How to Calculate Axial and Lateral Loads in a Truss System with a Pulley?

In summary, the problem involves calculating the lateral and axial loads on walls given a range of x values and plotting them on a graph. The weight of the tank must be included in the calculation of the vertical force at the center of the pulley. The horizontal component of the force at the center of the pulley should be equal to the horizontal forces at both joint D and joint A. The lateral load on the wall at point B should be equal to the horizontal force at joint B. To relate x to the lateral and axial loads, equations can be derived and plotted for the given range of x values.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Total tank weight (with liquid) is around 3.1kips
Lateral load on wall is defined as 6kips[1-(Faxial/6kips)]^2
Faxial is defined as the axial force along a wall -- maximum allowable is 6kips
Maximum allowable force in any truss member is 7.5kips

Joint B is on a pin support, and Joint A is on a roller support.

I need to plot a graph of axial vs. lateral load on the wall, given an x value range from 20 to 50ft.

Homework Equations

None. This is an FBD balancing problem.

The Attempt at a Solution

I imagined that there is a member extending from point D on the truss to the center of the pulley. Looking at the pulley alone, there should be two forces (horizontal and vertical) acting at the center in order to cancel out the tension applied in the rope. These two forces would be represented by:

T*sin(theta) + W = Y and T*cos(theta) = X

Where T is the tension in the rope from the pulley to point E, W is the weight of the tank, and theta is the angle of elevation of the rope. Theta can be defined as:

theta = arctan(20/x)

The horizontal component on the center of the pulley could be equivalent to the horizontal force acting on joint D (in both directions) because the rod connecting the center of the pulley to point D is stationary. Taking this into account, the lateral load on the wall at point B should be equivalent to the following:


Is this the right way of going about this problem? I need to somehow relate x to the lateral and axial loads on the walls in order to compile a program script that could graph what is required.
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  • #2

Your approach seems to be on the right track. However, there are a few things to consider:

1. The weight of the tank should be included in the calculation of the vertical force at the center of the pulley. So the equation should be T*sin(theta) + W = Y.

2. The horizontal component of the force at the center of the pulley should be equal to the horizontal forces at both joint D and joint A (since the rod connecting the center of the pulley to joint D is stationary). So the equation should be T*cos(theta) = X + F_A where F_A is the horizontal force at joint A.

3. The lateral load on the wall at point B should be equal to the horizontal force at joint B. So the equation should be F_B = T*cos(theta).

4. To relate x to the lateral and axial loads on the walls, you can use the equations above and solve for T and F_A in terms of x.

5. Once you have T and F_A in terms of x, you can substitute them into the given equations for lateral load on the wall and axial force along the wall to get equations in terms of x.

6. Finally, you can plot these equations for the given range of x values to get the desired graph.

Hope this helps!
  • #3

I would first verify that the equations provided in the homework statement are correct and applicable to the given scenario. This can be done by checking the units and dimensions of the given values and equations, and ensuring that they are consistent.

Next, I would suggest creating a free body diagram for the system, including all forces acting on the tank, the pulley, and the truss members. This will help visualize the forces and determine how they are related.

From the given information, it seems that the maximum allowable axial force in any truss member (7.5kips) is less than the maximum axial force allowed in the wall (6kips). This could be a potential issue and should be addressed in the solution.

Regarding the approach to the problem, it seems reasonable to consider the forces acting on the pulley and the truss members. However, it may also be necessary to consider the forces acting on the tank itself, as it is the main load in the system.

To relate x to the lateral and axial loads on the walls, I would suggest considering the equilibrium of forces at each joint in the truss system. This will allow you to determine the forces acting on each member of the truss, and therefore, the forces acting on the walls.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the given information and to approach the problem systematically, considering all relevant forces and equations. As a scientist, it is important to not only find the solution but also to understand the underlying principles and assumptions involved.

FAQ: How to Calculate Axial and Lateral Loads in a Truss System with a Pulley?

1. What is a pulley and truss system?

A pulley and truss system is a mechanical device that uses a combination of pulleys and trusses to distribute and redirect forces. The pulleys are used to change the direction of the force applied, while the trusses provide structural support and stability.

2. How does a pulley and truss system work?

A pulley and truss system works by using multiple pulleys to redirect the force applied to a load. The load is attached to one end of the system, and the force is applied to the other end. As the force is applied, the pulleys distribute the force evenly and redirect it in the desired direction, making it easier to lift or move the load.

3. What are the advantages of using a pulley and truss system?

There are several advantages to using a pulley and truss system. One of the main advantages is that it reduces the amount of force needed to move or lift a heavy load. It also allows for more control and precision in the direction and amount of force applied. Additionally, the use of trusses in the system adds structural stability, making it safer and more efficient.

4. What are some common applications of a pulley and truss system?

Pulley and truss systems have a wide range of applications in various industries. Some common applications include elevators, cranes, and construction equipment. They are also used in theater rigging, rock climbing, and sailing, among others.

5. How do you calculate the mechanical advantage of a pulley and truss system?

The mechanical advantage of a pulley and truss system can be calculated by dividing the load force by the effort force. For example, if the load force is 200 lbs and the effort force is 50 lbs, the mechanical advantage would be 200/50 = 4. This means that the system reduces the amount of force needed to lift or move the load by a factor of 4.

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