How to Calculate Building Height Using Speed of Sound and Physics Equations

  • Thread starter Crush1986
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In summary, the problem involves a physics student dropping a watermelon from the roof of a building and using the sound of the watermelon hitting the ground to calculate the height of the building. The student used the equations D= Vt, X= Xo + 1/2*(Vo+V)*t, and Vf = Vo +a*t in their attempt to solve the problem, but encountered difficulty when trying to determine the time of fall. They eventually realized that the final equation should have a positive coefficient for the first term, not a negative one. This is because the height of the building is a positive number, while the fall itself is a negative number.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A physics student with too much free time drops a water melon from the roof of a building. He hears the sound of the watermelon going "splat" 2.50s later. How high is the building? the speed of sound is 340 m/s. Ignore air resistance.

Homework Equations

D= Vt (to find how fast sound travels from ground back)

X= Xo + 1/2*(Vo+V)*t

Vf = Vo +a*t

The Attempt at a Solution

So I did everything right except one thing. I calculated the height of the building by finding
y= 340m/s*(2.5-t) *t here being time of the melon hitting the ground. I thought Vf was going to equal -9.8t, found by subbing all known info into the equation Vf = Vo +a*t, it turns out that this portion of information must be positive to get the correct answer though it seems.

When all was said and done I tried to solve the problem for time of fall with,
-4.9t^2 + 340t - 850 = 0, this is not the correct formula though to obtain the correct fall time. I found that it has to be, 4.9t^2 + 340t - 850 = 0.

I just can't logically see why the first term is not negative. In the person's answer I was looking at they had, " -y = -1/2*g*t^2 and that simplifying down to y = 4.9t^2.

I just want to see this problem correctly. I'm learning all this on my own to kind of have a head start next semester. I think it's very important that I get the concepts down in stone and can interpret diagrams with no problem.

Thanks for any help! If you need anymore info I can provide it.
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  • #2
Tell us why you think this is valid:

y= 340m/s*(2.5-t) *t

and what starting equation it comes from.
  • #3
You are mixing two different times here (both are called "t" in your equations), the time for the melon to fall down and the time the sound travels from the floor to you.
  • #4
Pythagorean said:
Tell us why you think this is valid:

y= 340m/s*(2.5-t) *t

and what starting equation it comes from.

Sorry the, "*t" isn't supposed to be part of that. I was trying to say y = 340m/s * (2.5 - t), where t is the time of impact. I see now my choice to use an asterisk was a poor one. The equation is in the form D = Vt, this was to solve for the height of the building the 2.5-t was to find the time of the sound wave took to travel from the ground to the top of the building.
  • #5
mfb said:
You are mixing two different times here (both are called "t" in your equations), the time for the melon to fall down and the time the sound travels from the floor to you.

I thought I had that correct. The only problem I saw here was the sign of the coefficient for the first part of my final equation. I just don't see how the final velocity isn't negative. I tried to say which t was which.. I did do it poorly. I should just label one t1 and t2 maybe for my posts here.
  • #6
Well the final equation is a quadratic equation with two solutions, one physical with a positive velocity and one unphysical with a negative one (this would correspond to a cannon, shooting the melon upwards and emitting sound at the same time).
  • #7
mfb said:
Well the final equation is a quadratic equation with two solutions, one physical with a positive velocity and one unphysical with a negative one (this would correspond to a cannon, shooting the melon upwards and emitting sound at the same time).

I know. Really I just want to know why the 4.9t^2 is correct and -4.9t^2 is wrong. I get that for Vf which makes sense. It's a negative velocity because the melon is moving down to Earth and I chose up as my positive y axis.

To get V = -9.8t I used Vf = Vo + at , so, Vf = (0 m/s) + -9.8t again I think it should be negative because the acceleration is downward relative to my perameters.

I then plugged this into the equation Y = Yo + 1/2 * (Vf + Vo) *t, along with the variable for the Y that 340 (2.5-t) where t was the time of impact in this equation.

Lol this is almost scary. I'm in bed away from the books remembering all this perfectly.. This stuff bothers me too much. Haha.
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  • #8
Ok I had an epiphany while dozing off 340(2.5-t) is a positive number, setting it equal to -4.9t^2 isn't possible. It would have to be a positive coefficient. I just don't see how the pure math shows it. Am I missing something? Is using logic here at this step the only way? If so, I feel there could be infinite pitfalls to watch for at every step of problems like these... Scary. Help?
  • #9
I got it I think! I subbed in the height of the building on the left. Yah that is positive but the right side of the equation is for the fall a negative number! The left should be the height of the building but negative to correspond with the fall... I had apples on one side and oranges in the other I suppose... K NOW I can go to sleep.

FAQ: How to Calculate Building Height Using Speed of Sound and Physics Equations

1. What is a logical error?

A logical error is a mistake in a program's algorithm or logic that causes it to produce incorrect or unexpected results. Unlike syntax errors, which prevent a program from running, logical errors may not be immediately apparent and can be challenging to identify.

2. How do I identify a logical error?

Identifying a logical error involves carefully analyzing the program's code and understanding its intended outcomes. It may also require using debugging tools or techniques, such as printing out intermediate values or stepping through the code line by line.

3. What are some common causes of logical errors?

There are several common causes of logical errors, including incorrect assumptions about inputs, incorrect use of conditional statements or loops, and incorrect order of operations. These types of errors can also occur when a programmer overlooks a particular edge case or fails to consider all possible scenarios.

4. How can I prevent logical errors?

One way to prevent logical errors is to write clear, well-organized code that is easy to understand and maintain. It's also important to test your code thoroughly, including edge cases and unexpected inputs, and to use debugging tools to catch any errors that may arise.

5. What should I do if I encounter a logical error?

If you encounter a logical error, the first step is to carefully review your code and try to identify the source of the error. You can also use debugging tools or ask for help from a colleague or mentor. Don't be afraid to take a step back and approach the problem from a different angle if needed.
