such that the sequence which bounds it below converges to a_n as well. Help would be appreciated!
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  • #2
Try this. Select [tex] \epsilon > 0 [/tex]. Since the original sequence converges to [tex] c [/tex] there is an integer [tex] N_1 [/tex] such that

|a_n - c | < \epsilon \quad \text{ for } n \ge N_1

Now, if [tex] m > N_1 [/tex],

\left| \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_{N_1} + a_{N_1+1} + \dots + a_m}{m} - c \right| \le \left|\frac{(a_1-c) + (a_2 - c) + \dots + (a_{N_1} - c)}{m}\right| + \left|\frac{(a_{N_1+1} - c) + \dots + (a_m - c)}{m} \right|

You can use the triangle inequality (repeatedly) on each of these two terms. Every piece from the second fraction can be bounded in relation to [tex] \epsilon [/tex], and since there are finitely many terms from the first piece, you can bound those. With a little though you should be able to show that, for [tex] m [/tex] big enough, [tex] \sigma_m [/tex] (the general term in the sum sequence) is within [tex] \epsilon [/tex] of [tex] c [/tex]
  • #3
Ok. So let e denote epsilon.

I have

|(a_1 + .. + a_m)/m - c| <= |(a_1 - c)/m| + ... + |(a_m - c)/m| < |(a_1 - c)/m| + ... +

|(a_N1 - c)/m) + |m*e/m| = |(a_1 - c)/m| + ... + |(a_N1 - c)/m) + e. Now, assuming a_N1 is the largest term in the sequence a_1,...,a_N1, then, |(a_1 - c)/m| + ... + |(a_N1 - c)/m) + e
< |m(a_N1 - c)/m| + e = |a_N1 - c| + e. I know that for any n >= N1, |a_n - c| < e. So I know that |a_N1 - c| < e, so therefore |a_N1 - c| + e < e + e = 2e.

I'm stuck on that part now.

Related to How to Bound the Limit of Arithmetic Mean from Below

What is the definition of limit of arithmetic mean?

The limit of arithmetic mean is the value that a sequence of arithmetic means approaches as the number of terms in the sequence increases. It represents the average of all the terms in the sequence and is calculated by dividing the sum of all the terms by the number of terms.

How is the limit of arithmetic mean calculated?

The limit of arithmetic mean is calculated by taking the average of all the terms in the sequence. This is done by adding up all the terms and dividing the sum by the number of terms in the sequence. The result is the limit of arithmetic mean.

Why is the limit of arithmetic mean important in mathematics?

The limit of arithmetic mean is important in mathematics because it helps to understand the behavior of a sequence of numbers as the number of terms increases. It also helps to determine the average of a set of numbers and can be used in various mathematical calculations and proofs.

Can the limit of arithmetic mean be infinite?

Yes, the limit of arithmetic mean can be infinite if the sequence of terms in the arithmetic mean also approaches infinity. This can happen when the terms in the sequence increase without bound, resulting in an infinite limit of arithmetic mean.

How is the concept of limit of arithmetic mean related to calculus?

The concept of limit of arithmetic mean is closely related to calculus as it is used to define the concept of limit in calculus. It also helps to understand the concept of convergence and divergence of sequences, which is an important concept in calculus.
