How to caculate the needed capacity of the SD flash memory card

In summary: However, the particular microcontroller you've chosen will likely have a few restrictions that you'll need to take into account. For example, the MSP430F2274 supports up to 64K bytes of data memory, but since the flash memory can only contain up to 4K bytes of data, you'll need to use some of the internal memory for your data logger. Additionally, the MSP430F2274 supports only 8 interrupts, so you'll need to choose your peripherals carefully if you want to use more than one at the same time.
  • #1
Hi, I going to interface a microcontroller with SD flash memory card for data log. How to caculate the needed memory capacity?

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  • #2
The number of bytes your datalogger will put output per second times the number of seconds you want to record. Alternately, the number of bytes per sample times the number of samples per second times the number of seconds of desired recording time.
  • #3
mz8e08 said:
Hi, I going to interface a microcontroller with SD flash memory card for data log. How to caculate the needed memory capacity?


Beyond negitron's answer, there are a bunch of things you need to look into before deciding. Flash memory is organized by sectors, where to write a byte in a sector, you need to first read the whole sector into your local RAM, erase the whole flash sector, change the byte in your local RAM copy, and then write the whole sector back to the flash.

Since the flash memory has a limited endurance (how many times it can be erased and re-written), and since you may accidentally get reset or lose power during the flash write process, you will generally use (or write) a "Flash File System" to manage the whole flash memory process. Using a FFS increases the required size of the flash memory, since multiple copies of things are kept at different times (a concept called "journaling").

This wikipedia article gives a pretty good description:

  • #4
Hi berkeman,
I've planned to choose a SD card, and thought the bigger capacity the better. But, will it happen that some of the memory addresses can not be accessed? I chosed the msp430F2274 microcontroller.
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  • #5
Oh, that's an entirely different question than what it appeared you were asking about. There are a number of ways to tackle addressability issues but in this case, it's particularly simple, since the SD card uses a serial interface:

Any uC should be able to fully address any card on the market.

FAQ: How to caculate the needed capacity of the SD flash memory card

1. How do I determine the needed capacity of an SD flash memory card?

To calculate the needed capacity of an SD flash memory card, you will need to consider the size of the files you plan to store on the card. This can include documents, photos, videos, and other types of data. Once you have a rough estimate of the total size of your files, you can then determine the capacity of the SD card needed to store them all.

2. What factors should I consider when calculating the needed capacity of an SD flash memory card?

Aside from the size of your files, you should also consider the future growth of your data. If you anticipate adding more files in the future, it may be wise to choose a higher capacity SD card to accommodate this growth. Additionally, consider the type of files you will be storing as some, such as high-resolution videos, may require more space.

3. How do I convert file sizes to determine the capacity of an SD flash memory card?

You can easily convert file sizes to determine the needed capacity of an SD card. For example, if you have a 2GB file and plan to store 100 of them, you will need a minimum of 200GB of storage space on your SD card (2GB x 100 = 200GB).

4. Is there a maximum capacity for SD flash memory cards?

Yes, there is a maximum capacity for SD flash memory cards. Currently, the maximum capacity for a standard SD card is 2TB (terabytes), while the maximum capacity for a microSD card is 1TB. However, keep in mind that these maximum capacities may change in the future as technology advances.

5. Are there any other factors I should consider when choosing the capacity of an SD flash memory card?

In addition to file size and future growth, you may also want to consider the speed of the SD card. Higher capacity cards may have slower read and write speeds, which can affect the performance of your device. It's important to balance your storage needs with the speed of the card to ensure optimal performance.

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